View Full Version : Team Fusion Updates
- Friday Update 12/21/12: No-sunglare-in-the-propeller mod
- Update 12/22/12: HD Cloud Improvement
- Friday Update 12/22/12: Weathering fix
- Progress Update 01/04/13: Screenies
- Friday update 01/19/13: Some update screenies!
- Friday Update 01/20/13: Contrail Teasers
- Update 01/21/13 WIP Video Contrails
- Update 02/03/13: Funny Blunders!
- Update 02/23/13: Some Spitfire goodness
- Update: video weathering effects currently being worked on by Team Fusion
- Update 02/19/13: WIP - A few screenies that speak for themselves!!
- Update 02/21/13: Playable Vehicles and Tanks
- Update 02/25/13: Flyable Aircraft for First Release
- Friday Update: Snarglepuss' Blennie
- Friday Update 08/03/2013. Video
- Update 03/15/13: Mapwork in progress
- Update 03/15/13: 'tongue-in-cheek' we are now ;)
- Update 03/18/13: Netcode and MP REJOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Breaking the 100 barrier
- Friday 3/22/13 - Map LOD's, A/C Carrier, Malta
- Team Fusion Wiki updated with RAF and Luftwaffe Ammunition Info
- Friday update 12 April 2013 - Video showing terrain detail work in progress
- Saturday Update 05/11/13: Visual Effects WIP video - enjoy
- Friday Update 06/20/13: Some silly eye-candy
- Friday update 28 June -WIP video made by Hawkzz
- Friday Update 5th July - Reflection Revamp
- Friday Update 12th July - Clouds
- Team Fusion Friday Update -Some work on the night time environment
- Friday Update 26/07/2013 - Sound Engine
- Friday Update 2 August 2013: Night Moves
- New DeWilde Ammunition
- TF Friday Update 09/08/2013 -Optimizations
- TF Friday Update 16/08/2013 -White puffs
- Friday update - August 23rd us, it's a good one ;)
- Team Fusion Friday 30th August 2013 - Double Update ;)
- Team Fusion Friday 30th August 2013 - Double Update - Part 2
- Team Fusion Friday Update September 6th 2013
- Friday Update September 13th 2013 - Drivable vehicles and something extra ;)
- Team Fusion Friday Update - September 20th 2013 - Textures
- Team Fusion Friday Update - 27th September 2013 - Particle Effects
- May not be a Friday Update
- A little bonus update showing my work on the Bf109E's
- Friday Update - Late. Meet some new ships
- Friday Update - October 11th 2013 - The route to patch v4.00 ;)
- Turn - it - up!
- Sunday 13th of October Update - Beta testing of Release Candidate is underway
- Final screenshots for the Bf109E skinpacks
- Team Fusion Monday 14th October 213 - Patch 4 testing progress report
- Team Fusion -Tuesday October 15th Patch v4 progress
- Team Fusion Update - October 16th 2013 - Patch v4.00 Promo Video release - link
- Team Fusion Update - October 17th 2013 - Patch v4.00 readme file
- Questions on patch 4.0
- PC Pilot Article
- Team Fusion Update Oct 17th 2013 - Please Read this re. Patch v4.00 .zip files
- Team Fusion 17th October 2013 - Patch 4 final progress report before Friday launch :)
- Ok People, got one question: Are you ready to rock?
- Unintended consequences
- Friday, October 18, Pre-Release update
- Justba quick Friday update about Patch release delay - Don't Panic! ;)
- Team Fusion Patch v4.00 is in the Releases, Mods, Patches thread - just so you know
- Maximum dive speeds and wing damage
- Patch 4.0
- Team Fusion Friday update 25th October 2013 – what does the future hold?
- No smoke and flammes on my plane
- Team Fusion Friday Update - November 8th 2013 - v5.00 WiP new beginnings ;)
- is TF investigating the game freeze at plane selection?
- Team Fusion Friday Update - 22nd November 2013 - Bits and Bobs ;)
- ¿It would be a new axis curve config menu?
- Team Fusion Friday Update - December 6th 2013 - onwards and upwards
- When it's quiet, it's not...
- Team Fusion Friday Update January 3rd 2014 - Testing still continues for v4.01
- Team Fusion Friday Update - January 17th 2014 - Video showcase of new features ;)
- Please help I think I TOTALLY messed UP!!
- Team Fusion update - January 19th 2014 - small video clip - reflection and bump map
- Team Fusion update - January 31st 2014 - Are we there yet?
- Team Fusion Update - Feb 14th 2014 - Happy Valentine's it's not ready!
- Team Fusion small update - Feb 21st 2014 - Facebook ;)
- Team Fusion update - February 2014 - Ditching the collar and tie
- Strange Blue Lights
- Team Fusion Update March 7, 2014 Draft 4.2 Read_Me
- New engine fire effect update - Video originally planned for release on March 7th
- Team Fusion WiP upcoming patch v4.3 - Into the heart of the Flak
- Team Fusion Update video March 13th 2014 - A Taste of Fusion
- Any News on the Hedgerows and Refuel/Rearm?
- Team Fusion Patch v4.3 - Release date is expected to be March 17th 2014 ;)
- Team Fusion March 14th 2014 - The 'non-draft' Team Fusion v4.3 readme
- Team Fusion Patch v4.3 delayed until March 18th 2014. Here's the great reason!
- 3D Modellers/Texture Artists - Team Fusion want your help. Do you want to join us?
- Secret bug fix for TF patch 4.3. What's your guess?
- Team Fusion Patch v4.3 will be released at 6.00pm GMT today March 18th 2014 ;)
- Dynamic windsocks TF4.3
- Team Fusion March 27th 2014 Update - A small hotfix on the way
- TF4.3 flame burst in the smoke
- Team Fusion (small) update - April 5th 2014 - Preparing hotfix for release
- TF probably have Bf 109 fires correct
- some general guidelines about pasting/ posting aircraft data
- Team Fusion Friday Update May 2nd 2014 - and we're off again
- Cannot start Desastersoft campaign
- Team Fusion Update May 30th 2014 - 3D Modellers TF Needs You! Plus more info :)
- Team Fusion Update June 13th 2014 - Honestly, yes, you did see that :)
- Got big problems with the patch.....Pls help.
- Request for Help from Team Fusion...
- Team Fusion Update - June 27th 2014 - Effects work + cloudy with a chance of fps :)
- Team Fusion Update - July 25th 2014 - Tiger Moth
- 4.3 ??????
- Steam problems
- Bofors lack of effect!
- Team Fusion Update - August 29th 2014 - Building from the ground up :)
- Question about splines and the .misroads file
- How to stop Automatic Updates under newest version of Steam?
- Too quiet...
- Team Fusion Update - September 26th 2014 - A life on the ocean wave
- Problem installing TF 4.312
- I want one Dewoitine 520
- Team Fusion Update – October 17th 2014 – The Green, Green Grass of Home
- New Nvidia Grass software
- Team Fusion now have a Youtube Channel, here's the link :)
- Team Fusion Update (small!!) - November 7th 2014 - Sneak peak :)
- When I first saw the newATAG "Visual Damage" vid I was all excited because...
- Team Fusion Update – November 14th 2014 – Building Blocks
- HMS Kelly. K-Class destoyer - new modeller wanted to continue project for TF
- True 4k video and some goodies
- Please a peek at Patch 5
- Team Fusion Update - December 12th 2014 - Cause and effects
- Is there a list of what changes occur with each of the five MODs we install ?
- Norton reports virus when installing Team Fusion patch 4
- Team Fusion Update January 23rd 2015 - Real Life
- Up
- Team Fusion Update - Feb 13th 2015 - A few more bits and pieces
- Luckiest/Most Successful moment in CloD
- Team Fusion Update - March 13th 2015 - England and beyond?
- 12 months on
- Team Fusion Update March 27th 2015 - Learning to Fly (and some awesome stuff! :) )
- Is there a chance for this Heinkel promised by tUbisoft:
- Bugtracker votes
- 5./JG26 Peete already shot the first one
- Modeling Bible
- If you are on Facebook and would like to add Team Fusion and spread the word.......
- Introducing new damage varients in the game...
- PC Powerplay Team Fusion Interview - article now available online to read
- Team Fusion got the mirrors working!!!
- Team Fusion Update April 27th 2015 - A little bit of everything
- Chuck_Owl's Guide to flying the aircraft in Cliffs of Dover link here :)
- Team Fusion WIP Wellington gun turrets ?
- Team Fusion Update June 12th 2015 - Just proving we're still alive :)
- Does anyone have a copy of the Gloster Gladiator book linked here?
- Team Fusion Update - July 3rd 2015 - Mapping the sounds :)
- Team Fusion Update July 24th 2015 - Just a small update from the trenches
- Message to Community regarding Status of TF 5.0
- Team Fusion Update - August 28th 2015 - Can you see the difference?
- Team Fusion Update: Bf-110's for TF 5.0
- P-40's added in 5.0?
- Team Fusion Update - October 9th 2015 - Coming along nicely :)
- Team Fusion could really do with some help with the following 3D model/coding request
- it is ....
- Team Fusion Update - December 4th 2015 - A message from the front lines :)
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the community from everyone at Team Fusion
- Thanks
- Team Fusion Update - January 22nd 2016 - Light at the end of the tunnel switched on
- Can anyone help with high resolution images of the 109 F-4 cockpit in Ottawa?
- Order tree and full editor
- Norway/Biscay/Germany map for TF 5.0?
- Team Fusion Update - February 17th 2016 - Tiny sneak peek that's all :)
- Ok, so here's a little extra: Oculus Rift for CoD
- et tu Bf-108
- Any plans to remove reliance on steam for servers
- Onward and upwards....2000 likes on Facebook. Thanks for the support :)
- Team Fusion Update April 1st 2016 – Unfortunate date aside…here goes :)
- Team Fusion v5.00 video
- Tiger Moth pilot notes
- Downloadable data sheets and pilots notes
- macchi 202
- Update on no Updates...
- From the "Update on no Updates"
- CoDover, how to tell if patches are installed
- P40 for Cliff of Dover images posted on Steam. Modelled by a TF volunteer
- Update today
- Team Fusion Update - June 24th 2016 - And the work continues.
- Clipped wing Spitfires in TF 5.0?
- Being Grateful
- For those still confussed on which VR headset to get for flight sims
- Merlin engines stall and negativ G
- New channel map to atract more players.
- Team Fusion Update - July 31st 2016 - The New Map/Theatre
- What are the odds of restricting pilot movement a bit?
- Can we discuss possible new online missions yet?
- How High a Priority is Fixing AI?
- TF5 map work live stream
- Regarding SP loadouts and takeoffs
- If your game broke with Steam patch or you want to backup your Modded game-Read this!
- Is there a list of changes available for viewing planned for TF MOD 5 ?
- ATTENTION ALL: Before you install the latest Steam Beta update for CLIFFS OF DOVER
- Team Fusion Update - August 25th 2016 - The Story so far
- TF Campaign no longer functions even after reinstallation.
- If someone can help me get the TF Campaign running again, I'll donate $20.
- Jason Williams discusses Team Fusion and the North Africa Mod during a Q&A on BoS
- Team Fusion Update - October 1st 2016 - Just a little teaser to keep you going :)
- Team Fusion Wellington Mk1 WIP ?
- If we gave TF v5.00 name what would you suggest?
- Me110 incorrect cockpit thread on 1C forum
- Hi All
- Sorry for the lack of news/updates. We're working hard but have little to show.
- How to remove and replace COD?
- Chain Home Low at Tobruk
- Team Fusion Update - December 2nd 2016 - Just a brief update to keep you going :)
- Team Fusion and 1C Games sign Agreement in Principle - Dec 21st 2016
- Question concerning new edition of the game
- Maybe now we could dream a little bit more
- Source Code ,who will have access ?
- What if WE, the Community could help?
- Guidelines for applicants who wish to make 3D models for TFS - can you help?
- Just created a new 'sticky' for those who wish to apply to make 3D models for TFS
- TFS update Jan 29th 2017 - Regarding the "Deal in Principle" between TFS and 1C
- TFS tiny update. Something for the mid-week crowd. :)
- TFS Update - 21-02-2017 - Link to a small update showing some new WiP
- A few work in progress images of the P-40E - basic paint-scheme - no detail :)
- 3 pictures of the 109F external model WiP cheers
- Allied flyables
- TFS update - Gladiator MK.II images in-game - Work in Progress :)
- TFS - Yes, now it is official - We have signed the agreement with 1C - Link here :)
- Team Fusion Simulations Update - In-game footage of the Gladiator MK.II
- Would the Developers have chosen a different path if they had the source earlier?
- Team Fusion Simulations patch v4.312 is now available via Steam
- TF 5.0 Trailer!
- TFS Update 06-04-2017 - Some of the Channel Map, work in progress
- Steam updated version, game no longer starts *FIXED*
- Happy Easter Aeronautica Macchi pilots :) cheers, TFS
- Will problems with Nvidia drivers and Win 7 update KB2670838 be fixed now?
- Start and load screen photo's!
- Time to move on. Leaving Team Fusion - Thanks for the good times, cheers, Mysticpuma
- TFS Update 04/28/2017. Just a note
- 4K Monitor and flying with a bag over your head
- AI Commands and Routines: TFS Update 05/19/2017
- TFS Update 05/26/2017: Patch 4.5 details
- Team Fusion Update 6/12/2017: D.520
- Skin preview: TF4.5 Update 16 June 20117 (part 1)
- TF 5.0 flyable A/C
- Opportunity to Expand the CoD in a New Direction in TF 5.0-Capturing/Flipping Fields
- Dunkirk trailer, inspired by Cliffs of Dover?
- On Colour Schemes, Personalisation and Stuff
- Skin preview: TF4.5 Update 25 June 2017 (part 2) Beaufighters ... continued
- What area will be covered by the new TF 5.0 Tobruk map?
- Will the Blenni IVF have bombs?
- My 1st and likely only TF4.5,TF5 request
- Oculus VR and BoX
- Skin preview: TF4.5 Update 17 July 2017 Blenheims part 1
- TFS Update 07/22/2017: The Last Steps
- Skin preview: TF4.5 Update 25 July 2017 Blenheims part 2
- TFS Update 07/29/2017: FPS with mirror and tree collisions
- Official TFS skin update for TF4.5, July 31 2017. Spitfire, Hurricane, Wellington
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