View Full Version : New Server Status.

Jul-07-2012, 22:28
Hi all, starting today we've made the transition to HSFX 6.0 on server #2. The poll we ran was heavily in favor of this so we figured we may as well get a good jump on it.:)

Right now there is only one mission running on it, but it has enough stuff going on to keep solo flyers and large groups busy for the whole mission duration. The server is available through Hyperlobby under "ATAG DEDI" and you can see the stats page through our "STATS PAGES" tab right above. If you'd like to by pass Hyperlobby you can direct connect using this address, ( and as always feel free to use our TS3 server for comms.

We hope that everyone takes advantage of all the great features HSFX 6.0 has to offer and invite everyone who flys on the server to offer comments and suggestions to help us improve as much as we can.


P.S. Make sure to check out our download section for links to upgrade your game to 4.11.1 and HSFX 6.0

Jul-07-2012, 22:44
Fantastic. Thx Watchman.

May have a look right now. Cheers! :D

Jul-07-2012, 22:58
Woot! Can't wait to try.

Jul-07-2012, 23:16
Couldn't join with 'expert' mod enabled. May be worth making this known. Or changing it. :)

Jul-08-2012, 08:26
Okay, I'll look into it. :thumbsup:

Jul-08-2012, 09:25
What I'll do is enable "Expert Mode" and add it to the description of the server. The only thing I have reservations about is that some have reported some features, i.e."super chargers" not working and the fact that not all cockpits have working indicator lights for things such as landing gear but we'll see how it goes.:D

Thanks, WatchMan.

Jul-08-2012, 10:16
Thanks Watchman, can't wait to try this out tonight :thumbsup:

Jul-08-2012, 11:24
Just had a couple of spins on the server in a Mitchell and a Beaufighter.

Very very promising indeed! Lots of AI aircraft, lots of ground targets. 1944 around the Caen/Le Havre area is a great choice for a first mission.

For the benefit of the Blenheim pilots here present, if you thought the Minensuchboot was dangerous, you should see the stuff coming up from the ships in this scenario.

Would like to get a group together on the server sometime soon.

And Knuckles, you get your Beaufighter armed to the teeth! :hypnotized:

Jul-08-2012, 11:30
Just had a couple of spins on the server in a Mitchell and a Beaufighter.

Very very promising indeed! Lots of AI aircraft, lots of ground targets. 1944 around the Caen/Le Havre area is a great choice for a first mission.

For the benefit of the Blenheim pilots here present, if you thought the Minensuchboot was dangerous, you should see the stuff coming up from the ships in this scenario.

Would like to get a group together on the server sometime soon.

And Knuckles, you get your Beaufighter armed to the teeth! :hypnotized:

Checking this out as I type :thumbsup:

Jul-12-2012, 02:25
Well judging by the server problems I'm running into with HSFX, I'm going to switch back to UP 3.0 RC4 for the time being. I know our poll suggested otherwise, but I need to see if there are problems inherent to 4.11.1 with HSFX 6.0 that are keeping us from running the type of missions we'd like to run. It wouldn't be appealing to anyone if we were forced to run missions based of the limitations of the mod we're using, i.e. two hour missions, basic maps and limited objects, so I'm thinking this is best for the time being. If I can sort out the problems with HSFX then of course we'll switch back, or perhaps do both.:)

I also noticed there isn't much traffic coming to the server anyways and I'm hoping there won't be too many disappointed people. With interest waning in CLOD, I think it's important to get another stable server up and running for people to fly on as CLOD fades away. I really hope I'm wrong on this one, but I really think this is the direction things are heading.

Thanks All,

Jul-12-2012, 07:03

Bad news. It was looking very promising.

Unfortunately owing to a 'ballsup' of my own, I now only have the HSFX install and no spare 'vanilla' to go UP....ah well (Or is there a way of having UP as well as HSFX in JSGME too?).

But just as a suggestion as regards traffic, once things are stable why not post an announcement on both the CoD and IL2 Sturmovik forums at 1C?

As Hyperlobby's server list can be arranged in a number of different ways, at first the ATAG server was right at the bottom of the list until I rearranged the list to alphabetical.

Maybe people just weren't aware it was there unless they read this forum. Personally, I've only seen yourself, Old_Canuck, Deacon and notafinger on the server, all of whom do.

It couldn't do any harm, could it? Or was this done and I missed it?

Just a thought.

Jul-12-2012, 08:37
Well Dutch, the one thing I can recommend doing is a system restore to a date previous to when you installed HSFX. Once you do the restore copy your original IL2 game onto a separate hard drive and then re boot your computer and undo the system restore. After that you can just copy and paste your IL2 game back onto the computer and make another copy to install UP 3.0 or just install it into the IL2 game. I hope this helps you out, I think I must have 5 or 6 copies of the game on my computer.:) Oh and you'll want to make sure that the external drive, partition or whatever you're copying to has around 10gig of space.

S! WatchMan.

Jul-12-2012, 14:39
Wow. Thanks Watchman, would not have thought of that within the next decade or so. :)

As long as I have a restore point going back that far, I'll give it a whirl.

Thanks me ole pal! :geek:

Jul-26-2012, 11:58
Hey guys, dropping in to see how it's going. Are your servers getting traffic?

Jul-26-2012, 12:11
Well Oz, it's been kind of slow and currently the HSFX mission we have running crashes the server so things are on hold at the moment. I'll probably try doing another mission for the server next week so we can get some regular rotation going.

S! WatchMan.

Jul-27-2012, 00:10
Well Oz, it's been kind of slow and currently the HSFX mission we have running crashes the server so things are on hold at the moment. I'll probably try doing another mission for the server next week so we can get some regular rotation going.

S! WatchMan.

Well, I don't do anything with HSFX, but I do with UP3.0. Ghost Skies (www.ghostskies.com) runs UP3.0, so if you guys need help with it, let me know. Bliss is familiar with us.

Jul-27-2012, 08:52
Oz that sounds good. In respect to the UP3.0 server, it's been running without a hitch with about 4 missions in the rotation. I even transferred the mission that was giving us problems with HSFX and it runs flawlessly. All and all UP3.0 paired with 4.10.1 seems like a very stable platform. I hope to see an increase in server population in the coming months, but we are not actively promoting it at the moment.


Jul-29-2012, 00:57
Agreed on UP3.0's stability. Sadly, it would appear any sort of development has all but ended in UP3.0. Hades has once again disappeared so. I've heard about others having issues with HSFX. Sorry to hear you are having the same issues.

Jul-29-2012, 11:57
Oh, that's a shame, well perhaps Hades will re surface soon. I have to admit I like both mods because each one has it's own features, strong points and weak points. With any luck Hades will jump back on board and see if UltraPack can be worked into 4.11.1 or even 4.12 . Well we'll have to see what the coming months bring us.

Dec-24-2012, 15:28
Hi WatchMan,

over the last days with this bad news about Cod my squadmember and me where talking about, to put IL-2 1946 back on the disk.
so maby when it is official and ATAK runs an Il-2 server I./JG26 would like to join the good old battles again :).

My squadmambers and me we hope you go with U.P 3.0, we dont like the FM of HSFX.

