- Star Citizen - due 2014?
- Gift limit at $1000
- Cliffs of Dover - Star Citizen affiliation (CloDSCA ??)
- Star Citizen on Occulus Rift
- [FIX] All your ships not showing in your hangar
- Hornet Sale is up !
- New fan video made by Injerin for Star Citizen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Warning!!
- ANON6 boys are ramping up on SC!
- Just about to hit $32million
- Avenger
- Cliffs of Dover Pilots Alliance - Organisations
- For those interested in Star Citizen
- Hanger module: Crash on loading?
- LTI Ships for Sale! from ANON6
- IDRIS Corvette is now a FRIGATE
- Dog Fighting Module Pax East Live Stream
- 42 Million!
- Win a Idris Contest!
- Arena Commander Launched!
- Warthog Button numbering - in case you want to change mapping
- Training videos
- Joystick or Mouse?
- I'm In
- Injerin playing around in his hanger lol
- My personal video and theme...
- The best song for Star Citizen (video) of my jukebox in the hanger :)
- Old video of Arena Commander!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I wish they would make another WC!
- Slow download times :sigh:
- New Vid, after patch.... LOVE it :)
- Question about Star Citizen and Arena Commander.
- PAX FPS demo
- Well.. Check this out got to love Star Citizen
- what is a good starter package
- New damage model
- Windows 10 and Star citizen.
- Track IR and Star Citizen
- Anyone help me with Warthog and Rudder pedals setup
- 1.2 out! (Social/Planetside module) (also looking for AC wingman)
- 2.0 in alpha testing
- Easy start guide for flight simmers for SC
- Well, this is bloody disappointing,...