View Full Version : Star Citizen

  1. Star Citizen - due 2014?
  2. Gift limit at $1000
  3. Cliffs of Dover - Star Citizen affiliation (CloDSCA ??)
  4. Star Citizen on Occulus Rift
  5. [FIX] All your ships not showing in your hangar
  6. Hornet Sale is up !
  7. New fan video made by Injerin for Star Citizen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Warning!!
  9. ANON6 boys are ramping up on SC!
  10. Just about to hit $32million
  11. Avenger
  12. Cliffs of Dover Pilots Alliance - Organisations
  13. For those interested in Star Citizen
  14. Hanger module: Crash on loading?
  15. LTI Ships for Sale! from ANON6
  16. IDRIS Corvette is now a FRIGATE
  17. Dog Fighting Module Pax East Live Stream
  18. 42 Million!
  19. Win a Idris Contest!
  20. Arena Commander Launched!
  21. Warthog Button numbering - in case you want to change mapping
  22. Training videos
  23. Joystick or Mouse?
  24. I'm In
  25. Injerin playing around in his hanger lol
  26. My personal video and theme...
  27. The best song for Star Citizen (video) of my jukebox in the hanger :)
  28. Old video of Arena Commander!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  29. I wish they would make another WC!
  30. Slow download times :sigh:
  31. New Vid, after patch.... LOVE it :)
  32. Question about Star Citizen and Arena Commander.
  33. PAX FPS demo
  34. Well.. Check this out got to love Star Citizen
  35. what is a good starter package
  36. New damage model
  37. Windows 10 and Star citizen.
  38. Track IR and Star Citizen
  39. Anyone help me with Warthog and Rudder pedals setup
  40. 1.2 out! (Social/Planetside module) (also looking for AC wingman)
  41. 2.0 in alpha testing
  42. Easy start guide for flight simmers for SC
  43. Well, this is bloody disappointing,...