View Full Version : The Sim Theater
Pages :
- Some screens from the ATAG server
- ATAG Server
- Battle of Brittan Day -The Blitz by Barfly - 2011
- Eagle Squadron March
- MK.Mr.X on ATAG
- Great job guys!!
- A Nive RoF Movie by hq_Reflected
- screen shots for webpage gallery
- If ATAG ever enables skins again...
- The Solitary Journey
- A nice air to air kill and then back to what i do best, straffing.
- Wild time with the wrecking crew.
- Return of Spitfire IIa
- : Spit history + bob history
- worlds smallest hand built V-12 engine == holy s#!* !!!
- Headsup - Reports of Spits sighted in the area.
- Had a great weekend! Thanks everyone!
- Ju-88 visits Hawkinge
- Shot down over France
- Bomber Weekend Objective #4 (Stuka)
- A daft bit of fim for Christmas!
- Ah Well.....
- Flying the heavies with ATAG_Torian
- We Write the Sky
- Flying in the new year ATAG Server
- IL2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover
- Gun cam
- Gun Cam Part Deux
- IL-2 Cliffs of Dover: War Cry
- My 2nd Clod Vid iv'e ever made, For your Viewing fun.
- People Flying Over New York City .....
- My first attempt at video editing
- Hans und Lieselotte
- Episode II - The Umpire Mike's Back
- Episode Three - Revenge of the Myth
- 1C Movie Maker's Competition
- Il2 montage
- Video #2
- Long day at the office.
- My First Video
- Spit v 109 - A short encounter
- Enjoy!
- Another First :)
- ATAG 03071940 Shoot down BR20M over England low west of Dover , 2nd 109E
- -- 9 min Movie -- The German --
- Barnstorming
- Close Encounters
- Attack of the Bloated Blennies
- So, I came in from the pub and....
- 218 Squadron RAF Saturday Picnic
- WWII Tank Sim Steel Fury Kharkov 1942
- Fraps Problem
- Crc1
- Not CloD related, but way cool Remote Control Airplane footage:
- Don't Mess With The Blenheim, It's Dangerous.
- IL-2 Cliffs of Dover: Imagination Battle
- The Great White Shark Attack in Action!
- Rebel's best bits!
- Barnstorming part 2
- Disaster at Littlestone
- Chase scene
- Target Destroyed Vol. 1
- Hilarious Video I found!
- Fascinating video
- Stuka raid on the Isle of Thanet
- Two can play at that Game!
- Reminder about Movie Competition
- The game continues!
- Formation landing madness
- 4 Staggered Hangars, 4 Bombs, 1 Blenheim!
- A Commentary Video of a sortie on ATAG
- Sneak Attack in a 110 at sparrow-fart o'clock
- An early morning Messerschmitt Bf 110 convoy attack
- Time for ATAG to make their's.
- Best Spitfire Pilots movie ever made by IWC PRODUCTIONS!!!
- ATTENTION! IL-2, COD, Wings of Prey MOVIE Competition Continues!! FOUR Weeks remain!
- Help with uploading
- ATAG in Action! (with paranoia)
- Spitfire Aces .....
- "The German" mini-movie
- Attention! Movie Competition Deadline approaches...14 May !!!
- Testing Spit on Server 2
- The Longest Fight
- How they got the concept for the clipped wing spitfire
- We Remember .......
- 2 videos of an early morning mission
- 10 Jahre StG2 "Immelmann" - Tradition Verpflichtet (HD)
- "Luftschlacht um England" Event 2010 - Part 1 & 2
- A video of my patch experience...
- Dowly's CloD Gun Camera videos
- (Screenshot)While returning from my first sortie...
- Flight over London in a Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-4 - Patch 1.06.17582
- Movie competition: Three days remain until deadline
- Septic and Watchman from my POV
- An unusual mission - A Junkers 88 Kampfgruppe tries to turn the tide
- For My Blenheim Buddies:
- Detection by Isinona
- Imagination Battle by Ph0b0s95
- Wings of Affliction by BinaryOrchestra
- My guncam video
- Flying the Junkers 88
- Practicing my landings:
- ATAG screenshots
- Jeb Corliss " Grinding The Crack"
- Interesting Series 1-18 episode's
- Bf-109 panning and zooming camera work
- Train Exposions are always cool....
- Greetings! I'm new here, just wanted to say hi, and, oh, I do CoD videos too... :-)
- Very hastily made video for demo.
- Some Photos whit my new PhotoEditor
- Clearing some hard drive space for new projects
- Not from a SIM, VJ Day Honolulu Aug 1945
- For the blue fighter pilots I present...
- HE-111 Service Ceiling
- Cliffs of Dover - A New Day Begins
- A 'Salute!' to Little_D
- Battle of Brittan aka ArmA 2
- Cleared for takeoff. Everyone go...
- Regia Aeronautica attacks Hawkinge! - CoD video with Colanders radio mod...
- RAF Crashes & Splashes
- IL2 1946 " Battles of War " by rOEN911
- Heroes and Weapons of WWII
- More good moments in IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover - A second montage
- For all the Bikers and Motor Heads
- My wake up call to the Queen!
- Hurricane Summer, part 1 - a little movie I made online on the ATAG server...
- Spitfire MkVIII
- Lucky drop captured on video.
- Building a Merlin Engine from Scratch
- A couple new videos
- Me-262 training film, 1944, dubbed into English
- Take A Flight ....... To America ...
- I can't wait...P-38 style
- The Checkertails, an awesome documentary by one of the IL2 fans
- Exploding Spitfire Account ....
- Supermarine Spitfire Mk26b (not a typo)
- [In game video] G50 Adventures - Starting the engine
- Old fashioned video tape players
- ATAG Server SpitIVBf109E4
- IL2 Cliffs of Dover Recording
- RoF Trailer Compition Film by Morcalion
- Made a little vid with the Su-26...
- SU-26 Test ....
- Funny
- The new patch 1.09 spitfire
- You guys are great!
- "Their Finest Hour" by TomZy
- Su26 - This looks like fun!
- Cool cockpit video of P-51C Mustang
- Spitfire MkI P9374 Dunkirk Veteran (real deal, restored, youtube vid)
- Paths of Hate
- Hawker Tempest Mk.V - 2nd Tactical Air Force -- by Barfly
- A couple great 109 videos
- Fighter Pilot Operation: Red Flag
- ATAG combat since the 1.09
- The Lockheed P-38 Lightning
- Ju-88 Convoy Attack
- Eagle's First Mission Spitfire Ia Campaign
- Hurricane Summer, Part 2 (youtube video)
- COD Videos.......
- Teamwork and Banter
- 352nd Checkertail Clan
- TarJaks Screenshots
- Great IL2 Video: Aces Over Europe
- Bf 109 pilot Franz Stigler and B-17 pilot Charlie Brown's first meeting
- Fortress Trailer (2010) release 1 January 2012 (USA) Trailer
- Dogfighting in the Bf 109 over Rochester
- The Kaiserschlacht
- Merry Christmas, with a special gift delivery by Me-110 (youtube vid)
- Best places for royalty-free music for a video?
- Battle of Britan: The Real Story
- Rise of Flight by SYN_MrWolf
- Flight of a Spitfire and Messerschmitt 109 over London
- Fast Kill, Slow Motion (new movie uploaded)
- Those Final Moments
- Fail/Death/Crash compilation
- More aviation documentaries than you can throw a stick at...
- 190
- Damage
- ATAG After Action Reports Episode 1
- Bloody foreigners. Untold Battle of Britain.
- A little bit of art and fantasy inspired by Cliffs of Dover
- American 8th Air Force documentary
- IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs Of Dover, Blenheim IV Vs Fule Depot
- IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover, Blenheim vs Panzer Division: ATAG Server!
- Rookie Spitfire IIa vs. 2 BF109s ATAG Server (1080p)
- Fraps
- Spitfire and ME-109 cockpit review
- Questions about videos
- My Spitfire IIa versus 4 Bf109s!!
- Who let the dogs out - Hd 720
- "Death from Above"- Approaching an unsuspecting 109 - Edited Screenshot
- Dawn patrol: A flight of Dornier 17's is obliterated.
- The "other" way to make it back home
- 3.5 Minutes of Clod Footage from ATAG server
- A short clip showing an example of CloD's perculiar lag issues
- Smiting Them Hip & Thigh (new vid)
- Harlem Shake - CLOD Style
- 92 Sqn Newsreeel - not to be taken too seriously
- Wings of Russia - 18 part Documentary.
- Escorting Bombers
- Me vs. Tangys and Grentos
- Anyone flew on Warbirdsofprey Bomber Nights?
- My Best Self Made Movie ever: Close Encounter
- Worst dogfight scene ever?
- Fraps vs Action! - A fresh solution
- World War One - How It Really Happened
- Low level dogfight at Hawkinge
- Ph0b0s95 creates another brilliant vid;
- 5./JG27 Hans Gruber "Black 11"
- first snippet of game play
- A break from flying! and more to come!
- Say "no" to vertical videos
- Bombing ships with 109 E4B
- Junkers 87 B-2 Stuka over England
- New Clod Movie : Heaven of Hell
- nice video from Ape!
- Junkers Ju-88 Lite version ad some nice screens from ATAG server
- A Little Media Project :)
- Greed kills. New video by palker
- Screenies from the new TF patch
- Ugly Hit-smoke in .trk videos
- BBC 2 Spitfire Documentary 1976
- Formation landing with my "instructor".
- A short video tribute to TF form 92 Sqn.
- Dogfight over Folkestone
- TF patch extremely close range dogfight
- From a year ago...
- My Chopper
- Me Landing at Lydd in a C-152
- The Intercept
- The Greatest Raid of All
- TF patch compilation
- Just some fooatge
- ATAG: My first flight to 23,000 feet (1080p)
- One of our cadet's had his check ride on saturday
- Never seen this before!
- How do you get past the ancient theater on sims 2 castaway?
- ATAG Server: Barnstorming
- Recording tracks at low res
- BF109E-3 Guncam Ground Targets
- BBC Film First Light
- Battle of Britain in Cliffs of Dover!
- Another two BBC BoB documentaries of McGregor's brothers
- Combat Footage - Gun Cam
- Yellow Jackets
- Screenshots at Hawking Airfield <rr
- Praising Damage Models
- Battle of Britain - The Kanalkampf by Barfly - 2011
- The Solitary Journey
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