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  1. Friday Update 12/21/12: No-sunglare-in-the-propeller mod
  2. Update 12/22/12: HD Cloud Improvement
  3. Friday Update 12/22/12: Weathering fix
  4. Progress Update 01/04/13: Screenies
  5. Friday update 01/19/13: Some update screenies!
  6. Friday Update 01/20/13: Contrail Teasers
  7. Update 01/21/13 WIP Video Contrails
  8. Update 02/03/13: Funny Blunders!
  9. Update 02/23/13: Some Spitfire goodness
  10. Update: video weathering effects currently being worked on by Team Fusion
  11. Update 02/19/13: WIP - A few screenies that speak for themselves!!
  12. Update 02/21/13: Playable Vehicles and Tanks
  13. Update 02/25/13: Flyable Aircraft for First Release
  14. Friday Update: Snarglepuss' Blennie
  15. Friday Update 08/03/2013. Video
  16. Update 03/15/13: Mapwork in progress
  17. Update 03/15/13: 'tongue-in-cheek' we are now ;)
  18. Update 03/18/13: Netcode and MP REJOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Breaking the 100 barrier
  20. Friday 3/22/13 - Map LOD's, A/C Carrier, Malta
  21. Team Fusion Wiki updated with RAF and Luftwaffe Ammunition Info
  22. Friday update 12 April 2013 - Video showing terrain detail work in progress
  23. Saturday Update 05/11/13: Visual Effects WIP video - enjoy
  24. Friday Update 06/20/13: Some silly eye-candy
  25. Friday update 28 June -WIP video made by Hawkzz
  26. Friday Update 5th July - Reflection Revamp
  27. Friday Update 12th July - Clouds
  28. Team Fusion Friday Update -Some work on the night time environment
  29. Friday Update 26/07/2013 - Sound Engine
  30. Friday Update 2 August 2013: Night Moves
  31. New DeWilde Ammunition
  32. TF Friday Update 09/08/2013 -Optimizations
  33. TF Friday Update 16/08/2013 -White puffs
  34. Friday update - August 23rd 2013.....trust us, it's a good one ;)
  35. Team Fusion Friday 30th August 2013 - Double Update ;)
  36. Team Fusion Friday 30th August 2013 - Double Update - Part 2
  37. Team Fusion Friday Update September 6th 2013
  38. Friday Update September 13th 2013 - Drivable vehicles and something extra ;)
  39. Team Fusion Friday Update - September 20th 2013 - Textures
  40. Team Fusion Friday Update - 27th September 2013 - Particle Effects
  41. May not be a Friday Update
  42. A little bonus update showing my work on the Bf109E's
  43. Friday Update - Late. Meet some new ships
  44. Friday Update - October 11th 2013 - The route to patch v4.00 ;)
  45. Turn - it - up!
  46. Sunday 13th of October Update - Beta testing of Release Candidate is underway
  47. Final screenshots for the Bf109E skinpacks
  48. Team Fusion Monday 14th October 213 - Patch 4 testing progress report
  49. Team Fusion -Tuesday October 15th Patch v4 progress
  50. Team Fusion Update - October 16th 2013 - Patch v4.00 Promo Video release - link
  51. Team Fusion Update - October 17th 2013 - Patch v4.00 readme file
  52. Questions on patch 4.0
  53. PC Pilot Article
  54. Team Fusion Update Oct 17th 2013 - Please Read this re. Patch v4.00 .zip files
  55. Team Fusion 17th October 2013 - Patch 4 final progress report before Friday launch :)
  56. Ok People, got one question: Are you ready to rock?
  57. Unintended consequences
  58. Friday, October 18, Pre-Release update
  59. Justba quick Friday update about Patch release delay - Don't Panic! ;)
  60. Team Fusion Patch v4.00 is in the Releases, Mods, Patches thread - just so you know
  61. Maximum dive speeds and wing damage
  62. Patch 4.0
  63. Team Fusion Friday update 25th October 2013 – what does the future hold?
  64. No smoke and flammes on my plane
  65. Team Fusion Friday Update - November 8th 2013 - v5.00 WiP new beginnings ;)
  66. is TF investigating the game freeze at plane selection?
  67. Team Fusion Friday Update - 22nd November 2013 - Bits and Bobs ;)
  68. ¿It would be a new axis curve config menu?
  69. Team Fusion Friday Update - December 6th 2013 - onwards and upwards
  70. When it's quiet, it's not...
  71. Team Fusion Friday Update January 3rd 2014 - Testing still continues for v4.01
  72. Team Fusion Friday Update - January 17th 2014 - Video showcase of new features ;)
  73. Please help I think I TOTALLY messed UP!!
  74. Team Fusion update - January 19th 2014 - small video clip - reflection and bump map
  75. Team Fusion update - January 31st 2014 - Are we there yet?
  76. Team Fusion Update - Feb 14th 2014 - Happy Valentine's Day...no it's not ready!
  77. Team Fusion small update - Feb 21st 2014 - Facebook ;)
  78. Team Fusion update - February 2014 - Ditching the collar and tie
  79. Strange Blue Lights
  80. Team Fusion Update March 7, 2014 Draft 4.2 Read_Me
  81. New engine fire effect update - Video originally planned for release on March 7th
  82. Team Fusion WiP upcoming patch v4.3 - Into the heart of the Flak
  83. Team Fusion Update video March 13th 2014 - A Taste of Fusion
  84. Any News on the Hedgerows and Refuel/Rearm?
  85. Team Fusion Patch v4.3 - Release date is expected to be March 17th 2014 ;)
  86. Team Fusion March 14th 2014 - The 'non-draft' Team Fusion v4.3 readme
  87. Team Fusion Patch v4.3 delayed until March 18th 2014. Here's the great reason!
  88. 3D Modellers/Texture Artists - Team Fusion want your help. Do you want to join us?
  89. Secret bug fix for TF patch 4.3. What's your guess?
  90. Team Fusion Patch v4.3 will be released at 6.00pm GMT today March 18th 2014 ;)
  91. Dynamic windsocks TF4.3
  92. Team Fusion March 27th 2014 Update - A small hotfix on the way
  93. TF4.3 flame burst in the smoke
  94. Team Fusion (small) update - April 5th 2014 - Preparing hotfix for release
  95. TF probably have Bf 109 fires correct
  96. some general guidelines about pasting/ posting aircraft data
  97. Team Fusion Friday Update May 2nd 2014 - and we're off again
  98. Cannot start Desastersoft campaign
  99. Team Fusion Update May 30th 2014 - 3D Modellers TF Needs You! Plus more info :)
  100. Team Fusion Update June 13th 2014 - Honestly, yes, you did see that :)
  101. Got big problems with the patch.....Pls help.
  102. Request for Help from Team Fusion...
  103. Team Fusion Update - June 27th 2014 - Effects work + cloudy with a chance of fps :)
  104. Team Fusion Update - July 25th 2014 - Tiger Moth
  105. 4.3 ??????
  106. Steam problems
  107. Bofors lack of effect!
  108. Team Fusion Update - August 29th 2014 - Building from the ground up :)
  109. Question about splines and the .misroads file
  110. How to stop Automatic Updates under newest version of Steam?
  111. Too quiet...
  112. Team Fusion Update - September 26th 2014 - A life on the ocean wave
  113. Problem installing TF 4.312
  114. I want one Dewoitine 520
  115. Team Fusion Update – October 17th 2014 – The Green, Green Grass of Home
  116. New Nvidia Grass software
  117. Team Fusion now have a Youtube Channel, here's the link :)
  118. Team Fusion Update (small!!) - November 7th 2014 - Sneak peak :)
  119. When I first saw the newATAG "Visual Damage" vid I was all excited because...
  120. Team Fusion Update – November 14th 2014 – Building Blocks
  121. HMS Kelly. K-Class destoyer - new modeller wanted to continue project for TF
  122. True 4k video and some goodies
  123. Please a peek at Patch 5
  124. Team Fusion Update - December 12th 2014 - Cause and effects
  125. Is there a list of what changes occur with each of the five MODs we install ?
  126. Norton reports virus when installing Team Fusion patch 4
  127. Team Fusion Update January 23rd 2015 - Real Life
  128. Up
  129. Team Fusion Update - Feb 13th 2015 - A few more bits and pieces
  130. Luckiest/Most Successful moment in CloD
  131. Team Fusion Update - March 13th 2015 - England and beyond?
  132. 12 months on
  133. Team Fusion Update March 27th 2015 - Learning to Fly (and some awesome stuff! :) )
  134. Is there a chance for this Heinkel promised by tUbisoft:
  135. Bugtracker votes
  136. 5./JG26 Peete already shot the first one
  137. Modeling Bible
  138. If you are on Facebook and would like to add Team Fusion and spread the word.......
  139. Introducing new damage varients in the game...
  140. PC Powerplay Team Fusion Interview - article now available online to read
  141. Team Fusion got the mirrors working!!!
  142. Team Fusion Update April 27th 2015 - A little bit of everything
  143. Chuck_Owl's Guide to flying the aircraft in Cliffs of Dover link here :)
  144. Team Fusion WIP Wellington gun turrets ?
  145. Team Fusion Update June 12th 2015 - Just proving we're still alive :)
  146. Does anyone have a copy of the Gloster Gladiator book linked here?
  147. Team Fusion Update - July 3rd 2015 - Mapping the sounds :)
  148. Team Fusion Update July 24th 2015 - Just a small update from the trenches
  149. Message to Community regarding Status of TF 5.0
  150. Team Fusion Update - August 28th 2015 - Can you see the difference?
  151. Team Fusion Update: Bf-110's for TF 5.0
  152. P-40's added in 5.0?
  153. Team Fusion Update - October 9th 2015 - Coming along nicely :)
  154. Team Fusion could really do with some help with the following 3D model/coding request
  155. it is ....
  156. Team Fusion Update - December 4th 2015 - A message from the front lines :)
  157. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the community from everyone at Team Fusion
  158. Thanks
  159. Team Fusion Update - January 22nd 2016 - Light at the end of the tunnel switched on
  160. Can anyone help with high resolution images of the 109 F-4 cockpit in Ottawa?
  161. Order tree and full editor
  162. Norway/Biscay/Germany map for TF 5.0?
  163. Team Fusion Update - February 17th 2016 - Tiny sneak peek that's all :)
  164. Ok, so here's a little extra: Oculus Rift for CoD
  165. et tu Bf-108
  166. Any plans to remove reliance on steam for servers
  167. Onward and upwards....2000 likes on Facebook. Thanks for the support :)
  168. Team Fusion Update April 1st 2016 – Unfortunate date aside…here goes :)
  169. Team Fusion v5.00 video
  170. Tiger Moth pilot notes
  171. Downloadable data sheets and pilots notes
  172. macchi 202
  173. Update on no Updates...
  174. From the "Update on no Updates"
  175. CoDover, how to tell if patches are installed
  176. P40 for Cliff of Dover images posted on Steam. Modelled by a TF volunteer
  177. Update today
  178. Team Fusion Update - June 24th 2016 - And the work continues.
  179. Clipped wing Spitfires in TF 5.0?
  180. Being Grateful
  181. For those still confussed on which VR headset to get for flight sims
  182. Merlin engines stall and negativ G
  183. New channel map to atract more players.
  184. Team Fusion Update - July 31st 2016 - The New Map/Theatre
  185. What are the odds of restricting pilot movement a bit?
  186. Can we discuss possible new online missions yet?
  187. How High a Priority is Fixing AI?
  188. TF5 map work live stream
  189. Regarding SP loadouts and takeoffs
  190. If your game broke with Steam patch or you want to backup your Modded game-Read this!
  191. Is there a list of changes available for viewing planned for TF MOD 5 ?
  192. ATTENTION ALL: Before you install the latest Steam Beta update for CLIFFS OF DOVER
  193. Team Fusion Update - August 25th 2016 - The Story so far
  194. TF Campaign no longer functions even after reinstallation.
  195. If someone can help me get the TF Campaign running again, I'll donate $20.
  196. Jason Williams discusses Team Fusion and the North Africa Mod during a Q&A on BoS
  197. Team Fusion Update - October 1st 2016 - Just a little teaser to keep you going :)
  198. Team Fusion Wellington Mk1 WIP ?
  199. If we gave TF v5.00 name what would you suggest?
  200. Me110 incorrect cockpit thread on 1C forum
  201. Hi All
  202. Sorry for the lack of news/updates. We're working hard but have little to show.
  203. How to remove and replace COD?
  204. Chain Home Low at Tobruk
  205. Team Fusion Update - December 2nd 2016 - Just a brief update to keep you going :)
  206. Team Fusion and 1C Games sign Agreement in Principle - Dec 21st 2016
  207. Question concerning new edition of the game
  208. Maybe now we could dream a little bit more
  209. Source Code ,who will have access ?
  210. What if WE, the Community could help?
  211. Guidelines for applicants who wish to make 3D models for TFS - can you help?
  212. Just created a new 'sticky' for those who wish to apply to make 3D models for TFS
  213. TFS update Jan 29th 2017 - Regarding the "Deal in Principle" between TFS and 1C
  214. TFS tiny update. Something for the mid-week crowd. :)
  215. TFS Update - 21-02-2017 - Link to a small update showing some new WiP
  216. A few work in progress images of the P-40E - basic paint-scheme - no detail :)
  217. 3 pictures of the 109F external model WiP cheers
  218. Allied flyables
  219. TFS update - Gladiator MK.II images in-game - Work in Progress :)
  220. TFS - Yes, now it is official - We have signed the agreement with 1C - Link here :)
  221. Team Fusion Simulations Update - In-game footage of the Gladiator MK.II
  222. Would the Developers have chosen a different path if they had the source earlier?
  223. Team Fusion Simulations patch v4.312 is now available via Steam
  224. TF 5.0 Trailer!
  225. TFS Update 06-04-2017 - Some of the Channel Map, work in progress
  226. Steam updated version, game no longer starts *FIXED*
  227. Happy Easter Aeronautica Macchi pilots :) cheers, TFS
  228. Will problems with Nvidia drivers and Win 7 update KB2670838 be fixed now?
  229. Start and load screen photo's!
  230. Time to move on. Leaving Team Fusion - Thanks for the good times, cheers, Mysticpuma
  231. TFS Update 04/28/2017. Just a note
  232. 4K Monitor and flying with a bag over your head
  233. AI Commands and Routines: TFS Update 05/19/2017
  234. TFS Update 05/26/2017: Patch 4.5 details
  235. Team Fusion Update 6/12/2017: D.520
  236. Skin preview: TF4.5 Update 16 June 20117 (part 1)
  237. TF 5.0 flyable A/C
  238. Opportunity to Expand the CoD in a New Direction in TF 5.0-Capturing/Flipping Fields
  239. Dunkirk trailer, inspired by Cliffs of Dover?
  240. On Colour Schemes, Personalisation and Stuff
  241. Skin preview: TF4.5 Update 25 June 2017 (part 2) Beaufighters ... continued
  242. What area will be covered by the new TF 5.0 Tobruk map?
  243. Will the Blenni IVF have bombs?
  244. My 1st and likely only TF4.5,TF5 request
  245. Oculus VR and BoX
  246. Skin preview: TF4.5 Update 17 July 2017 Blenheims part 1
  247. TFS Update 07/22/2017: The Last Steps
  248. Skin preview: TF4.5 Update 25 July 2017 Blenheims part 2
  249. TFS Update 07/29/2017: FPS with mirror and tree collisions
  250. Official TFS skin update for TF4.5, July 31 2017. Spitfire, Hurricane, Wellington