View Full Version : Historically accurate bomber formations?

Jun-16-2019, 19:25

I understand there are certain limitations to the what the FMB allows, but I got curious about something that I hope the knowledgeable folks here could enlighten me on, if just for pure education and curiosity.

I know the German fighters used the more flexible Finger-Four formation. I know the Brits, for the most part, stuck with their Vic formation though out the battle.

I had trouble finding clear information on the historically used formation for various German bombers. (Although you can find everything you'd ever want to know about American combat-box formations. In unbelievable detail.)

It appears Stuka generally used Vic (Kette)
https://external-preview.redd.it/_TUro8yVw_cYqjBx0_68sSdFQzRG0Lmp3dtJCHVDSuY.jpg?au to=webp&b18cec5a

I've seen other diagrams of that looked like just a single column of Kette in line astern.
Either, both accurate?

What about JU-88?
What were the historical formations for these in transit to target?

I've seen some photos and diagrams of HE-111 formations that looked something like this:
Is this historically accurate? Did it have a name? Just HE-111?
Or is that just a mis representation of what should be a formation of kette?

Thanks in advance,

Jun-17-2019, 00:02