Eagles Over Tobruk - success progression
Eagles Over Tobruk - success progression
File Information
- Author Yo-Yo
- Uploaded Feb-28-2023, 18:12
- Last Updated Feb-28-2023, 18:12
- Category Single Player Missions
- Total Downloads 0
- Discussion Thread Yo-Yo has just uploaded Eagles Over Tobruk - success progression!
I've added my basic mission success script to the 'Eagles Over Tobruk' campaign (and a couple of failure screens).
As with the other MOD I tried to upload I get a JSON error when I try to upload, so I will put a drop box in the discussion thread.
As before, thanks go to whoever made the missions in the first place and to the people who answered my scripting questions.
I've added my basic mission success script to the 'Eagles Over Tobruk' campaign (and a couple of failure screens).
As with the other MOD I tried to upload I get a JSON error when I try to upload, so I will put a drop box in the discussion thread.
As before, thanks go to whoever made the missions in the first place and to the people who answered my scripting questions.