View Full Version : Ilya's Update October 3 - 19:45 PST

Oct-03-2013, 13:49
"Hey folks,
The current PayPal tally is $2,259.41. Adding the this very second KS total of 134,307, we have the grand total of $136,566.41
I really think the Me.262 is in sight!
I'm making a video right now talking about the most important question I think we have left, accountability and the project's future. I'm going to talk about why we're confident that we're going to deliver what we said we will deliver.
I won't intercut game footage or WIP stuff in there so I can release it faster, so I hope it won't be too boring to watch.
Stand by, should be ready in a couple of hours."

EDIT: the KS just hit $136.000 at 3.5 hrs later. So it's averaging $485 dollars an hour. If Paypal is still averaging 25 percent of KS, it should total $425.00 for an estimated grand total of $138,684.41. So $11,316 to go in 41 hours. Looking good and yes, I need to get off this computer.

EDIT: Ilya just posted this one hour before midnight.

" Creator Ilya Shevchenko 24 minutes ago
PayPal tally: $2,690.58
Current total: $2,690.58 + $137,009 = $139,699.58
Can you guys say Schwalbe?"

EDIT: 15 hours to go with Paypal and Kickstarter well above the goal. Ilya says "the 262 is in the bag." Still possible that people might cancel thinking erroniously that their pledge is not needed.