View Full Version : BDO tournament
Jan-15-2015, 18:30
Tuesday will start BDO.
What is it?
Born as a tournament with dynamic fast and easily manageable on the old IL2, now lands on IL2 Cliff of Dover.
Were introduced several changes, we tried to "design and structure" missions to make them as close as possible to our ideas of simulated air combat (so try to find the right mix of action and strategy).
-maps with hot zones with very specific and restricted
-2 Target for map
-planeset historically correct
-bases protected by strong AAA
The BDO will be composed of 5-6 missions.
Will be determined three different types of classifications:
-best bomber
-best fighter
-player with more points
They will be possible thanks a new and accurate system of statistics.
The appointment will be every Tuesday at 21.00 (GMT + 1)
If the idea you like it and you feel ready for some action "real", get involved!
Communicate your registration and team preferences.
Jan-16-2015, 01:58
This sounds interesting, I'm not flying at the moment but I'll have to check it out when I get back to the game.
Good luck!
Jan-16-2015, 04:03
I add to the description that this is the first time ever that BdO come to Cliffs of Dover, so there might be some problems or something can go wrong so please be patience :)
Anyone that can be interested can write here :)
Jan-17-2015, 07:51
Some of the targets in the mission "Opertion Grinch"
Obviously a non-real contest. ( ( ( ( (
Jan-19-2015, 11:25
This sounds potentially interesting , though Im not sure I fully understand what this is or how people access it?
Jan-19-2015, 12:59
Who would like to participate should write it down here (including preference of teams color).
The BDO will take place on a special server, called BDO tournament server.
We'd need to figure out who would like to participate to form teams; for now we are about 30-40 players.
The meeting will be tomorrow (tuesday) at 21:00 (GMT +1) on the TS of ItalianWing pass: pikass
Jan-22-2015, 09:04
Some of the Targets for the Blues in the next Mission that wil take place next Tuesday 27/01 at 9:30 GMT ( ( ( (
Jan-23-2015, 04:53
NEXT MISSION TUESDAY 27/01 at 8:30 pm GMT on BdO Tournament Server
Royal Air Force
The Luftwaffe is going to make raids on the town of Folkestone !!!
We think that they want to destroy the supplies , the means and resources survided from to Dunkerque!!!
In these moments the port and the railway station of the city are heavily employed in unloading supplies and redistribution on the territory !
Fighter Objective:
Defend the structures of the city at all costs !!!
Intercepted the bombers before the release their loads, any other targets are secondaries.
La Luftwaffe si prepara per condurre Raid di bombardamento su Folkestone
Pensiamo vogliano distruggere i rifornimenti, gli equipaggiamenti e le risorse sopravissute alla ritirata di Dunkerque!!!
In questo momento il porto e la stazione ferroviaria della città sono pesantemente impegnate nello sbarco e la distribuzione sul territorio di tali approvvigionamenti!
Obiettivi Caccia
Difendete le strutture della città ad ogni costo!!!
Intercettate i bombardieri PRIMA che rilascino il loro carico, qualsiasi altro bersaglio è un obiettivo secondario.
GoodMorning Gentlemen,
The boats escaped from Dunkerque are obviously direct to nearest equipped Port, the port of Folkestone .
The City in fact became Within a few hours the more sensitive of the objectives.
The 80 % of the material escaped the defeat at Dunkerque is there waiting to being distributed and landed on the ground.
Bombers Objective:
Destroy or make unsable the more Ships possible
Destroy or make unsable the port facilities
Destroy or make unsable the train station
Destroy or make unsable the department stores near the train station and the port
Fighter Objective:
Protect at all costs our bomber untill the releas their loads.
Attack only targets that rappresent a threat for our Bombers, any other targets are a secondaries.
Buongiorno Signori.
Le navi sopravissute alla ritirata di Dunkerque sono dirette al più vicino ed attrezzato porto alleato, il porto di Folkestone.
La città è di fatto diventata in poche ore uno degli obiettivi più sensibili del nemico.
Pensiamo che circa l'80% del materiale scampato a Dunkerque si trovi la in attesa di venire scaricato e distribuito sul territorio.
Obiettivi Bomber
Distruggere o danneggiare più mercantili possibili
Distruggere o rendere inutilizzabili le strutture del porto
Distruggere o rendere inutilizzabile la stazione ferroviaria
Distruggere o rendere inutilizzabile i magazzini provvisori allestiti nei pressi della stazione e del porto
Obiettivi Caccia
Proteggete i nostri bombardieri a tutti i costi
Attaccate solo bersagli che rappresentano una minaccia per i nostri bombardieri, qualsiasi altro bersaglio è secondario e di poca importanza.
Targets Screen ( ( ( (
Royal Air Force
Feb-03-2015, 10:15
!!!Operazione Kanalkampf!!!
Royal Air Force
July 1940
A convoy of 19 oil tankers is about to approach the Straits of Dover.
The convoys is escorted by several Destroyers but now that French coasts are all in enemy hands we suppose that's not enough.
We expect an enemy raid on that convoy, Oil Tankers are essential for us.... They make our planes fly!! Protect those ships at all costs.
Fighter Objectives
Engange enemy Bombers before they release their bombs.
Enemy Fighters and empty Bombers are secondary targets
Un convoglio formato da 19 petroliere sta per passare lo stretto di Dover con rotta Nord-Est.
Il convoglio è già scortato da alcuni Cacciatorpedinieri ma ora che tutta la costa Francese è in mano nemica crediamo che non sia abastanza.
Ci aspettimo Raid aerei sul convoglio. Inutile dire che quei rifornimenti sono per noi essenziali, senza non potremmo nemmeno far volare i nostri
apparecchi! Proteggete quelle navi ad ogni costo!
Obiettivi Caccia
Ingaggiate i bombardieri nemici prima che rilascino il loro carico
I caccia nemici e i bombardieri che hanno già sganciato sono bersagli secondari.
Operation Kanalkampf
July 1940
A convoy made of 19 enemy's oil tankers escorted by several destroyers has been spotted approaching the Straits of Dover with heading North-East.
Oil Tankers are extremely sensitive targets, we must sink the most ships we can.
Fighter Objectives
Escorts bombers on their targets and make sure they release their load.
Engage any enemy fighters that represent a threat for our bombers, any other target is a secondary objective.
Bomber Objectives
Sink the most Oil Tankers that is possible.
Destroyer and any other ship are secondary objective
Un convoglio di 19 petroliere nemiche scortato da alcuni Cacciatorpediniere è stato avvistato in avvicinamento allo stretto di Dover
con rotta Nord-Est. Le petroliere sono un obiettivo sensibile, dobbiamo assolutamente affondarne il maggior numero possibile.
Obiettivi Caccia
Scortate i bombardieri sul loro obiettiv ed assicuratevi che riscano a sganciare il loro carico.
Ingaggiate qualsiasi caccia nemico che rappresenti una minaccia per i nostri bombardieri, qualsiasi altro bersaglio è secondario.
Obiettivi Bombardieri
Affondate il maggior numero di navi possibile
Cacciatorpedinieri e navi di altro genere sono bersagli secondari.
Royal Air Force
Mar-11-2015, 03:40
BdO is going, I remember to all of you that cna be interested that ALL PILOTS are Welcome!
NEXT MISSION TUESDAY 17/03 at 8:30 pm GMT on BdO Tournament Server
Royal Air Force
June 1940
The Luftwaffe is going to make raids on the town of Folkestone !!!
We think that they want to destroy the supplies , the means and resources survided from to Dunkerque!!!
In these moments the port and the railway station of the city are heavily employed in unloading supplies and redistribution on the territory !
Fighter Objective
Defend the structures of the city at all costs!!!
Intercepted the bombers before the release their loads, any other targets are secondaries.
June 1940
GoodMorning Gentlemen,
The boats escaped from Dunkerque are obviously direct to nearest equipped Port, the port of Folkestone .
The City in fact became Within a few hours the more sensitive of the objectives.
The 80 % of the material escaped the defeat at Dunkerque is there waiting to being distributed and landed on the ground.
Bomber Objective
Destroy or make unsable the more Ships possible
Destroy or make unsable the port facilities
Destroy or make unsable the train station
Destroy or make unsable the department stores near the train station and the port
Fighter Objective
Protect at all costs our bomber untill the releas their loads.
Attack only targets that rappresent a threat for our Bombers, any other targets are a secondaries.
Targets Screen ( ( ( (
Royal Air Force
Mar-23-2015, 03:25
!!!Operazione Kanalkampf!!!
Royal Air Force
July 1940
A convoy of 19 oil tankers is about to approach the Straits of Dover.
The convoys is escorted by several Destroyers but now that French coasts are all in enemy hands we suppose that's not enough.
We expect an enemy raid on that convoy, Oil Tankers are essential for us.... They make our planes fly!! Protect those ships at all costs.
Fighter Objectives
Engange enemy Bombers before they release their bombs.
Enemy Fighters and empty Bombers are secondary targets
Un convoglio formato da 19 petroliere sta per passare lo stretto di Dover con rotta Nord-Est.
Il convoglio è già scortato da alcuni Cacciatorpedinieri ma ora che tutta la costa Francese è in mano nemica crediamo che non sia abastanza.
Ci aspettimo Raid aerei sul convoglio. Inutile dire che quei rifornimenti sono per noi essenziali, senza non potremmo nemmeno far volare i nostri
apparecchi! Proteggete quelle navi ad ogni costo!
Obiettivi Caccia
Ingaggiate i bombardieri nemici prima che rilascino il loro carico
I caccia nemici e i bombardieri che hanno già sganciato sono bersagli secondari.
Operation Kanalkampf
July 1940
A convoy made of 19 enemy's oil tankers escorted by several destroyers has been spotted approaching the Straits of Dover with heading North-East.
Oil Tankers are extremely sensitive targets, we must sink the most ships we can.
Fighter Objectives
Escorts bombers on their targets and make sure they release their load.
Engage any enemy fighters that represent a threat for our bombers, any other target is a secondary objective.
Bomber Objectives
Sink the most Oil Tankers that is possible.
Destroyer and any other ship are secondary objective
Un convoglio di 19 petroliere nemiche scortato da alcuni Cacciatorpediniere è stato avvistato in avvicinamento allo stretto di Dover
con rotta Nord-Est. Le petroliere sono un obiettivo sensibile, dobbiamo assolutamente affondarne il maggior numero possibile.
Obiettivi Caccia
Scortate i bombardieri sul loro obiettiv ed assicuratevi che riscano a sganciare il loro carico.
Ingaggiate qualsiasi caccia nemico che rappresenti una minaccia per i nostri bombardieri, qualsiasi altro bersaglio è secondario.
Obiettivi Bombardieri
Affondate il maggior numero di navi possibile
Cacciatorpedinieri e navi di altro genere sono bersagli secondari.
Royal Air Force
Mar-23-2015, 11:17
Howdy All,
I'm interested but won't be able to log on (working) until 7:30 eastern (11:30 GMT). Will the mission still be running at that time?
Mar-24-2015, 06:10
Howdy All,
I'm interested but won't be able to log on (working) until 7:30 eastern (11:30 GMT). Will the mission still be running at that time?
Hi! This missions will stay online for 70 Minutes..
All other missions will stay online for 90 Minutes..
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