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  1. Getting the most Out of your Spitfire
  2. Bf 110
  3. Cliffs of Dover Operations Checklist
  4. Questions
  5. A great guide for the Blenheim
  6. Ju 88 Tutorials
  7. Robo's tips on Spit vs 109 tactics
  8. Setting up RAF compass and DI gyro
  9. Spit 1 vs. 109 E
  10. Flying and skip bombing the Blenheim on Cockpit Instruments only.
  11. ww2 aircrafts - technical documents and others!
  12. Spitfire Mk I/II technical documents
  13. Hawker Hurricane techinical documents
  14. ME 109E technical documents
  15. JU-87 Technical documents
  16. Bristol Blenheim Technical documents
  17. Ju-88 technical documents
  18. FIGHTER COMBAT COMPARISON: Bf109E-3 vs Spitfire MkI
  19. RAF training film on low flying technique s from 1944
  20. Elevation of airfields in Cliffs of Dover, for flight plans
  21. Step By Step Flight plan
  22. Variation of enviroment in Cliffs of Dover: Tests
  23. Level Bombing in the Blenheim
  24. Blenheim Turret Control
  25. CoD Map Tools Tutorial
  26. Spitfire gunnery
  27. bf110 dive bombing
  28. ...and maps
  29. Effect of a 30mm Minengeschoss shell on a spitfire
  30. Hurricane..well aircraft in general..what do these controls do/mean?
  31. Gunner Set Up Tutorial
  32. Basic mission to fine tune loadouts,convergence ,gunsight ,etc.
  33. Night Fighters
  34. Quick Warm-Up!
  35. He-111
  36. Ju 88 Pilot's Note's
  37. Bf109
  38. Ju 88 MFP Template
  39. Mid-air collisions
  40. Which accelerates faster?
  41. Br20, Oh lordy!
  42. Spit Ia performance
  43. The Great White Shark Attack
  44. Something for the 100oct gang...
  45. Brit fighters
  46. Flight models
  47. 109 Problem?
  48. "Spitfires are clown wagons"
  49. Load-out for guns:
  50. RAF Turret training
  51. 1C charts for Hurries and Spits
  52. Time To Take A Deep Breath.....
  53. Spitfire Trials: CoD vs A2A
  54. Spit IIa: Great offline; pooched online!
  55. Hit the Silk!
  56. (New) Bombing in the He111
  57. The May 2012 patch Blenheim
  58. G.50
  59. JU 88 front gun
  60. IvanK talks climb rates
  61. Happy yet?
  62. Bomber and twin-engined pilots: give me your suggestions and bug reports
  63. ME110 overmodelled
  64. Spitfire Mk IIa performance tests - Cliffs of dover
  65. Hurricane hard to start? Look here!
  66. Bombsights, anybody tested them? Plus some other thoughs/observations on bombers
  67. New Patch and 109`s
  68. Spitfire Mk IIa performance tests - Patch 1.07.18301
  69. Some cool photos
  70. Spitfire Mk Ia 100oct performance tests - Patch 1.07.18301
  71. Nice footage
  72. Convergens set to 75 Meter in Onlinegames
  73. HE-111 Bombsight Calculator
  74. Air Navigation Manual
  75. Bugtracker: Stability & Control Issues with Early Mark Spitfires
  76. wont save load out
  77. Crucial Spit & Hurri settings per IvanK
  78. Documents about tactics, gunnery and bombing.
  79. Luftwaffe Munitions
  80. ju88 - Bomb load - SC50
  81. An answer to a nice find
  82. 7.5 minutes at +11 Boost Spit 100oct.
  83. Mixture control
  84. Mixture control update. Important!!
  85. 110 bombs: dive or level
  86. Supermarine Spitfire Performance
  87. Death of a Merlin at 10 Angels
  88. Luftwaffe Revi Sight Mistake (Proof)
  89. Spitfire MkI P9374 Dunkirk Veteran
  90. High Flying Hurri
  91. Dealing with the Merlin Rumbles
  92. RAF Gunnery Tips
  93. Mixture modelling & effects? (Merlin engine)
  94. Pyro Tactics
  95. A couple of videos
  96. Check that all your guns on the Brit fighters are actually firing bullets
  97. My data sheets...
  98. Spit IIa climb test results.
  99. Brief Guide to flying G-50
  100. Gunnery Tips for 109E3/E4 and maby for E1
  101. RAF Gun convergence to 100m - DO NOT DO IT!
  102. Something to tie Torian's gun faults and pstyle's convergence together?
  103. Half Second Bursts?
  104. Tiger Moth oil pressure
  105. Bf 109E-3 model climb rate
  106. Flying the 109E: Actual test reports
  107. G.50 engine turned off?
  108. British planes more fragile then the Germans?
  109. Different prop settings on Hurricane MkI
  110. Navigation and compass deviation
  111. Engine water post-landing overheat?
  112. How many Bombs does the 109 carry?
  113. Me-109 cem
  114. introduction to the bf110
  115. 109E stall/spin recovery techniques
  116. Spitfire convergence and gun loadout question
  117. How to use the supercharger in Stuka!
  118. Hurricane rudder
  119. Multi Engine Advice
  120. prob with Axis Planes
  121. Fiat G50 engine stop
  122. 109E4's
  123. Hurricane convergence
  124. Convergence
  125. Boost and WEP
  126. Maximize Damage with the 109
  127. Spit mk.IIa corner speed and other questions
  128. JU88 Dive Bombing
  129. Keller muh hero!
  130. v301 Spit MkI100oct
  131. Hurrican damage model
  132. Using the RAF course setter and DG
  133. Hurri pilots with damaged wing be careful
  134. Turret controls in JU88?
  135. Aircraft Servicing Frequency
  136. British brakes
  137. He-111/Ju-88 sight
  138. Bf109 Horizontal Convergence
  139. RAF Fighter Horizontal convergence
  140. Gunsight vs convergence in the set up
  141. Invincible Defiant!
  142. AI bombing drop delay
  143. Bf110 afterburner
  144. Ammo comparison pic
  145. Beaufighter's strange vulnerability
  146. Need expert advice on Prop Feathering multi engine aircraft
  147. Changing Aircraft Labels
  148. Dimensions of spitfire stick
  149. Spin Recovery -- Bf109E and Spitfire MK 1, 1a, 2a
  150. Blenheim test
  151. spitfire / me 109 cockpit comparison
  152. Can't figure out why engine died
  153. Spitfire Roll Rate
  154. Spitfire: A great plane to die in?
  155. Accurate low level bombing
  156. Ju88 bombing options
  157. Question for 109 Jocks: Prop pitch control assignments
  158. BF 110 tailgun....worth it?
  159. compressed air and the 110 mgs
  160. Ju88 rear top gunner
  161. RAF fighter wheel brakes? Realistic or bugged?
  162. Blenheim autopilot
  163. What have you done to my blenny!
  164. The leaning Stuka
  165. Doubt on the spit..
  166. Spitfire engine settings in combat
  167. Bomb 'n go in a blenhiem?
  168. Blenheim trim
  169. Gunsight brightness
  170. Br 20 ap
  171. question re Artificial Horizon in Spit
  172. 109 E1 tips and tactics ?
  173. Bombing on the ATAG server in the Ju88.
  174. E-4 seat armour?
  175. BF109 CEM Help
  176. Engine Boost, etc
  177. Scissors! - Or how to survive in a 109 low and slow
  178. Jumping on an airborne plane
  179. Tips? Blenheim Dive Bombing.
  180. Actual operation of the Merlin Boost controller
  181. Ju-87B undercarriage
  182. Guns not working
  183. Bf 109 E-3 Take-off Question
  184. how to set spitfire sight distance and adjust sight ?
  185. RAF Fighter Variants
  186. BR.20 - help requested - navigation instruments
  187. Need help with 109E3 Pro pitch in combat
  188. Ju88 R22 pitch
  189. 109 and bombing
  190. How to complete a landing?
  191. Strange take off
  192. Attacking He111 formation head on
  193. Blenheim controls
  194. Junkers Ju 88 controls
  195. Fiat G 50 controls
  196. Supermarine Spitfire controls
  197. Ball VII ammo?
  198. 109 Messerschmitt.A.G (PDF)
  199. Spitfire positive-g half roll?
  200. Exiting a turning contest
  201. Bf109 Battery failure does nothing?
  202. Flying the Hurri...
  203. Problems with turrets
  204. Some interesting Damage Stats
  205. Heinkel He 111 controls
  206. Junkers Ju 87 (Stuka) controls
  207. Hawker Hurricane controls
  208. Messerschmitt Bf 109 controls
  209. Bf 109 and G50 rad settings
  210. Gunner controls
  211. DH 82 Tiger Moth Pilot's Notes
  212. In depth video tutorials
  213. Heinkel 111 problem
  214. Propeller Pitch
  215. Ju88 and He111 after P 4.30, very first impressions
  216. Best settings for Spits and 109's throttle and prop pitch
  217. Ju-88 two volume book
  218. BF109 E-4 and Spit Mk2a - active service dates?
  219. Blenheim High-Altitude Level Bombing Guide
  220. Br20 in patch 4.30
  221. Various gun dispersion data
  222. Throttle v/s prop pitch
  223. Higher Altitude Flying
  224. When Did Rotol Get Introduced?
  225. 109 engine management
  226. blenheim turrett
  227. What range do 110 gunners commence firing at?
  228. Max flyable bomb loads
  229. My Spit/Hurricane Beginner tips
  230. Questions on the blenheim
  231. Visual damage on the 109.
  232. One bullet of spitfire and one bullet of BF-109
  233. Basic 109 E Checklist
  234. Bf-109 fuel consumption
  235. Spitfire Landing Approach
  236. video spitfire vs typhoon
  237. Video Bugatti Veyron vs Eurofighter
  238. Spitfire Mk1a (100) ammunition
  239. Bf-110 spin recovery
  240. Heckgunner
  241. Bf109E4N vs Spitfire IIa
  242. Level bombing, He 111 over 5000. to one static ship.
  243. Location Of Stopwatch?
  244. Airbus electric plane
  245. G effects on planes and aircrew
  246. Where's my MG/FF 20mm?
  247. Frustrated spitfire pilot
  248. Tracers: yes or no?
  249. Spitfire Mk.Ia mid-flight electrical failure?
  250. <RR temps 109