View Poll Results: Which major Mod for IL2 1946 should ATAG go with?

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  • UP 3.0 RC4

    2 9.52%
  • HSFX 6.0

    13 61.90%
  • Just have Colander write a brand new Sim.

    6 28.57%
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Thread: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

  1. #1
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    IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Well I thought I'd start a poll regarding our 1946 server and what major mod we should be running on it, there are really only two contenders here UP 3.0 RC4 and HSFX 6, so please let your voices be heard and let us know. The poll is set to go two weeks but we may start rolling on it sooner than that if it turns out to be heavily in favor of HSFX, if it's in favor of UP 3.0 then really all we need is lots of suggestions as far as missions, planesets, etc. So everyone, have at it!

    Last edited by ATAG_WatchMan; Jun-28-2012 at 10:41.

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    Re: IL 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    P.S. I'm not gonna vote I'm just here to serve the communities needs.:happy

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    ATAG Member ATAG_Deacon's Avatar
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    Re: IL 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Quote Originally Posted by ATAG_WatchMan View Post
    Well I thought I'd start a poll regarding our 1946 server and what major mod we should be running on it, there are really only two contenders here UP 3.0 RC4 and HSFX 6, so please let your voices be heard and let us know. The poll is set to go two weeks but we may start rolling on it sooner than that if it turns out to be heavily in favor of HSFX, if it's in favor of UP 3.0 then really all we need is lots of suggestions as far as missions, planesets, etc. So everyone, have at it!


    ~S~ All,

    My vote is for HSFX all the way.

    My reasoning:

    I like 4.11.1 over 4.10.1. HSFX has been built to keep pace with official TD updates. UP diverged at 4.10.1.

    Improved AI (they don't just fly crazy barrel rolls)

    Overheat feature...You have to be much more cognizant of your CEM. More CloDish if that makes sense.

    Native 6dof

    I like the FM in Expert Mode, feels more realistic.

    Designed for online war.

    I've been having fun with HSFX 6.0 the past few days. It's an easy install (much easier than UP). A very very nice distraction from 1C, the banana boards, and time filler until CloD is fixed as it should be.


    Last edited by ATAG_Deacon; Jun-26-2012 at 15:16. Reason: because sometimes I am an idiot...
    Celer, Silens, Mortalis

  4. #4
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    Re: IL 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    You need 2 more options:
    3.- I don't know. I have not tried A, B or either.
    4.- Whatever. I don't mind/care.

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    Re: IL 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Colander, I follow the acronym "KISS", mostly for my own sake.:happy

  6. #6
    Student Pilot workky's Avatar
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    Re: IL 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    I voted for 6.0 hsfx for the reasons Deacon has stated

  7. #7
    Team Fusion ATAG_Bliss's Avatar
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    Re: IL 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    I'm not going to vote as I haven't played IL2 for a couple years up to the UP 3.0 I recently installed.

    I'll let those that have played both decide. I'm good either way, just want to finally enjoy a game that works!

    "The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself". - Archibald Macleish

  8. #8
    Supporting Member 9./JG52 Jamz Dackel's Avatar
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    Re: IL 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Yea..the new HSFX is pretty cool..

  9. #9
    Ace 9./JG52 Hans Gruber's Avatar
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    Re: IL 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    HSFX all they way. Looks & plays better than CloD. A BoB mission on the channel 1940 map with proper plane setwould be pretty sweet. Also, expert mode is a must.
    Last edited by 9./JG52 Hans Gruber; Jun-26-2012 at 21:33.

  10. #10
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    Re: IL 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    The Ghostskies community will assist ATAG in any way needed. We currently use IL2 4.10.1m plus UP 3.0 RC4 and have a ton of experience creating our online war.

    cya n the skies


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    Re: IL 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    HAHAHAHA I might be needing a job soon so I'll vote for option 3

  12. #12
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    Re: IL 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Lol, looks like Colanders up and coming flight sim is in second place. In all seriousness I was playing HSFX today and the effects package is very nice and the additional options in the FMB are impressive too. My only concern is to me what appears to be some sound bugs relating to the dlls (safe or extended) on my system and that lack of additional memory options on both the player side ad server side. I'll have to look into it a bit more because I'm sure there are some work-arounds.

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    Re: IL 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Quote Originally Posted by TUSA/Nuwen View Post
    The Ghostskies community will assist ATAG in any way needed. We currently use IL2 4.10.1m plus UP 3.0 RC4 and have a ton of experience creating our online war.

    cya n the skies

    Thanks Nuwen, as things develop further I'll get in touch with you.

  14. #14

    Re: IL 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Voted option 3.

    Sorry Colander, but it was the only alternative option :Grin:

    I know I didn't like ultrapack, owing to problems in the track editor and a lot of dodgy cockpits and a/c models. I always preferred my AAA installation although the Channel map was less detailed.

    I've never tried HSFX, but if this evolved from AAA (don't know....?) I'd go with this.

    On the other hand the whole thing still feels like going backwards to me, but think I'll have a go with HSFX owing to the good reports from others.

    The latest patch update from 777 is pretty damned awesome though................!

  15. #15
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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    HSFX 6.0 but yes there were a few moments with a sound bug. Went away after a reboot and haven't noticed it since.
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  16. #16
    Student Pilot 78thFG_Doodle's Avatar
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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    HSFX 6.0 please! More stable, less bugs, better sounds, better graphics, easier to install and setup.

    Blue Skies,


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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Well, I'm HSFX'd to go at last! It took many hours, but now it's done I just cannot get interested enough to go through all the key-mapping etc. It feels like too much of a step backwards.

    I keep going round my flight-sims and other games trying to get hooked on something other than 'relaxing cigarettes' while I wait in hope for Cliffs but no luck so far. My Dwarf is now a level 25, has 3 gold in the bank and a horse, my solitaire score is now up to 17% win and I've joined the 1940s Chicago Mafia, what a waste of time

    Game-play is what counts for me though and I'm sure there's some fun to be had with il2 so I've done enough to be able to make the numbers up in a fighter. I'm ready to get some on-line time in but I'll not be competitive.

    So, my view is not necessary but for what it's worth I prefer the look and feel of HSFX so far. (In all honesty I could not face changing it again anyway).



  18. #18
    ATAG Member ATAG_Deacon's Avatar
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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Well, I'm HSFX'd to go at last! It took many hours, but now it's done I just cannot get interested enough to go through all the key-mapping etc.
    copy your conf.ini & user file from your UP 3.0 folder and your key mapping etc. is done!
    Celer, Silens, Mortalis

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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Thanks Deacon but I didn't map any for that either so it's start from scratch with views, buttons etc.

    Hope your Dad's having a better day mate.



  20. #20

    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Hmmm, just hopped onto BF2 server which is HSFX. Not full real, but cockpit on.

    I was the only one on the server at the time.

    It was winter, Russian Front, thick overcast and snowing. Very low visibility.

    I took off in my trusty old IL2 Sturmovik 1941 Field Mod, loaded with those AP bombs and well, I've got to admit it all came flooding back.

    Soooo atmospheric, engine sounds fantastic. In fact I recorded the track so might do a quick vid to post.

    Liked it. Quite a lot. May have to eat my words after all..................

    Edit: Sod the vid, the patch is out!
    Last edited by Dutch; Jun-29-2012 at 13:39.

  21. #21
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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    ok, since 40% of you voted for me to release the patch, here is the alpha version:

  22. #22
    Team Fusion ATAG_Bliss's Avatar
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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Sounds like HSFX is the way to go, well, besides Colander of course

    "The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself". - Archibald Macleish

  23. #23
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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Um, Colander a link to the CLOD patch, really? Okay so barring the possibility that Colander doesn't have his awesome ww2 flight sim ready by mid July, I think I'll start making preparations to install HSFX on our main server, unless anyone has a strong objection to it.

    I really have to stress that although IL2 1946 doesn't have all the eye candy of other flight sims it is absolutely superior when it comes to variety, stability and immersion. I really can't praise it enough, so I'm encouraging anyone who happens along this thread to get HSFX and give this game another look. As it stands right now, even with the latest patch we most likely will never see another game like 1946 again. I really don't see 1c going that direction with a sequel and even if they do it will be years before we see anything close to what we can get now with HSFX and Ultrapack.

  24. #24
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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Quote Originally Posted by ATAG_WatchMan View Post

    I really have to stress that although IL2 1946 doesn't have all the eye candy of other flight sims it is absolutely superior when it comes to variety, stability and immersion. I really can't praise it enough, so I'm encouraging anyone who happens along this thread to get HSFX and give this game another look. As it stands right now, even with the latest patch we most likely will never see another game like 1946 again. I really don't see 1c going that direction with a sequel and even if they do it will be years before we see anything close to what we can get now with HSFX and Ultrapack.
    You don't stop playing because you grow old - you grow old because you stopped playing.

    i7 980 @ 3.33 GHz (12 CPUs), Win 7 64-bit, 12 Gig DDR3, Gigabyte GTX 480 4 Gig, Corsair AX1200 PSU, CH Combatstick, CH Pedals, CH Quadrant, Track IR5. Upgrading to a GTX 680 when the wife blinks.

  25. #25
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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    I have instlled HSFX v6.0 plus the patch and, using JSGME, added Expert and History (not sure if you need 'History'?), perfect textures, etc, but when trying to access the ATAG server I get the message saying the server is using a different version (v6.0). I tried with and without Expert mode, History etc but get the same message. The HSFX install is working in SP and on other servers running that version plus mini fix (minus expert)

    Had a few trials on the ATAG UP3 server and no problems...(except for the AI Sniper rear gunners....jeez!).

    I will vote after I get a few SP/MP sorties in on both versions.

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  26. #26
    ATAG Member ATAG_Knuckles's Avatar
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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Didn't work for me either: said "wrong version" however I have been on it before ?? Dunno

    Asus Z390 MB, 32 GB Corsair RAM, 850 W Power Supply, Intel Core i7 9700K GeForce RTX 2080 Super 8 G and about a dozen squirrels running on a wheel that I sometimes forget to feed !

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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Thanks Knuckles, not just me then! I can join HSFX servers running V6.0.1 without the Expert mode (i.e Aces over Europe) but not any server running v6.0.1 with expert enabled, these give a wrong version error message.

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    ATAG Member ATAG_Deacon's Avatar
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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Quote Originally Posted by ATAG_EvangelusE View Post
    Thanks Knuckles, not just me then! I can join HSFX servers running V6.0.1 without the Expert mode (i.e Aces over Europe) but not any server running v6.0.1 with expert enabled, these give a wrong version error message.
    I just joined ATAG HSFX with Expert enabled through HyperLobby without issue.
    Celer, Silens, Mortalis

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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Thanks Deacon, the problem is Windows 7 Administrator rights. JSGME shows that it has transferred the mods in the window but the mods are not actually written to the game. Expert mode should be shown in the start screen next to the version number and it wasn't. I had to change the read/write priviledges for JSGME even though i am logged in as the Administrator. Thanks for confirming it should have worked - all sorted now!

    AMD A8 5600K Quad Core 3.6 Ghz - Win 7 64 - 8Gb Ram - GTX660ti 2Gb VRAM - FreeTrack - MSFF2/X45Th - Asus 23' Monitor.

  30. #30
    ATAG Member ATAG_Knuckles's Avatar
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    Re: IL2 1946 Server Vote!! UP 3.0 RC4 Or HSFX 6.0

    Guess I'll have to figure mine out now: used to work !!!!

    Asus Z390 MB, 32 GB Corsair RAM, 850 W Power Supply, Intel Core i7 9700K GeForce RTX 2080 Super 8 G and about a dozen squirrels running on a wheel that I sometimes forget to feed !

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