Hi all,
There will be a short campaign held on ATAG server 2 for the month of November, if there is enough interest in it. Everyone is welcome to attend. The dates and times are:
(subject to change)
Mission 1: Saturday, Nov. 8 2:30PM eastern time (north america), 19:30 GMT
Mission 2: Saturday, Nov. 15 2:30PM eastern time (north america), 19:30 GMT
Mission 3: Sunday, Nov.16 2:30PM eastern time (north america), 19:30 GMT
Mission 4: Sunday, Nov. 23 -OR- Saturday, Nov. 29 2:30PM eastern time (north america), 19:30 GMT
The general details are as follows:
1. The missions:
A short campaign composed of 4 X 2.5 hour missions that are loosely based on historical events of the Battle of Britain. All missions utilize the full span of the map, with several airbases for each side to choose from, and plane type limitaions that progress throughout the 4 missions.
Mission 1: Kanalkampf - late July 1940
- channel stuff... mostly
Mission 2: Adlertag Phase 1 - mid August 1940
- Raids on coastal airfeilds and the radar chains...mostly
-destroyable RAF airfeilds
Mission 3: Adlertag Phase 2 - Mid/late August 1940
-Continued LW offensive on RAF airfeilds (ALL destroyable)
-industrial targets as secondary
Mission 4: Operation Loge - Early September 1940
- Sept 7 raids targeting the East End of London
-includes industrial and airfield targets
2. The Players: 45 RED vs 55 BLUE
- flexable on this, could be 40-60 depending on amount of people participating..
3. Victory conditions:
Have fun = win. Other than that, targets have been assigned a point value. The total of all target values per mission is 100. Should the LW score 50 points or more in any single mission, that will be counted as a blue victory for that mission. Any less, Red wins. Target point values will be given during the week prior to each mission, also target info can be available for BLUE PILOTS during the week prior to each mission. This can be done via PM by request, and it will also be posted in the existing 'Blue' campaign section of the forum. Note that this only applies to missions 2-4. (not required for mission 1)
4. Some rules/guidelines
- One life per mission. Life is considered 'in play' after takeoff, when players will see a server message indicating that they are airborne. Legitimate disconnects are excusable, and those players will be granted another fly. This is based on the honor system, so please play fair. If the player loses their virtual life, they are more than welcome to play as a gunner (LW) or flak crew (RAF), so long as numbers allow it. Please take care to let any reserve players (if any) into the server before you man these secondary positions.
- IF you land on friendly territory and get the 'yourname has returned to base' type message, you may fly again. This means an airfeild, not a crash landing on friendly territory. Again, the honour system..
-Get on ATAG TS (server two channel) 20-30 minutes prior to mission time. This is vital to coordinate your team and tactics, if you come in late while the mission has already started, you will have to wait until given orders to spawn in. If your squad needs a channel under the 'ATAG server 2' section in TS, let us know. Team/squad leaders should meet in the general channel, everyone else get to your squad's or team channel and await orders.
-Please don't show up at the last second and expect your entire squad to just spawn in and go! POST names of all who will be attending, and take part in the discussion and planning to some degree. Be clear as to how many 'seats' you would like long before each mission starts!!!
5. Team strategy:
- Teams may need to plan their tactics/strategy (highly recomended). Some of you may already have access to the campaign section of the forum used in the last ATAG campaign, so feel free to use that area. If you do not have access, say so and we can try to get you in. Also some of you have either dual access or may wish to fly for the other team this time around, so speak up here so we can straighten that out.
6. Numbers # of players
- Please post a quick 'sign in' here if you plan to attend, sign in under your squad or as a non-squad member, and specify which side you will fly for. I need an idea of how many players will be attending. I'm hoping for a full server. If need be, some squads will have to keep players on reserve, but we'll see how many turn out for this event and we'll react accordingly. For those of you not attached to a squad, you will either be folded into existing rosters, or put into a made-up squadron, which ever works out best for you and your chosen team.
7. A bit of a disclaimer...
- I'm a bit new to making mission for multiplayer. I'm confident all will go well, but in case there are bugs and/or problems, it's my fault, not ATAG's, and I will work to solve any problems as they arrise, so have patience with me! Feel free to let me know of any problems you encounter during the missions, so I can resolve them before the following mission goes live.
8. Things I may have left out
- In case I forgot something, it will go here, so if you have any questions, concerns, or comments, feel free to voice them in this thread.
** Also a Thank you to ATAG_Bliss, ATAG_Dave, 9./JG52 Hans Gruber, 92Sqn Karma, and Spiritus Mortem for your help!
Thank you, hope to see you in the fight!
Please include your ATAG Forum name IF it is different from your 'game' handle!