- Getting the most Out of your Spitfire
- Bf 110
- Cliffs of Dover Operations Checklist
- Questions
- A great guide for the Blenheim
- Ju 88 Tutorials
- Robo's tips on Spit vs 109 tactics
- Setting up RAF compass and DI gyro
- Spit 1 vs. 109 E
- Flying and skip bombing the Blenheim on Cockpit Instruments only.
- ww2 aircrafts - technical documents and others!
- Spitfire Mk I/II technical documents
- Hawker Hurricane techinical documents
- ME 109E technical documents
- JU-87 Technical documents
- Bristol Blenheim Technical documents
- Ju-88 technical documents
- RAF training film on low flying technique s from 1944
- Elevation of airfields in Cliffs of Dover, for flight plans
- Step By Step Flight plan
- Variation of enviroment in Cliffs of Dover: Tests
- Level Bombing in the Blenheim
- Blenheim Turret Control
- CoD Map Tools Tutorial
- Spitfire gunnery
- bf110 dive bombing
- ...and maps
- Effect of a 30mm Minengeschoss shell on a spitfire
- Hurricane..well aircraft in general..what do these controls do/mean?
- Gunner Set Up Tutorial
- Basic mission to fine tune loadouts,convergence ,gunsight ,etc.
- Night Fighters
- Quick Warm-Up!
- He-111
- Ju 88 Pilot's Note's
- Bf109
- Ju 88 MFP Template
- Mid-air collisions
- Which accelerates faster?
- Br20, Oh lordy!
- Spit Ia performance
- The Great White Shark Attack
- Something for the 100oct gang...
- Brit fighters
- Flight models
- 109 Problem?
- "Spitfires are clown wagons"
- Load-out for guns:
- RAF Turret training
- 1C charts for Hurries and Spits
- Time To Take A Deep Breath.....
- Spitfire Trials: CoD vs A2A
- Spit IIa: Great offline; pooched online!
- Hit the Silk!
- (New) Bombing in the He111
- The May 2012 patch Blenheim
- G.50
- JU 88 front gun
- IvanK talks climb rates
- Happy yet?
- Bomber and twin-engined pilots: give me your suggestions and bug reports
- ME110 overmodelled
- Spitfire Mk IIa performance tests - Cliffs of dover
- Hurricane hard to start? Look here!
- Bombsights, anybody tested them? Plus some other thoughs/observations on bombers
- New Patch and 109`s
- Spitfire Mk IIa performance tests - Patch 1.07.18301
- Some cool photos
- Spitfire Mk Ia 100oct performance tests - Patch 1.07.18301
- Nice footage
- Convergens set to 75 Meter in Onlinegames
- HE-111 Bombsight Calculator
- Air Navigation Manual
- Bugtracker: Stability & Control Issues with Early Mark Spitfires
- wont save load out
- Crucial Spit & Hurri settings per IvanK
- Documents about tactics, gunnery and bombing.
- Luftwaffe Munitions
- ju88 - Bomb load - SC50
- An answer to a nice find
- 7.5 minutes at +11 Boost Spit 100oct.
- Mixture control
- Mixture control update. Important!!
- 110 bombs: dive or level
- Supermarine Spitfire Performance
- Death of a Merlin at 10 Angels
- Luftwaffe Revi Sight Mistake (Proof)
- Spitfire MkI P9374 Dunkirk Veteran
- High Flying Hurri
- Dealing with the Merlin Rumbles
- RAF Gunnery Tips
- Mixture modelling & effects? (Merlin engine)
- Pyro Tactics
- A couple of videos
- Check that all your guns on the Brit fighters are actually firing bullets
- My data sheets...
- Spit IIa climb test results.
- Brief Guide to flying G-50
- Gunnery Tips for 109E3/E4 and maby for E1
- RAF Gun convergence to 100m - DO NOT DO IT!
- Something to tie Torian's gun faults and pstyle's convergence together?
- Half Second Bursts?
- Tiger Moth oil pressure
- Bf 109E-3 model climb rate
- Flying the 109E: Actual test reports
- G.50 engine turned off?
- British planes more fragile then the Germans?
- Different prop settings on Hurricane MkI
- Navigation and compass deviation
- Engine water post-landing overheat?
- How many Bombs does the 109 carry?
- Me-109 cem
- introduction to the bf110
- 109E stall/spin recovery techniques
- Spitfire convergence and gun loadout question
- How to use the supercharger in Stuka!
- Hurricane rudder
- Multi Engine Advice
- prob with Axis Planes
- Fiat G50 engine stop
- 109E4's
- Hurricane convergence
- Convergence
- Boost and WEP
- Maximize Damage with the 109
- Spit mk.IIa corner speed and other questions
- JU88 Dive Bombing
- Keller muh hero!
- v301 Spit MkI100oct
- Hurrican damage model
- Using the RAF course setter and DG
- Hurri pilots with damaged wing be careful
- Turret controls in JU88?
- Aircraft Servicing Frequency
- British brakes
- He-111/Ju-88 sight
- Bf109 Horizontal Convergence
- RAF Fighter Horizontal convergence
- Gunsight vs convergence in the set up
- Invincible Defiant!
- AI bombing drop delay
- Bf110 afterburner
- Ammo comparison pic
- Beaufighter's strange vulnerability
- Need expert advice on Prop Feathering multi engine aircraft
- Changing Aircraft Labels
- Dimensions of spitfire stick
- Spin Recovery -- Bf109E and Spitfire MK 1, 1a, 2a
- Blenheim test
- spitfire / me 109 cockpit comparison
- Can't figure out why engine died
- Spitfire Roll Rate
- Spitfire: A great plane to die in?
- Accurate low level bombing
- Ju88 bombing options
- Question for 109 Jocks: Prop pitch control assignments
- BF 110 tailgun....worth it?
- compressed air and the 110 mgs
- Ju88 rear top gunner
- RAF fighter wheel brakes? Realistic or bugged?
- Blenheim autopilot
- What have you done to my blenny!
- The leaning Stuka
- Doubt on the spit..
- Spitfire engine settings in combat
- Bomb 'n go in a blenhiem?
- Blenheim trim
- Gunsight brightness
- Br 20 ap
- question re Artificial Horizon in Spit
- 109 E1 tips and tactics ?
- Bombing on the ATAG server in the Ju88.
- E-4 seat armour?
- BF109 CEM Help
- Engine Boost, etc
- Scissors! - Or how to survive in a 109 low and slow
- Jumping on an airborne plane
- Tips? Blenheim Dive Bombing.
- Actual operation of the Merlin Boost controller
- Ju-87B undercarriage
- Guns not working
- Bf 109 E-3 Take-off Question
- how to set spitfire sight distance and adjust sight ?
- RAF Fighter Variants
- BR.20 - help requested - navigation instruments
- Need help with 109E3 Pro pitch in combat
- Ju88 R22 pitch
- 109 and bombing
- How to complete a landing?
- Strange take off
- Attacking He111 formation head on
- Blenheim controls
- Junkers Ju 88 controls
- Fiat G 50 controls
- Supermarine Spitfire controls
- Ball VII ammo?
- 109 Messerschmitt.A.G (PDF)
- Spitfire positive-g half roll?
- Exiting a turning contest
- Bf109 Battery failure does nothing?
- Flying the Hurri...
- Problems with turrets
- Some interesting Damage Stats
- Heinkel He 111 controls
- Junkers Ju 87 (Stuka) controls
- Hawker Hurricane controls
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 controls
- Bf 109 and G50 rad settings
- Gunner controls
- DH 82 Tiger Moth Pilot's Notes
- In depth video tutorials
- Heinkel 111 problem
- Propeller Pitch
- Ju88 and He111 after P 4.30, very first impressions
- Best settings for Spits and 109's throttle and prop pitch
- Ju-88 two volume book
- BF109 E-4 and Spit Mk2a - active service dates?
- Blenheim High-Altitude Level Bombing Guide
- Br20 in patch 4.30
- Various gun dispersion data
- Throttle v/s prop pitch
- Higher Altitude Flying
- When Did Rotol Get Introduced?
- 109 engine management
- blenheim turrett
- What range do 110 gunners commence firing at?
- Max flyable bomb loads
- My Spit/Hurricane Beginner tips
- Questions on the blenheim
- Visual damage on the 109.
- One bullet of spitfire and one bullet of BF-109
- Basic 109 E Checklist
- Bf-109 fuel consumption
- Spitfire Landing Approach
- video spitfire vs typhoon
- Video Bugatti Veyron vs Eurofighter
- Spitfire Mk1a (100) ammunition
- Bf-110 spin recovery
- Heckgunner
- Bf109E4N vs Spitfire IIa
- Level bombing, He 111 over 5000. to one static ship.
- Location Of Stopwatch?
- Airbus electric plane
- G effects on planes and aircrew
- Where's my MG/FF 20mm?
- Frustrated spitfire pilot
- Tracers: yes or no?
- Spitfire Mk.Ia mid-flight electrical failure?
- <RR temps 109