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Thread: AI wingmen not following?

  1. #1
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    AI wingmen not following?

    I am not sure what I'm doing wrong. The wingmen in my flight when flying campaign are not joining up with me after takeoff for missions? They always go off on their own and I end up TRYING (lol) to catch them. I'm aware of that bug. But, am wondering if I'm not doing something in order to get them to form up on my plane?


  2. #2
    Manual Creation Group Continu0's Avatar
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    Re: AI wingmen not following?

    are you leader? what happens when (before starting) you turn on autopilot for a second and turn it off again?
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    Re: AI wingmen not following?

    My planes always follow me. They don't engage the enemy or do anything, and if i don't set them to be at the furthest distance they just crash when i land.
    Not sure if it's because i have no idea what to order them to do?
    IL2 1946, for example seems to have much better AI.
    Just an observation, as i don't really know anything about AI and how it works (other than it must be extremely hard to model).
    "If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down"......

  4. #4
    Team Fusion Cybermat47's Avatar
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    Re: AI wingmen not following?

    I let the autopilot take off, and they behave fine. They stay in formation with me, but break off to attack the enemy.
    Author of the Their Finest Hour, Their Greatest Challenge, Desert Hawks, Eagles over Tobruk, On Ne Passe Pas!, and Rising from the Ashes campaigns for Cliffs of Dover Blitz and Desert Wings - Tobruk.

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    Re: AI wingmen not following?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cybermat47 View Post
    I let the autopilot take off, and they behave fine. They stay in formation with me, but break off to attack the enemy.
    Found the autopilot does work if i let it take me airborne. I really enjoy taking off though and that is a bummer. Well, I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.
    It's ironic. If I let the AI take lead, I can't keep up in a flight. If I take the lead they won't follow me in the beginning. Out of luck I guess. lol

  7. #6
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    Re: AI wingmen not following?

    Quote Originally Posted by farley View Post
    ...and if i don't set them to be at the furthest distance they just crash when i land.
    Not sure if it's because i have no idea what to order them to do?
    This is because you are not following the "English landing procedure": The leader is always the last to landing (well, at least in CloD).
    If you wait, they land in good order under tower control. I already see the tower alerting one to lower their landing gear.

    But if you want to change the sequence, give then "change formation for line astern" and "far formation", and while they do it, land.

    I let the autopilot take off, and they behave fine.
    The autopilot trick is to deal with the broken radio commands, who have inverted the logic for take off and landing, so you are taking of takeoff without receiving clearance for do this (what happens when engage autopilot).

    There's a "legend" - posted by Desastersoft in their page time ago - that say that if you takeoff and do a pattern circuit around the airfield awaiting AI join in formation with you, they became follow your orders.
    "It's CloD!".
    Last edited by 1lokos; Oct-09-2016 at 21:55.

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    Re: AI wingmen not following?

    Quote Originally Posted by 1lokos View Post
    This is because you are not following the "English landing procedure": The leader is always the last to landing (well, at least in CloD).
    If you wait, they land in good order under tower control. I already see the tower alerting one to lower their landing gear.

    But if you want to change the sequence, give then "change formation for line astern" and "far formation", and while they do it, land.

    The autopilot trick is to deal with the broken radio commands, who have inverted the logic for take off and landing, so you are taking of takeoff without receiving clearance for do this (what happens when engage autopilot).

    There's a "legend" - posted by Desastersoft in their page time ago - that say that if you takeoff and do a pattern circuit around the airfield awaiting AI join in formation with you, they became follow your orders.
    "It's CloD!".
    Thank goodness for Team Fusion. It amazes me that they would have put out a game in this state in regards to the AI.

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    Re: AI wingmen not following?

    Quote Originally Posted by todd92371 View Post
    Thank goodness for Team Fusion. It amazes me that they would have put out a game in this state in regards to the AI.
    THAT, is a question for another LONG topic .... good flying to you ...


  11. #9
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    Re: AI wingmen not following?

    any news about this "AI not follow" problem?
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  12. #10
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    Re: AI wingmen not following?

    i make some test`s:

    AI switch on/ off, no funktion
    Ground control Start order, no funktion
    AI Wingman ready to start message, no funktion
    diffrent Waypoints after start, no funktion

    only start with AI fixes the problem.

    Dev Team, will this fix in future? (CloD first time problem)
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    Re: AI wingmen not following?

    I found that if you taxi to the runway roughly to the fourth yellow marker, and wait for your flight to fill in behind you, give the permission to take off command and proceed to takeoff keeping your speed between 110 and 120 your wingman will follow just my observation seems to work fairly consistently


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