Adlertag +2. A day in the life of the fighter pilot's.
Adlertag +2. A day in the life of the fighter pilot's.
File Information
- Author SD_MBen
- Uploaded Oct-03-2016, 19:53
- Last Updated Dec-22-2016, 20:22
- Category Single Player Missions
- Total Downloads 429
- Discussion Thread SD_MBen has just uploaded Adlertag +2. A day in the life of the fighter pilot's.!
- Adlertag.7z 25.4 KB
Martin Baran, Dauntless liked this post
Adlertag ("Eagle Day") was the first day of Unternehmen Adlerangriff ("Operation Eagle Attack"), which was the codename of a military operation by Germanys' Luftwaffe (German air force) to destroy the British Royal Air Force (RAF).
Adlertag +2. A day in the life of the fighter pilot's in The Battle of Britain!
Adlertag +2. A day in the life of the fighter pilot's in The Battle of Britain!