Mar-30-2014, 07:52
Sembra che la versione 5.0 di Team Fusion fra le sue novità introdurrà il Mediterraneo. Si parla di un possibile rilascio per la fine dell'anno quindi non manca neanche molto a dire il vero, pochi mesi.
I think the person to ask is Vasily Kucheraviy (V'@sOK) as they are his work. Now, he IS a part of Team Fusion as far as I know, and he IS working on the stuff to be included in mod version 5.0 and there IS a rumour this mod will include a Mediterranean Theatre of Operations map so I would say, it IS possible!
A questo punto è lecito attendersi anche la Campagna di Malta e nuovi aerei come la serie Macchi e lo Sparviero ...
I think the person to ask is Vasily Kucheraviy (V'@sOK) as they are his work. Now, he IS a part of Team Fusion as far as I know, and he IS working on the stuff to be included in mod version 5.0 and there IS a rumour this mod will include a Mediterranean Theatre of Operations map so I would say, it IS possible!
A questo punto è lecito attendersi anche la Campagna di Malta e nuovi aerei come la serie Macchi e lo Sparviero ...