View Full Version : Looking for map listing

Jun-16-2012, 15:23
Hi all,

Just posting looking at the state of what maps are completed and in rotation. There's alot of map makers that would supplement ATAGs approach on historical accuracy and game play pretty well. If you gentlemen need any help with it I know of several that could lend a hand. Thanks again for everything.

Jun-16-2012, 15:38
Ahh, I just saw the Midway map on the stat page. Cool!

Jun-17-2012, 03:28
Hi KV, if you go to the IL2 1946 stats page and click the missions link located on the upper left hand side it will show you the missions that have been playing. We'll be adding more missions in the near future but I'll give you a brief description of the rotation as of 6/18/2012.

Operation Abacab.
A fictitious mission based in the fall of 1943 using the Channel Map. Major forces present are the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Italy. The run time is 3 hours.

A historically based mission in the summer of 1942 using the Midway map. Major forces present are the USA and Japan. The run time is 4 hours.

Operation Husky.
A historically based mission in the summer of 1943 using the War over Italy map.
Major forces present are the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Italy. The run time is 4 hours.

As the server continues to develop we'll be adding a section in the forums containing descriptions, recon photos and additional information along with a section for suggestions and feedback.

In the spirit of our CLOD server we'll be following the same rules of engagement meaning, "All Out War" while providing what we hope is a challenging, fun yet relaxed environment for everyone.

The server itself is "Full Switch" with advanced weather enabled so expect wind, turbulence and gusts to varied degrees with each mission.

Well I think that should cover it for now. I hope you enjoy the server and please feel free to use our Team Speak 3 comms @

Thanks, ATAG_WatchMan.

Jun-17-2012, 15:53
Absolutely outstanding man! Thanks alot!

Jun-17-2012, 20:39
Always enjoy the Pacific Theatre thx :thumbsup::salute:

Jun-18-2012, 11:41
Can't wait to here more information! Love it!

Blue Skies,

Co-Group Commander, 78th Fighter Group "Above the Foe!"