Luftwaffe Experten - 1 install
Luftwaffe Experten - 1 install
File Information
- Author SD_MBen
- Uploaded Jan-23-2019, 11:58
- Last Updated Jan-23-2019, 15:44
- Category Single Player Missions
- Total Downloads 708
- Discussion Thread SD_MBen has just uploaded Luftwaffe Experten - 1 install!
- LuftwaffeExperten-1 93.75 MB
Revised and improved Luftwaffe Experten Missions - 1 install. v1.2.
Fly against the Luftwaffe's best!
I have added new Airfields and new Illustrations!
Good Luck!
Fly against the Luftwaffe's best!
I have added new Airfields and new Illustrations!
Good Luck!