View Full Version : Response to recent community info dispensed

Feb-22-2015, 01:51
Came across this post from Bliss this evening and just wanted to quickly address some things that are incorrect with respect to the claims regarding 'other servers'. I realize that this response was made to something posted on the SoW boards, but since the response is rather blanket in its remarks regarding other servers, I felt the need to reply.

That is why other servers have despawns at weird times while ours is the only one that you can sit in your aircraft all day long without worry of it disappearing.
Where are their tools and utilities at for free consumption? You'll find only we've done that publicly.

The No.401 server does not despawn at weird times. I just took a spin to double-check, but you can take-off and land your aircraft from full stop to full stop as many times as you like. Once you're out of the aircraft, it'll despawn. The original code for this that I got was by TheEnlightenedFlorist which DID despawn aircraft after landing, but I tweaked it so that it didn't. I don't know if TheEnlightenedFlorist is an ATAG member now or in the past.

No.401 StiC has created and released a pretty nifty loadout tool for CloD that he posted on the ATAG forums at one time (not sure if it's still posted here) but it's certainly still publically posted and hosted at our forum and free for anyone to download and use.

We very thankfully use the Server Commander that was released by ATAG for community use (a very elegantly made solution), but I don't know if everyone uses it (if they don't, they should - it's very good).

Certainly, a lot of script we employ in our missions comes from other sources, but those sources are all credited and looking through them I don't find any ATAG members. Salmo (weather randomization and data mining from .mis files in play), Kodiak (RDF system), TheEnlightenedFlorist (despawn system), Vogler ("frontlines" system for determining friendly or enemy territory for results), and Reddog (vector to intercept calculation, multi-crew results tracking on despawn). And all of the code just mentioned has been tweaked and edited and redone by myself (not nearly as impressive, but it's not the scripting that they provided anymore). If any of the previously mentioned individuals got their code from ATAG then I was not aware of it and would like to have the names of those involved so that they can be credited for it.

I have no desire to start a fight here. I just wanted to clarify those things above. If our stuff has been using ATAG code that I'm not aware of, I would like to apologize and, again, have the names of those involved to credit them in our briefing.

Thank you

Feb-22-2015, 03:44
Certainly, a lot of script we employ in our missions comes from other sources, but those sources are all credited and looking through them I don't find any ATAG members. Salmo (weather randomization and data mining from .mis files in play), Kodiak (RDF system), TheEnlightenedFlorist (despawn system), Vogler ("frontlines" system for determining friendly or enemy territory for results), and Reddog (vector to intercept calculation, multi-crew results tracking on despawn). And all of the code just mentioned has been tweaked and edited and redone by myself (not nearly as impressive, but it's not the scripting that they provided anymore). If any of the previously mentioned individuals got their code from ATAG then I was not aware of it and would like to have the names of those involved so that they can be credited for it.

I have no desire to start a fight here. I just wanted to clarify those things above. If our stuff has been using ATAG code that I'm not aware of, I would like to apologize and, again, have the names of those involved to credit them in our briefing.

Thank you

Wolverine, we started the server within 24 hours of the release of the game (4 years ago). In the first 3 weeks we had figured out how to rotate missions, spawn AI, despawn planes, and send hud messages. There was absolutely no information on this stuff at the time. Many people asked for example missions and we generally handed them out. The majority of code you see in 1C from the sources you mention came at a much later date, but much of it started with what we figured out early on during the game's release. We aren't asking for any sort of recognition at all. I don't want you to say "thanks to ATAG for figuring out how to spawn AI or send hud messages, or despawn, or any of that jazz as there are some people hosting servers today that have only showed up in the last year or so of the game's life.

So you must realize, when someone makes a statement saying we are using their code in a derogatory fashion, that we know full well that if you despawn, have AI in your missions, hud messages, or rotate missions, we were the 1st to come up with it and release it WAAAAAY back in 2011. That's all I'm saying. So for those of us that have been doing this since the beginning, the irony is pretty thick when someone claims some sort of code use when we know full well the very basics of a MP mission with what I've already listed came from us very early on after the game was released. I don't know when you started your server, but I know I never saw it in 2011, 2012, or even 2013. So it's understandable most people wouldn't know this stuff to begin with.

So there's no fight to start. It just seemed some people that are relatively new to the game didn't realize where much of that scripting stuff started with and was 1st used and developed by in the 1st place, let alone way back in 2011 right after the game's release.


Hope you understand the frustration of seeing comments like that and why I felt the need to respond to them. It was in no, way, shape, or form any sort of attack on you or anyone else. Locking this one.