Looking for the radar stations is good fun!
With the (land) convois we have a problem though.
A blue convoi was reported leaving Gambut heading to Sidi Azeiz.
Indeed we found three convois, one just to the east of Sidi Azeiz airfield, shortly after the message appeared, two other ones further north and west.
We destroyed all three of them, never getting a success message.
The vehicles showed some strange behaviour:
After we destroyed some of them I saw two trailers quite some way back on the road. When I sot at them, they just disappeared without a trace when the first bullte hit.
Another trailer within the coloumn lost its rear end, jsut the truck was still driving. It had been quite at the end of the convoi and several vehicles in front of it were destroyed. It then started to teleport forward several times, always about 30 metres forward and continued to do so until destroyed.