View Full Version : ME 109 E4 no prop pitch control?

Jan-02-2015, 00:14
Hi guys,

I took the E 4 off alright but once at altitude found the prop pitch wouldn't work. Is this a bug? Or am i doing something wrong? I also tried to adjust it while on the ground but it was a no go. Had no prob with the E3.

Jan-02-2015, 02:24
The E4 has an automated prop pitch which is activated when spawning.
You have to deactivate it to adjust the prop manually.

Jan-02-2015, 11:58
Skylon got it right! You definitely want to switch the E4 to manual mode before takeoff, if not before engine start. The auto prop has a bug where it will underrev the engine if not first switched to manual. You want to keep it manual at 12 oclock for taxi and takeoff. Then, if you wish, you can re-enable the auto prop pitch for the duration of your flight (with the exception of landing, which I also recommend 12 oclock manual).

Jan-02-2015, 12:36
Thank you:-)

Jan-02-2015, 14:06
There's a hotkey which can be bound to "manual prop pitch" or something, you can look for that in the settings.

Jan-02-2015, 16:57
I believe default key is either Cntrl R or Shift R