Spitfire No 610 Sqn. Skin Pack
Spitfire No 610 Sqn. Skin Pack
Last edited by LARRY69; Jun-16-2019 at 11:34.
Hi Larry
Awesome skin pack Buddy and screenies too.
Top quality as usual
My first ever attempt at skinning CloD was 610 sq Skinpack about 8 yrs ago http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=26421 so nice to see your updated set
Last edited by KeefyBoy; Jun-24-2019 at 03:57.
the most memorable image from what CoD can do, for me anyway being a 610 Sqdn devotee is your recreation of the classic photoshoot in June 1940, as I am using CoD for recreating visually the BoB. I was bracing myself for doing 610 skins, offering up images from that photoshoot into the skin in pshop then following as close as poss what I saw. You may just have saved me a lot of trouble. Also ensuring the colours were as per my AM paint chip set.
Is that what you did to create them ?
I would still like to know just how you managed to get them as per the exact angles in the photoshoot.
I have downloaded and look forward to flying these.
Reading a great Book recently published on 610 Squadron at the mo. Full of code and serial number details, interesting to see what the squadron did day by day and using what aircraft. Got as far as mid July and one K serial is still in use.
It is vital anyone flying 610 does the look of the Battle of Britain spitfire justice, and also Larrys skins, AND FLY THE MK 1 SO YOU GET THE CORRECT SPINNER, not the later Mk2 spinner.
I prey TF fix this so basic flaw and have by default the BoB shaped spitfire, and also remove the army on both sides as groundcrew, ridiculous in what is a BoB sim.
Hello, when I download the skins it is a notes file. How do I get it into a jpg or get the notes file to work somehow? Any help would be very appreciated.
Hi Cooldude123,
I tried to download these skins and it is a .zip file containing 3 .jpg files.
What do you mean by that "notes file"?
Can you be more specific? What file did you get?
I did not get a jpg but instead got a 7Z file. Also can you please post an image of the skin template so I may be able to download it? Thanks!
Last edited by Cooldude123; Feb-17-2022 at 21:37.
Also, on the download link, it says "7Z file download". What does yours say?
download 7-zip unpacker from here - https://www.7-zip.org/.
Install it and open your "Spitfire MK 1 No 610 Sqn.7z" in it.
Simply double click on this .7z file.
You should see "Spitfire MK 1 No 610 Sqn" folder inside.
Enter this folder and you will see 3 .jpg files there.
Copy them using Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V to one of the SpitfireMkI folders in "1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\PaintSchemes\Skins" in your Documents folder.
Or you can drag and drop the files.
You should see these skins in the skin list for the selected Spitfire Mk I version in the game then.