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Thumbnail Damage Your Aircraft
This program will apply various damages to your aircraft. Use the mission menu to drill down to the damage you would like to see.
ATAG_Oskar 16 0 1 Nov-08-2022, 19:22 Nov-08-2022, 19:22
Thumbnail 88mm FLAK gun - US War Department Report
Details on this weapon.
ATAG_Oskar 21 0 1 May-13-2020, 18:32 May-13-2020, 18:32
Thumbnail Basic Script For Multiplayer Rearm And Refuel with Requirements
Basic Script For Multiplayer Rearm And Refuel with Requirements

** Update v3.9: Easier integration into existing missions

Please note:
- This singleplayer mission is not designed to be used on-line.
- This script will not work with Cliffs Of Dover 4.55 or earlier.

* checking for
- aircraft must be on the ground at an airfield
- aircraft may not be damaged
- fuel cocks must be closed
- magnetos must be off
- aircraft must not be moving (set chocks)

* Refuel ...
Artist 73 0 1 Sep-23-2019, 14:42 Oct-01-2019, 15:56
Thumbnail Basic Script For Singleplayer Rearm And Refuel With Requirements
Basic Script For Singleplayer Rearm And Refuel With Requirements

** Update v3.9: Easier integration into existing missions

Please note:
- This singleplayer mission is not designed to be used on-line.
- This script will not work with Cliffs Of Dover 4.55 or earlier.

* checking for
- aircraft must be on the ground at an airfield
- aircraft may not be damaged
- fuel cocks must be closed
- magnetos must be off
- aircraft must not be moving (set chocks)

* Refuel time...
Artist 85 0 1 Sep-23-2019, 14:40 Oct-01-2019, 15:57
Thumbnail Most Basic Script For Rearm And Refuel
Inserts into Order Menu (aka TAB Menu):

4. Mission
1. Rearm
1. Rearm all
2. Rearm guns only
2. Refuel
1. Refuel 100%
2. Refuel 50%
3. Refuel 25%

- Rearm and refuel are immediate, no messages are shown.
- No checks for requirements are are made, so rearm and refuel is possible anywhere anytime:
Even while flying

Please note: This script will not work with Cliffs Of Dover 4.55 or earlier.

@version 1.0
Artist 57 0 1 Sep-23-2019, 14:34 Sep-23-2019, 14:34
Thumbnail Compass Dash Pic
I did a little magic in the Photoshop.
Size 512x512, so the size is larger than the standard Dash pics. But the readability is good.
OBTable 106 0 1 Jan-26-2019, 02:36 Jan-26-2019, 02:39
Thumbnail Mileage
A utility to display your current fuel usage and mission total.

Also version with Imperial units.
ATAG_Oskar 49 0 1 Sep-12-2018, 15:23 Sep-14-2018, 15:57
Thumbnail Gen. Pile post-war report on AA Command
Pile was in charge of AAA for the whole war and this report was published in 1947.
ATAG_Oskar 29 0 1 Jun-02-2018, 10:08 Jun-02-2018, 10:08
Thumbnail Fonts and Numbers
A zip file containing a lot of fonts, kill markings, stencil and emblems that I've gathered from around the net other the past 3 years. Some are 4K some 2 some 1.
BOO 45 0 1 Jan-01-2018, 07:45 Jan-01-2018, 07:45
Thumbnail Axis Wingspan List Dash Pic
A piece of paper with the wingspans of all Axis aircraft (bar the Bf-108 and Fw-200) listed in feet, to help you set up your RAF gunsight.
Cybermat47 155 0 1 Jun-06-2017, 04:55 Jun-06-2017, 04:55

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