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Thread: Question about Star Citizen and Arena Commander.

  1. #1
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    Question about Star Citizen and Arena Commander.

    I bought the Origin 300I Package for SC recently and I can't enter the Arena Commander (Or even fly my ship anywhere, the menu won't let me into drone or MP practice). I'm fairly sure that the package I purchased should at least allow me to fly my ship but I really have no idea what I'm doing. (As usual)

    Does anyone know how I am supposed to get flying?

  2. #2
    ATAG Member ATAG_Freya's Avatar
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    Re: Question about Star Citizen and Arena Commander.

    I think you might have to buy a pass for arena commander...$5 or something like that. Did your ship include beta access (or alpha, not sure what to call this)? IF it did you should have arena commander already, and I have no idea what could be the problem. I could be wrong, I never had to buy a pass, it was just there, but I bought a ship a while ago. I think if you hit 'esc' while in the hanger you should get the arena commander menu, and go from there. I could be half-snapped and mis-interpreting your question too. Your missing out on about 20 minutes of fun without AC (imho).

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    Re: Question about Star Citizen and Arena Commander.

    You're right Freya, I had to buy a pass. I had assumed that buying a package would let me fly the ship somewhere but that turned out not to be the case. I was hoping there might be some missions or a tutorial but I can't find anything except this Arena Commander (Which I agree with you is about 20 mins of fun)

    So I guess Arena Commander is the only actual flying I can do right now?

    I was sort of hoping to be able to jump in the ship, open the hangar door and just fly around and explore...

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    ATAG Member ATAG_Freya's Avatar
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    Re: Question about Star Citizen and Arena Commander.

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyBlonde View Post

    I was sort of hoping to be able to jump in the ship, open the hangar door and just fly around and explore...
    That's what I'm hoping for too. We'll have to wait and see. Sounds like it'll be a while before the 'persistent universe' is up and running. Good things take time and all that, but with over 50 million bucks and climbing one would think things would move a bit faster. Or at least allow more than just some 'pew-pew-pew' space fighting.(which can be fun in small doses ) Oh well. But I don't mean to sound negative about it. I truly am looking forward to what this game will be someday. Great potential and an excellent idea!

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    Re: Question about Star Citizen and Arena Commander.

    At the moment, I've written off the cash I spent getting a ship I can't fly and which will be outclassed by every one elses by the time the game finally is released in 2040 or whenever. The ludicrous amount of money they've pulled in so far is clearly being burned on a "ooh, shiny" ship design and development route, designed to fuel peoples addiction to spending way over the odds for no return whatsoever.

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    Re: Question about Star Citizen and Arena Commander.

    I guess an entire universe does take a while to make, they are pretty big from what I hear. They could have given us a slightly bigger playground for now though, the free flight area is the size of a tennis court, I kept dying from flying off the edge of it!

    Oh well, hopefully it comes good, I enjoyed the little bit of flying I did in the MP arena even if I had no idea what was going on.

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    Supporting Member Skoshi_Tiger's Avatar
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    Re: Question about Star Citizen and Arena Commander.

    Quote Originally Posted by 92 Sqn. Reddog (QJ-R) View Post
    At the moment, I've written off the cash I spent getting a ship I can't fly and which will be outclassed by every one elses by the time the game finally is released in 2040 or whenever. The ludicrous amount of money they've pulled in so far is clearly being burned on a "ooh, shiny" ship design and development route, designed to fuel peoples addiction to spending way over the odds for no return whatsoever.
    I've got a 315p and the most satisfaction I had so far is making silly comments in "Pirate" on the forum. (Pirates must die and are evil and sux and the universe would be much better without them apparently )

    It's way too early to see what game play will be like. I'm still trying to get my controls ironed out and its a WIP and I guess it's just wait and see!

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