The Hardest Day - Mini campaign


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The Hardest Day - Mini campaign

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I don't think it will upload here so here is a dropbox link:

I'm practicing mission building and have put 6 missions together based on the 18th August 1940 ('The Hardest Day') that form a mini campaign of sorts.

1) These are not truely historical, but I have tried my best with regards to squadrons, flight paths, targets etc. Sources were all on the the web, and so yes, that includes alot of Wiki. Sorry about that. Fuel and weapons are probably all over the place too, the Heinkells can probably fly to the moon and back, but well, that's something I'll look at for another project.
2) I've spammed loads of aircraft, its a bit like leaving me with an open biscuit packet, there's just no stopping. It seems to work ok on my 'definitely not cutting edge' pc, I got a tiny bit of stutter in testing but only over dense urban areas, and I think that is regardless of my aircraft spam and was definitely not enough to spoil my fun (I do have low standards though).
3) The aircraft spam is for a reason. Firstly it is to try and represent the actual events and volume of aircraft, but also to ensure the missions and environment have things going on over time and away from your intended path to hopefully allow you to still find something interesting even if you fly off the intended waypoints a bit.
4) This is all for fun. The intention is to take up a Hurricane or Spitfire depending on the mission and just shoot things in a busy environment. The balance of the sides may be off, but my aim is really to have visuals and of course things to tangle with.
5) There is a bit of simple scripting that requires you to land or at least bail to progress to the next mission. This is just because whilst it is about fun for me, I think it is important to value your virtual life and fear your vitrual death to an extent, so to,... well,... be dissapointed at least with death.
6) Whilst there is this 'progression' you are not flying the same pilot or squadron, the 6 missions jump about the south of England. A sample of many dips you could say, rather than just hogging the same bowl of hummus.
7) Apologies again, it's all English language.

There is a readme with install instructions for those who don't know how to add a custom campaign. And please do scan for viruses (I have before zipping and uploading but there's no harm being careful)



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