View Full Version : Zooming

Nov-03-2014, 18:37
I cannot seem to get the zoom function to work.
I found zoom in the camera menu bound to the mouse buttons but, it did not work nor has it worked with any other bindings I have tried so far plus, I could not even rebind it to the mouse buttons because for some reason pressing either mouse button did not register in the key binding window.
Is anyone able to help me with this please?

Nov-03-2014, 20:07
You can assign buttons or keys to FOV 30 (max view), Fov 70 (wide view) and another FOV i never use so i forgot the ammount. Look under camera. Default is DELETE, END and PAGE DOWN ( all those keys are togheter just below the HOME, INSERT and PAGE UP

9./JG52 Mindle
Nov-04-2014, 11:03
Look for the command FOV+ for zoom in and FOV- to zoom out. As lolsav says, 70 is good for zoom reset to normal view and 30 is good for an instant zoom.

I have FOV+ and FOV- bound to my joystick hat switch and 70, 30, and lean to gunsight on a joystick 4-way hat. These five commands are pretty important and it pays to have them on a joystick so you can manage views quickly and easily during fight or flight.

To assign the mouse to a command you need to click just outside of the command box when you are assigning it, not in the box itself.

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