For your freedom and ours - 303 Squadron
For your freedom and ours - 303 Squadron
File Information
- Author Yo-Yo
- Uploaded Apr-06-2023, 08:05
- Last Updated Apr-06-2023, 08:05
- Category Single Player Missions
- Total Downloads 0
- Discussion Thread Yo-Yo has just uploaded For your freedom and ours - 303 Squadron!
I've made an 18 mission campagin that follows 303 Squadron as best as I can.
Aircraft kills are tracked and displayed after success in a mission and on the second slide caption of the Mission briefing before you fly the next.
The first mission is an intro of sorts, I advise turning off the English radio chatter for this one at least, if not all missions.
There are probably a fair few bugs and issues remaining but it seems playable on my tests so far. I'll look to fix/update things I come across. For example I will most likely increase the gunnery of all fighters.
Not tested for VR, Truesky etc. as I am a normal user/customer.
Needs Tobruk I think, (if you play Cliffs at all, get Tobruk). I can't be bothered filtering out the Tobruk parts, objects etc.!
Some missions have randomised elements to them so they shouldn't play out exactly the same on different play throughs.
I have of course used 'artistic license' where I couldn't get information and to pad out missions. My intro is not historically accurate, but to represent the first activity.
Sources used include:
'For your freedom and ours' by Olsen and Cloud. A very good read.
Wikipedia - battle of britain and 303 squadron pages etc.
Imperial war museum
For me the story of 303 is perhaps the epitome of the Battle of Britain. It demonstrates the diversity of nationalities of the 'few' who took part, something that is still not widely known to the general public and will prehaps start to fade even more. It represents the 'World' nature of the war, how people were relocated by it, how they fought in places unknown to them before the war, with people they may never have met, and the general complex nature of the war and political situation in so many ways.
I hope you enjoy it, and positive, or er, gentle feedback is welcome.
I've made an 18 mission campagin that follows 303 Squadron as best as I can.
Aircraft kills are tracked and displayed after success in a mission and on the second slide caption of the Mission briefing before you fly the next.
The first mission is an intro of sorts, I advise turning off the English radio chatter for this one at least, if not all missions.
There are probably a fair few bugs and issues remaining but it seems playable on my tests so far. I'll look to fix/update things I come across. For example I will most likely increase the gunnery of all fighters.
Not tested for VR, Truesky etc. as I am a normal user/customer.
Needs Tobruk I think, (if you play Cliffs at all, get Tobruk). I can't be bothered filtering out the Tobruk parts, objects etc.!
Some missions have randomised elements to them so they shouldn't play out exactly the same on different play throughs.
I have of course used 'artistic license' where I couldn't get information and to pad out missions. My intro is not historically accurate, but to represent the first activity.
Sources used include:
'For your freedom and ours' by Olsen and Cloud. A very good read.
Wikipedia - battle of britain and 303 squadron pages etc.
Imperial war museum
For me the story of 303 is perhaps the epitome of the Battle of Britain. It demonstrates the diversity of nationalities of the 'few' who took part, something that is still not widely known to the general public and will prehaps start to fade even more. It represents the 'World' nature of the war, how people were relocated by it, how they fought in places unknown to them before the war, with people they may never have met, and the general complex nature of the war and political situation in so many ways.
I hope you enjoy it, and positive, or er, gentle feedback is welcome.