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  1. InGame Message Windows Setups
  2. Launcher Shortcut for IL2COD
  3. External View Utility for Recorded Tracks
  4. Level Bombing Utility
  5. Hakenkreuz Enabler for Single player and Online use
  6. Deriving performance data from extant flight models
  7. 3D Modeling tools?
  8. FaceTrackNoIR
  9. SFS files
  10. ts3 overlay
  11. External views utility, some issues
  12. Sweet FX for IL2COD
  13. 3D modelers - got iPad?
  14. Track editor time-out problem for me. Can you help me?
  15. Stick wicket with new Static Planes Markings mod
  16. Info Windows in Cliffs Of Dover Tutorial
  17. Track file graphics problem - smoke turns into big white blobs...
  18. TF DeviceLink like interface
  19. Windows 7 joystick Calibration Wizard
  20. Radeon Pro Profile?
  21. Info on gear flaps etc shown on right side of screen has gone missing...help!
  22. How about an external utility to write loadouts/convergences to the user.ini ?
  23. Recording, editing, uploading.
  24. New menu music "Where eagles dare"
  25. Dedicated Server Difficulty settings utility
  26. Graphics Improvements - Downsampling and CloD
  27. Beginners Guide Discussion
  28. FOV control - Alternatives beyond "head track"
  29. Engine Management Reference Guide
  30. Aircraft Recognition Sheets
  31. For Lewis/ the new pilots thread
  32. NewView - Look at P8 compass
  33. Monitors...What to look for
  34. Modify Logitech Attack3
  35. Telemetry data needed for motion platform
  36. Screenshot location
  37. Team Speak Notifiers :What are you using
  38. CH Products Pro Throttle Resistance Mod
  39. Markings for stationary planes mod? Where did it go?
  40. GPU performance up 40%
  41. Hakenkreuz Enabler for Team Fusion 4.0
  42. How to adjust joystick curves on ANY joystick
  43. Hardware monitor.. find your bottleneck!
  44. Campaigns install with TF4.0?
  45. Create a mission to land refuel and take off again?
  46. External views
  47. Which Joystick?
  48. Internal View for AI aircraft
  49. Dashpic Photoshop Tutorial..
  50. Microsoft Force Feedback 2
  51. External view problems
  52. Saitek X36 in windows 8 or 8.1
  53. Flight Information on screen
  54. New Monitor
  55. Tool to list installed KBs
  56. Need Help finding a way to set a server up! Having weird problems!
  57. For those wanting to do the math the old way
  58. Controls freezing up in game
  59. Fix for your light problems?
  60. CH Throttle Quadrant
  61. How to use logkeep in conf.ini ?
  62. Nvidea Shadowplay?
  63. Joystick Sensitivity Settings
  64. ATAG's Server Commander For Download
  65. Multiple joystick setup possible?
  66. Wanted: Microsoft Force Feedback 2.
  67. Useful tool for system monitoring
  68. Using FRAPS for flight recording
  69. Disable your Nagles?
  70. Music in CoD
  71. New SweetFX settings.
  72. WWII Music compilation.
  73. sound
  74. Can you set a custom regiment ID for RAF online play?
  75. Another Controller option possibility ?
  76. WWII beauties for the cockpit.
  77. For Saitek Users
  78. Saitek pro controler + rudder setup
  79. .NET Framework Removal Utility
  80. The Gen on EVGA Precision X
  81. Team Speak in Dual Server Connection
  82. How to unlock external view in a Track ?
  83. Life without force feedback?
  84. Clock gadget
  85. HRCODWAR: Multi-squadron dynamic campaign system
  86. Journey to the line background music for menu
  87. Lagasaurus Rex
  88. Advice?
  89. question about net stats
  90. C# Programmer for RepkaServerCommander 2 wanted
  91. Weird MSFFB2 thing happened?
  92. Tweak Force Feedback
  93. Roccat power-grid interface ro android and ipad tablets/phones
  94. Server advice
  95. Help about Tab menu
  96. Gunny's TrackIR profile
  97. TrackIR Asymmetric Setup Tutorial
  98. Can I stop the enemy knowing when I am <RR...
  99. SV Mapper
  100. Need help, point tracker plugin tracks more than 3 light sources with ps3 eye cam
  101. Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 dead since TF
  102. Question about the TrackClip Pro
  103. County Kent UK 1940s in Google Earth
  104. convergences tool
  105. Looking for printable maps for CloD
  106. about chat in game
  107. Samsung is working with Oculus on a media-focused VR headset
  108. X55 Rhino Profile
  109. Bug with external view utility
  110. Problem uploading .trk file to allow External View
  111. facetrackNOIR v.170
  112. Independent Load Out Utility for RAF Fighters
  113. atagQuery.js
  114. KeyCode_4 released
  115. Loadouts tool
  116. Freetrack on Win 8.1?
  117. Bomber Buddy Utility
  118. Sudden decrease in field of view with Freetrack
  119. More on Oculus Rift and Leap Motion working together
  120. Auto Launch Utility
  121. Logitech G940 warm base of the stick
  122. Installation Instructions are gone
  123. AI change Programs
  124. Loadout tool: What would be a good belting?
  125. will lack of Steam's disable auto-updates break ATAG mods?
  126. TrackIR vs Freetrack Vs FaceTrackNoir vs Opentrack
  127. AlacrityPC (used to be called FSAutoStart) by Ken Salter
  128. Overlay Help Please....
  129. TeamSpeak 3 For Android
  130. Collaboration to the work
  131. how do I load a TrackIR profile?
  132. Virtual Cockpit
  133. SweetFX for Windows 8/8.1
  134. Dashpics Mod not working
  135. CH Fighterstick - Question on how to set the modes
  136. Decay's Tools, Lapboards and Maps
  137. 3D modeling
  138. Mission Generator for TF Cliffs of Dover created by "Barbs"
  139. Joystick and HOTAS port mapping program - JoyID
  140. Generator of missions for "Cliffs of Dover_TeamFusion4.312"
  141. Texturing help
  142. Patches installation..
  143. SweetFX - New and improved Settings HD.
  144. Contact spotting
  145. Atag Server Command problem
  146. Nvidia Inspector Settings ?
  147. Getting started: 3D modeling with Blender
  148. Windows movie maker. Audio but no video in storyboard
  149. zoom 20,60,100 instead of 30,60,90 degrees
  150. Issues with the game graphics? try this
  151. Possible Workaround for SweetFX on Win 8.1 - Radeon Pro
  152. Saitek X36 in windows 8 or 8.1
  153. DeviceLink & VC help needed.
  154. Flare's 3D modelling thread
  155. Problem uploading .trk file to allow External View
  156. Quick Reference Spotters Chart
  157. Oculus buys Nimble VR, bye bye Leap Motion VR
  158. How to move CloD to new PC
  159. Alernate menus and backgrounds.
  160. How to backup game files before a PC format...
  161. Random Dashpic and Launcher Mod
  162. Track IR upadate I believe
  163. Joytokey - Boost in one button.
  164. Track IR tutorials?
  165. Help: Programming the X-55 Joystick and HOTAS
  166. Please help! Joystick and some keys stopped working
  167. Bf109 intruments on Android app
  168. DEVICELINK - error/omission
  169. Eagle's 3D Modelling Thread
  170. SweetFX 2 BETA
  171. Tutorial, Track editor, shadowPlay and Moviemaker
  172. Simple Android CloD Map
  173. Questions about Kegetys
  174. Attempting to learn Blender
  175. InjectFX
  176. Blender now on Steam
  177. Oculus Rift shipping Q1 2016. Official announcement!
  178. Launch all CLoD apps and join ATAG server- single click/hotkey
  179. Oculus VR Releases Recommended Hardware Specs
  180. Searchlights in the FMB
  181. Question
  182. Sound Files Question
  183. Frustrating FMB problem
  184. BenQ GW2760HS
  185. Windows 7 "God Mode"
  186. Midi Controller for Music to be used for cliffs of dover. Help?
  187. T Flight Stick X Repair
  188. Instrument panels / Dashboard on Secondary monitor
  189. Game Boosters
  190. Reshade - does it work?
  191. Miguel's 3D modeling
  192. RAF Pipsqueak system explained
  193. IL-2: Cliffs of Dover Track Recorder Video Tutorial
  194. Antialiasing - I got it working!
  195. INI Configuration Tool by Gix
  196. EDTracker - IL-2 Cliffs Of Dover
  198. How to change Engine sliders to percentage?
  199. Looking for:
  200. HOTAG and key mapping
  201. TSNotifier window adjustments
  202. The Luftwaffe's Enigma.
  203. Ammo counters on-screen
  204. SweetFX: running Win 8.1
  205. Joystick Curves: Increase from 10 to 20 data points
  206. Where are my explosions ?
  207. In need of serious help getting cliffs of dover to map thrustmaster joystick
  208. Hello! Thrustmaster HOTAS Flight X Mapping?
  209. Just in time for a long campaign: Mission Planner Spreadsheet
  210. Launcher Crashes
  211. Blender Texture Paint
  212. Joystick Centre Tension....
  213. TAB - 7 - 1....Macro (FREE)
  214. Gametrix jetseat
  215. Axis Senitivity Settings
  216. Rudder pedals
  217. Any Advantage in Windows 10 for CLOD
  218. Plane Spotter Cards
  219. Printing out the Controls List
  220. Toggling Radio commands via GlovePie & speech recognition
  221. 2 weeks into blender
  222. Windows 10 update broke my Freetrack
  223. Completely Remove Reshade? Unexplained low resolution problem.
  224. DIY Kneeboard
  225. Thrustmaster
  226. New Video would be helpful: Windows 10 and installation
  227. Setting up a VR Headset with only your phone and less than $10 of software
  228. Cliffs of Dover
  229. Career tracker?
  230. Joystick Gremlin - joystick configuration software
  231. Track Editor problem
  232. Where is the patch 4.0 .exe/installation file?
  233. Cliffs of Dover/EDTracker View & Movement Enhancement with FreePIE
  234. Track IR
  235. French for RAF & Luftwaffe Pilots
  236. Implementing Force Feedback
  237. Idea for TF 5.0 - Smoother +/- % for Keys
  238. Track editor
  239. Head Tracking problem with Cap
  240. Thrustmaster Warthog or other alternatives for Win 10
  241. SweetFX or Reshade?
  242. ReShade & IL-2 CoD
  243. Power supply cable for MS Sidewinder FF2?
  244. Which FFE files are what (force feedback troubles)
  245. trying to install delanclip software..
  246. how to create a private server
  247. VR in current version of CLOD
  248. Real time flight path on Google Map
  249. Digital buttons. Using tablet with apps
  250. Disabling the countdown Introvideo