View Full Version : about loadouts options

Jan-08-2013, 09:31
Hey guys first of all i want to clear that is not a thread about request or something
just a simple question..

is there any way to make the loadouts options in singleplayer to work
fuel settings bomb fuzes etc.
in multiplayer works just fine why not in SP...:(
this issue exist since the release of the sim and wonder if any or someone found a solution
i don't want to mess with FMB just to change my fuel to a lower setting
thanks for any reply

92 Sqn. Philstyle (QJ-P)
Jan-08-2013, 10:51
I'm pretty sure they are set as mission parameters, so in that case you'd need to use the Mission builder.

Sorry if that's exactly what you did not want to hear...

Jan-08-2013, 12:47
thanks for the reply buddy
yes agree with you but is not logical cause there are missions starting in the air and you have 100\100 fuel capacity
also if you select a different aircraft to fly lets say the HE-111 in flight to bomb something theres no bombs load on them
as it already have a target to bomb

anyway thanks again