Panser's FacetrackNoIR 1.7.2 profile for CloD


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Panser's FacetrackNoIR 1.7.2 profile for CloD

File Information


  • FTNoIR.jpg 70.0 KB
  • Panser FTNoIR IR 1.4 KB

OK, this is my configuration file for using FaceTrackNoIR with the point tracker plugin. These settings are specifically based on using a PS3 eye camera with the IR filter removed and a "Superclip" in-line three point IR head tracker. I use this setup in Cliffs of Dover and other games and find it to be quite reliable. Hopefully this will serve as a good starting point for anyone else who wants to configure and use this setup. You will likely need to alter the "model position" numbers, but this can be autocalibrated in FTNoIR if you don't know the precise measurements.

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