View Full Version : ATAG Server Missions
- Map errori on ATAG server 9/11
- Mission idea - inland map?
- Spitfire IIa ruins all the fun
- Suggestions
- Joining ATAG difficulty.
- Bomber formtion glitch.
- Coquelles Spawn Area
- Server down?
- Sunrise Missions
- COD server stats
- Thoughts about newest version of Original ATAG map/mission
- Mission: The Struggle for Power
- Whats the secret to spotting the enemy amongst the flak?
- ATAG Test Pilot Map
- Altitude limit for bombers?
- Poor performance issues lately?
- ATAG Server maintainance-10/21/2011
- ATAG COD Server issue - Maidstone
- I would like to join the Australian server
- Custom Skins?
- Spawning at Maidstone
- Air defense england
- Is it time for the Spit IIa to be made available on the server ?
- Server Stats
- Is this an acceptable tactic or just childish?
- Some idea`s to the ATAG-Channelmap
- Struggling tonight
- Stat Whore Psychology
- Antialaising to zero and spotting contacts
- ATAG's 1st Bomber Night this Weekend!
- Finding the enemy?
- Mission on the second server
- Serrver radar messages
- The Calais Black Hole - Solved! *Bliss - WatchMan please read*
- Server1 mission objectives
- Top Secret - AOC's Fighter and Bomber Command only
- AI Bombers
- Map Scale
- Timboy Ground Pounding
- Rochester airfield England
- More LW attacks and targets in England
- A When and Where Question
- AAA and there skill settings?
- Server Authentication Issues
- New mission on 2nd server
- Problem with Me109E4 limit
- Night on the server
- Huge FPS hit.
- Feedback requested for Grouped moving objectives please...
- In lieu of the recent increase of Blenheims...
- Landing at enemy bases (ATAG Server admins - URGENT)
- Video from the server ATAG
- Bring back the trains!
- Heartbreaker Freeze Up
- Problem with ships.
- Dancing Blenheim @ Gravesend
- No-one on teamspeak is a game killer
- Dunkirk Mission?
- An Offline ATAG "practice mission" !
- Server missions - a few comments
- Team-based gameplay enhancement proposal for ATAG server
- Nre scoring mission RedvBlue 1.4 on atag server 2
- Server 1 down?
- Screenshots from the "UNOBTAINABLE" G7 Target
- What happens to the server?
- New mission from Wolf now on Server 1 rotation
- Bring back the old patch
- Skin Downloads
- Hey Blue Team !!!
- Server 1: Defunct Spawnpoint at Gravesend
- Bomber Night 1.1
- Take It Outside
- Inland Bases and Spit2?
- Airstart for G.50?
- Are you a muso, do you play in a rock band?
- Server Bomber Formation Bug?
- Automatic Flight System BF-110
- Missionbug, objectives cannot be completed.
- Red "request for targets" not working, but Blue's does?!
- Axis Aerial Orders of Battle
- New Planes Available In the Server Rotation.
- Does our Loadouts change for online play ?
- Because of BUG Problems, lol, lmfao, rotfl, etc...
- Channel Command
- AI Bomber Ground Starts
- Thank you for the high altitude bombers!
- S! Guys - Issue with Ships on ATAG Server Tonight
- Mission problem - 17 ship mission
- @Colander
- ATAG #1 Settings question
- Mission Error - M2.5, M4.5 and Oye Plage Red Targets
- Bomber Command
- Server #1 down?
- ATAG Server #1 is stuck or not there?
- Target at M 2.5 is not there
- Finding the Enemy.
- Consider returning to previous patch?
- Server 1 down
- Ping i get from ATAG
- Dunkirk Mission by notafinger is up! (Feed back here please!)
- mission brief
- Spitfire Mark 1a_100 octane
- Spitfire IIA on the Servers, and altitude of bombers
- Channel Command 1.0 New missions, New Objectives, New Menu
- Can Loadouts be set to Default only in Server settings?
- Appeal to 71st_AH...
- Italian Job :)
- GUI Bug
- Custom skins "enabled" in server 1
- What the reds were up against tonight...
- Operation Fire Storm
- Track Playback on an Online Server Map
- Rearm and Refuel Bug
- Operation Sunlight pre-beta testing
- Server 2 Missions
- Dunkirk Mission - Bombing Targets should be fixed
- Any chance of reducing mission lengths?
- Is there a list of commands that can be used on this server?
- Operation Daisy - Boring, boring, boring!
- How to encourage players to RTB
- Limiting Ping on ATAG server...
- Server
- Runtime error launcher.exe not working
- Operation Daisy - Red spawn bases issues
- Questions about Stats
- Missions in general
- Operation Daisy Map still broken
- Repka scripts
- Default Channel Map Request
- Server Down
- Stats not tallied at times.
- Artificial visual aids - flameproof suit on
- Radio Beacon on ATAG Server
- A wee video from last night
- Bomber Targets
- Idea + Question
- 2 missions
- Is there a 'right' way to exit after a mission?
- 9+ AI bombers in a raid?
- Bf109 e4B on the Red side
- Suggestion/request
- Server 1 down.
- M 4.5 Target screenshots
- the "DARK" mission.... Server killer
- Quick note regarding the TF release and ATAG servers.
- Server 1 whit Skins On?
- Limits in Aircraft Type numbers?
- Operation Waterfall
- No more Bf109E4-n's v Spits2a's please
- Suggestion
- AI bombers so high that they make contrails?
- New Mini Series In The Works From HBO
- Once upon a time
- Post your mission ideas?
- Landing at enemy airfields
- So, any chance of bigger bomber formations?
- How about some maturity and respect.
- London bombing mission?
- Thanks for the early plane set mission in rotation
- More 'Bomber' targets and less 'Fighter Bomber' targets
- Operation Home Plate
- new missions on the server, and few players
- Mission targets stats + chat command
- Is it possible to get rid of "AI has been shot down" bug?
- ATAG down
- Torpedo attacks and minefields in missions on the server
- Spitfires with Rotol prop and 100 Octane fuel missing from map, again!
- As suggested by Talisman - small but fast dogfight missions
- Suggestions for mission makers
- Finding Ground Targets?
- land markers for targets
- Just finished a Dunkirk mission
- Hawkinge Spawn issue last night
- High Altitude dogfight mission
- France Missions ?
- zzzzzz
- Mission ideas
- Mission on ATAG server with Fw200s
- Bombers - First Class Citizens
- Gunners' skill
- A newbie question
- Unclear/ confusion mission objectives/ brief
- An idea for a new ATAG mission
- Any interest?
- Escort Request
- A stretch... but thoughts on the Br.20
- Question about stats
- Realism vs Realism, and why imo Salmo's map is a huge step forward
- Operation Homeplate Aircraft InFlight Bug
- Semi-realistic planes at bases (open discussion)
- Question for the Blues
- Operation Home Plate - He111 - disappeared in flight bug again
- Dunkirk map blenheim spawn points
- Map status informations
- More spawns - or more selections ?
- Radar?
- Server Missions - Ideas and Suggestion
- New Mission Testing Session - Sunday 6th October
- Dunkirk map blenheim spawn points
- New Mission Idea - the "Equal Opportunity Mid-Channel Massacre"
- Mission without A.I.?
- Feedback for 92.Sqn Reddogs Mission tested on ATAG yeasterday night
- Any statistics available on server rotations?
- Thx for the cool new mission in the rotatation
- Is it time to increase AI bomber raid sizes?
- Barrage Balloons
- Winter Map?
- Axis TS Server?
- Domination style missions like in ARMA II?
- Persistent battle
- Missing target
- London Raids v2
- Ground targets calling for help
- Statistics in online missions: Player behavior
- winter Missions
- Operation Homeplate Observation
- Airfields' Duel map
- f8.6
- New/Updated maps & my impression
- Just a curiosity: maps' rotation
- Axis Littlestone controlled map
- Suggestion for a new mission
- Refuel/Rearm
- gameplay
- Dunkirk Map - Red - Cassel Recce Photos
- Mission duration on the server contributing to lack of variety
- Tanks' map - British armor column
- Southern England? Inland/London? Docks? Lots of targets/scenarios unused?
- Operation Trader
- London Raids v2 Feedback thread
- Winter maps
- Mission ending time...
- Littlestone map
- Server limit
- Fall Rot (Case Red)
- Kanalkampf
- Hellfire Corner
- hangar bangers
- New mission idea
- Dynamo
- Just an idea..
- where can I read red-blue Objectives of the missions ?
- **POLL** Mission end times increased allowing RTB
- Sunrise & sundown missions where are though?
- New Mission Feedback Required
- Thanks!
- Totally unrealistic idea with plane dissapering over French coast misions
- Dunkirk Mission
- Criticizing Missions
- An inquiry on plane skins for the online missions...
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