View Full Version : Gun camera mod?

Nov-27-2013, 14:21
I know nothing about modding but was wondering if there is (or can be made) a simple gun cam mod. I was envisioning something that would not have crosshairs/cockpit visible..it would simply activate when you pressed the trigger and turned off when you stopped firing. I'd love to be able to go back and look through my 'kills' as I get them so infrequently. A dreamt of feature would include camera shake and the ability to put clips in black/white.

Just a thought..

Nov-27-2013, 15:06
In game seems difficult, a different record of what player see... An CloD record don't allow "instant record"...

For movies, use CTRL+F1 :D



Dec-11-2013, 11:52
you could probably make a macro that would hit your record key when you fired, and then turn it off x number of seconds later. The track recorder however causes no performance hit, so I would recommend trying that.

Dec-11-2013, 12:12
I have never managed to get the track recording to work :-( I could probably fix it by reloading CLOD from scratch but I can't face that :D

I did find a utility once that would record ten seconds of footage when I pulled the trigger but somehow that rarely captured the best bits. I think I remember it causing some lag when it wrote to disk at the end.

Dec-11-2013, 12:59
This idea of record only when trigger is pressed only servers to confirm kills.

The best 'camera guns" that you see is because the guy start the camera before fire.


The "instant record" of old il-2 are near perfectly, you set a button, record only want, and after can re-record the track as "gun cam" (WW view). :D
