View Full Version : Useful settings for Server Operators and Hosts

Mar-22-2014, 18:40
Hi folks,

Over the past few days I've been looking at what netspeed settings within the confs.ini (server ini) are best for bandwidth allocation and spiking (aka stability and smoothness). I initially thought that the netspeed settings within Clod didn't do anything and that is because the player numbers always fluctuated way too much to do a real test of things. So mission after mission that the server remained full, I gradually started changing the netspeed to see the overall results with the bandwidth monitor. So essentially monitoring the bandwidth graph in real time, I could see the netcode usage spike from 7mbps to 15mbps, and although it was still very stable, this fluctuation should not exist if the player numbers aren't significantly changing (which they weren't as it was at 100 or 99 for playercount the whole time)

Long story short, I started with:

Netspeed = 100000 This was what was widely considered to be the standard to use with regards to the postings on 1c back in the day.

What I've found is very different and should hopefully give everyone much better stability for hosting. I've decided that the most rock solid setting for bandwidth/netspeed for servers is 20000. This is a far cry from where it was started at.

So I highly suggest all the server hosts try:

Netspeed = 20000

This setting seems to be rock solid / never moving with a completely full server. It's almost like a straight horizontal line the entire time now in the bandwidth monitor. Also the bandwidth usage seems to be much lower overall (around 8mbps compared to up to 15mbps)

Anyhow, it's something to try. Just wanted to share the results of testing and hope it brings some stability to other servers as well.

Bliss :salute:

Mar-24-2014, 23:12
Thanks Bliss, we'll give it a go. Hopefully the SoW and ACG guys will try it as well since they're really the only other hosters that get larger numbers of players apart from ATAG.

92 Sqn. Philstyle (QJ-P)
Mar-25-2014, 02:15
interesting info Bliss, thanks for sharing! :thumbsup:

I pine for the day when we can have 5 or 6 full servers all over the world, all with 80 to 100 players on them.. Little improvements like this all help point us in that direction.