Welcome New Players to CLOD and the ATAG forums.
Please take a moment to let us know how you came to find CLOD so as we get an idea of what we can do to get the word out there in a bigger way.
How Did You Find CLOD?
1. YouTube...or another Video Sharing Website.
2. Dusted off original copy...You bought the sim on release because you had IL2 and thought you'd give it another go.
3. ATAG web site.
4. Word of mouth...A buddy told you about CLOD.
5. Read about it online...You stumbled on CLOD via a google search?...What did you search?..and which website did you see read about CLOD?
6. I had IL2 and was eagerly waiting for CloD to be released.
7. Other...Please give us an idea of how you found CLOD.
To those vets out there...Please take part in this poll even if you are not a new player...Its still valuable info to us...
See link for a debate on How Can We Get More People to Play Clod?
Thanks in advance Folks....~S~