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Thumbnail Trackir2 software bundle
As described here its possible to use trackir2 with 64 bits Windows

The zip contains TrackIR_4.1.030.Final.B and 3.13 trackir software
ATAG_Lolsav 41 0 1 Nov-01-2017, 20:28 Nov-01-2017, 20:29
Thumbnail NorksTrackIR5 Profile remember to turn on F7 Smooth do it!
Ok, here is my Track ir profile. You should find that the Y and Z axis are turned off (unchecked). You are better off with out them Trus tme on this one, and give it a go! You may need to tweak smooth and or speed to your liking. Enjoy

Regards Nork
Nork 77 0 1 Aug-28-2017, 06:16 Aug-28-2017, 06:16
Thumbnail Panser's FacetrackNoIR 1.7.2 profile for CloD
OK, this is my configuration file for using FaceTrackNoIR with the point tracker plugin. These settings are specifically based on using a PS3 eye camera with the IR filter removed and a "Superclip" in-line three point IR head tracker. I use this setup in Cliffs of Dover and other games and find it to be quite reliable. Hopefully this will serve as a good starting point for anyone else who wants to configure and use this setup. You will likely need to alter the "model position" numbers, but this ...
Pans 111 0 2 Apr-07-2017, 11:13 Apr-07-2017, 11:15
Thumbnail Highseas Linear Track IR Profile

Got Track IR recently.

Tried a few profiles and none of them work for me.

I can't get on with dead zones it seems "magnetic head snaps to front" not for me!

so I tried setting it up as close to me ED Tracker "opentrack" profile

and this seems to work very well indeed for me.


After reading what Bonitaria said about deadzones on X, Y and Z I revisited this. And I think he's right.

the change is almost unperceptible, but I think... slightly better... not a ...
ATAG_Highseas 79 0 1 Feb-07-2017, 18:06 Feb-11-2017, 12:32
Thumbnail Karaya's TIR5 Profiles
TrackIR5 profiles for use with CloD, DCS, RoF/BoS & WT
Karaya 496 0 1 Jan-27-2017, 12:02 Jan-27-2017, 12:02
Thumbnail Lolsav TrackIr Profile - For CLIP
Hope it helps someone.
ATAG_Lolsav 136 0 1 May-27-2015, 19:27 May-27-2015, 19:27
Thumbnail Gunnys
IL2 tweeked
GunnyMac 88 0 1 May-27-2015, 18:55 May-27-2015, 18:55
Thumbnail Mindle's ClOD, BoS & DCS Profiles for Track IR5
Speed 0.7; Smooth 20; true view ON. Do not engage F7 Precision option (my preference only). Not too extreme in roll, up/down and zoom. Soft Deadzone.
Slightly tweaked & BOS added: Feb 2017.
9./JG52 Mindle 486 0 3 May-27-2015, 07:48 Feb-26-2017, 03:37

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