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Thumbnail Fixed Loop Radio Compass Training Mission
Just a quick training mission on using the Fixed Loop Radio Compass. The objective is to fly a triangular course to Oye Plages airfield, St Omer-Arques airfield, Wissant airfield, then back to Oye Plages airfield. Each airfield has a Long Range Radio Beacon with its own specific radio frequency:

Oye Plages: 302 Khz
St. Omer-Arques: 315 Khz
Wissant: 328 Khz

Simply adjust the Primary Frequency of your radio compass to the respective airfield frequencies, then adjust your flight direction to ...
ATAG_Snapper 32 +1 1 Jul-13-2023, 03:25 Jul-13-2023, 03:25
Thumbnail For your freedom and ours - 303 Squadron

I've made an 18 mission campagin that follows 303 Squadron as best as I can.

Aircraft kills are tracked and displayed after success in a mission and on the second slide caption of the Mission briefing before you fly the next.

The first mission is an intro of sorts, I advise turning off the English radio chatter for this one at least, if not all missions.

There are probably a fair few bugs and is...
Yo-Yo 0 0 93 Apr-06-2023, 08:05 Apr-06-2023, 08:05
Thumbnail Their Finest Hour - success progression

I've added the scripting to define mission success or not, and then whether the campaign progresses, based on safe landing or successful bailout to the 'Their Finest Hour' campaign that comes with the game.

Some of the briedfings wouldn't show for me in flight on the map when you select briefing, I may have messed somethign up with my modding, but I set all of them so they should show.

And I modded the cs, de, es and it briefings as well so they should show the new briefing text and...
Yo-Yo 0 0 93 Mar-15-2023, 11:57 Mar-15-2023, 11:57
Thumbnail The Hardest Day - Mini campaign
I don't think it will upload here so here is a dropbox link:

I'm practicing mission building and have put 6 missions together based on the 18th August 1940 ('The Hardest Day') that form a mini campaign of sorts.

1) These are not truely historical, but I have tried my best with regards to squadrons, flight paths, targets etc. Sources were all on the the web, and so yes, that includes alot of Wiki. Sorry about that. Fuel...
Yo-Yo 0 0 93 Mar-13-2023, 19:51 Mar-13-2023, 19:51
Thumbnail Eagles Over Tobruk - success progression

I've added my basic mission success script to the 'Eagles Over Tobruk' campaign (and a couple of failure screens).

As with the other MOD I tried to upload I get a JSON error when I try to upload, so I will put a drop box in the discussion thread.

As before, thanks go to whoever made the missions in the first place and to the people who answered my scripting questions.
Yo-Yo 0 0 93 Feb-28-2023, 18:12 Feb-28-2023, 18:12
Thumbnail Desert Hawks - success progression

I've added some basic mission success and failure scripting to the Desert Hawks campaign. English language only I'm afraid*. I found it quite jarring to always see a mission faiulure screen regardless of what happened in the mission, and then to continue anyway.

You can progress to the next mission provided you land safely, or indeed even just bail out. This isn't a very strict ironman (I hear that is not popular), but does hopefully mean there is a bit more immersion to flying the mis...
Yo-Yo 0 0 92 Feb-26-2023, 07:49 Feb-26-2023, 07:49
Thumbnail Battle Of France Campaign
Battle Of France Campaign
All credit to the original creators.
Screamadelica 154 0 1 Mar-12-2022, 04:41 Mar-12-2022, 04:41
Thumbnail First Missions
Hello: I just returned to COD after a very long time; I also just purchased Tobruk. So far I'm pleasantly surprised by the gameplay of both.
Mainly as a test of how my machine would handle large numbers of aircraft, I created these missions. It's basically short: the Luftwaffe has sent waves of He111s against the London docks area, along with escort. Spitfires and Hurricanes attack. This is my first mission attempts, and they're pretty basic. Enjoy.
keninkansas 59 0 1 Aug-29-2021, 19:34 Aug-29-2021, 19:34
Thumbnail Parked Wellington
Simple mission to practice take off with the Wellington.

Use Custom to switch aircraft.
ATAG_Oskar 54 0 1 Jan-14-2021, 19:09 Jan-14-2021, 19:09
Thumbnail Dynamic Campaign by theOden 2020
Just in case some one would miss the original post, and also for backup purpose.
It includes dynamic campaigns for both channel map and desert map.

Check the original post here:
fenbeiduo 393 0 1 Nov-23-2020, 12:15 Nov-23-2020, 19:14
Thumbnail Canyon Run Variations
Here are two variations of the Canyon Run mission ( uploaded by Oskar:

Canyonrun - reverse

It is basically the same mission as Oskar's, except that it goes the other way round to fly downhills instead of uphills. It starts all the way south and ends in Derna.

Other changes:

time set to late afternoon (better lighting in my opinion)
HUD now shows time, both average altitudes above ground and above...
ATAG_Noofy 48 0 1 Nov-17-2020, 03:41 Nov-24-2020, 03:50
Thumbnail Canyon Run
This is a timed run through the Wadi Derna running south of the Port of Derna.
Fly over the red cone to start the timer. Blue cones are located along the path to guide you to the finish cone.
You will see a continuous readout of your time and average altitude.
ATAG_Oskar 66 +2 1 Nov-14-2020, 19:24 Nov-23-2020, 18:16
Thumbnail Bristol Beaufighter campaign in Channel map.
Fictional campaign with No. 219 Squadron Bristol Beaufighter based in Ramsgate, without much historic compromise, but with gameplay.

Campaign by Piper Kiev (2020), translation from Russian (Google Translator) and adaptation* by Sokol1 = 1lokoS, tested in BLITZ 5.010.

For install see the instructions in the text file included in the ZIP file.

* "Adaptation" = simplifications or add in briefings.

- Escort bombers
- Interception, including at night
- Ground attack in France (airfields...
1lokos 650 +1 1 Oct-28-2020, 22:12 Nov-02-2020, 00:30
Thumbnail Drogo Rescue
Single Player mission: "Drogo Rescue".

"On 23 May 1940 54 Squadron Pilot Officer All Deere took part in a daring rescue operation. He and Pilot Officer Allen escorted their flight commander, James "Prof" Leathart, to France where he was to land a Miles Master trainer and pick up the CO of 74 Squadron F.L. "Drogo" White who had made a forced landing on the airfield at Calais-Marck after being damage by the return fire of an Henschel Hs 126. The pick-up was made, with Allen watching from 8000...
1lokos 91 0 1 Sep-26-2020, 18:35 Sep-27-2020, 01:38
Thumbnail Searchlight of Tobruk - small mission to show off the Searchlights
Just copy the file into:

MyDocuments\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\missions\Single

Load the game, go to Single Mission and choose "Searchlights of Tobruk"

The Searchlights test mission was created by No.54_Reddog and I have edited to add flak, a few more aircraft and put the player in a Tomahawk Rtopical variant as the He-111's approach Tobruk.

Please note, this was a test mission to see what the Searchlights look like. There is no end to the mission, the bombers are not...
Mysticpuma 55 0 1 Aug-27-2020, 06:36 Aug-27-2020, 06:36
Thumbnail Heinkel He 111 interception
An single mission for training aim against a lonely He 111 and navigation and fuel management skills trying return to Hawkinge.
And for test scripts using voice samples of Speech folder.

Extract files for a folder renamed "He 111 interception" (for keep "Single" folder organized) in
...Documentos\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\missions\Single\He 111 interception.
1lokos 122 0 1 Jul-26-2020, 18:51 Jul-27-2020, 19:37
Thumbnail Quick Mission - Scramble - Ford
A flight of Hurricanes scramble of Ford airfield for intercept incoming German planes.

Extract the files for

...Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\mission\quick
1lokos 169 0 1 Jul-18-2020, 01:26 Jul-26-2020, 18:56
Thumbnail Large formation of fighters and bombers meet for battle at contrail height
Honestly, nothing but 6 very short quick combat battles in the contrail zone above a snow covered France.
Six Missions.
3 with weather, 3 without.
Each Mission can be flown from either a Spitfire, 109 or 110. Exactly the same mission, just given a choice from a different side. Spitfires are escorting Wellingtons. Wellingtons are not going to drop bombs, this is simply a meeting in the sky between two adversaries to have some fun in the contrail zone......and there is flak too

Cheers, MP
Mysticpuma 186 +1 1 Jun-25-2019, 08:08 Jun-25-2019, 08:08
Thumbnail Dunkirk - Operation "Dynamo" SP Campaign. Hurricane.
Credit to Piper_Kiev for this campaign.
Thanks to 1lokos for "repacking" and improving it's features!
I have added No.213 Squadron. (Hurricane).
During Operation "Dynamo" (British, French and Belgian troops are cut off by the German army during the Battle of France at Dunkirk), Hawker Hurricanes operated from British bases are helping with the evacuation.
No.213 Squadron was withdrawn from Merville during the Battle of France to England, from where it flew constant patrols over ...
SD_MBen 3,077 +2 2 Feb-20-2019, 12:40 Mar-26-2019, 15:53
Thumbnail Spitfires Against All Odds
Spitfires Against All Odds!

You're piloting a Spitfire MK1a 100 octane with your flight approaching Occupied France when you spot a huge formation of Heinkel 111's approaching you. Here's a quick mission to practice your gunnery (and survival) skills...but watch out! Some nasty surprises await you and your mates.

Good luck!


load this mission into C:/Documents/1C Softclub/il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover/missions/Single

Thanks to: Colander for the original basic mission (now ...
ATAG_Snapper 389 +1 1 Feb-09-2019, 17:25 Jun-24-2019, 21:20

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