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Thread: Operation Sandstorm Aplril 4th 1941 (Ενημέρωση Πιλότων)

  1. #1
    Ace sw1ive's Avatar
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    Operation Sandstorm Aplril 4th 1941 (Ενημέρωση Πιλότων)


    Το παρών post είναι υπο κατασκευή μέχρι να το φέρω στα μέτρα που θέλω.

    Operation Sandstorm, April 4th, 1941


    Εντολές σε Μαχητικά:

    01) Προστατεψτε τα βομβαρδιστικά μας αεροσκάφη.

    02) Προστατεψτε όλα τα ενεργά αεροδρόμια μας.
    Almiah Alkhafia AA-01
    - El Adem No1 AP-17
    - Gazalal No2 AK-20
    - Tobruk No5 AP-19
    - Gambut No5 AU-17
    - Sidi Azeiz AX-14
    - Sidi Rezegh AS-15



    Εντολές σε Βομβαρδιστικά:

    01) Βυθίστε τα 12 εχθρικά πλοία που κινούνται από BD-19 προς BC-19

    02) Βομβαρδίστε όλα τα εχθρικά ενεργά αεροδρόμια
    Habata AX-08
    Habata (LG79) Red Airfield.png

    Tariq al Ghubay AA-01
    Three closer Red Airfields.jpg

    Scegga No.1 AA-01
    Three closer Red Airfields.jpg

    Awdyat ash Ahiyah AA-01
    Three closer Red Airfields.jpg

    Bir el Malla south LG76 AA-01
    Three closer Red Airfields.jpg

    Buq Buq LG01 AA-01
    Three closer Red Airfields.jpg

    Bir Basur LG69 AA-01
    Three closer Red Airfields.jpg

    Screenshot_4.jpg Three closer Red Airfields.jpg

    Amseat No1 Red Airfield.png Amseat No2 Red Airfield.png Habata (LG79) Red Airfield.png Halfaya Red airfield.png Sidi Barrani West 2 (LG03) Red Airfield.png

    - Αν αντικαταστίσετε την εντολή καταστρέψτε με την εντολή προστατέψτε, τότε έχετε και την ενημέρωση πιλότων για την κόκκινη ομάδα.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by sw1ive; Sep-07-2020 at 18:49.

  2. #2
    Ace sw1ive's Avatar
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    Re: Operation Sandstorm Aplril 4th 1941 (Ενημέρωση Πιλότων)


    - Παρουσίάζω συνδεσμο (Link) με το προτότυπο κείμενο από το μέλος 69th_Spiritus



    Allied Forces

    Operation Sandstorm, April 4th, 1941

    TIME: 1753
    WEATHER: Clear skies
    WIND: 35 degrees at 3 m/s (7 mph)

    Fighter aircraft are located at all active airfields.
    Bomber aircraft are located at all active airfields except Amseat No. 1.


    We have begun to push back the Axis advance. The town of Bardia is now within our grasp. Our ground forces are pushing through German lines to the south while our re-supply at Sidi Barrani is well underway.

    An amphibious assault has now begun at the beaches just north of Bardia and our forces are already pushing south in a pincer movement. We hope to secure the town of Bardia before dawn.


    Protect our amphibious assault and our re-supply from German and Italian aircraft. Provide cover to Allied bomber forces.


    Destroy the supply depot at Tobruk. AI 18.7

    Click image for larger version.

    Name: Allied_1.jpg
    Views: 61
    Size: 952.9 KB
    ID: 49355

    Destroy the German water treatment facilities located near Bi'r al Hakim. AC14.7

    Click image for larger version.

    Name: Allied_2.jpg
    Views: 52
    Size: 855.3 KB
    ID: 49356

    Destroy the Axis shipping convoy steaming out of Torbuk, last seen N of Gambut.

    Click image for larger version.

    Name: Allied_4.jpg
    Views: 52
    Size: 812.3 KB
    ID: 49357

    Crater and destroy the enemy airfield located at Almiah Alkhafia. AD 6.9

    Click image for larger version.

    Name: Allied_3.jpg
    Views: 53
    Size: 823.3 KB
    ID: 49358

    Axis Forces

    Operation Sandstorm, April 4th, 1941

    TIME: 1753
    WEATHER: Clear skies
    WIND: 35 degrees at 3 m/s (7 mph)

    Fighter aircraft are located at all active airfields.
    Bomber aircraft are located at all active airfields except Bir el Baheria No. 1.


    Allied forces have begun to force their way west along the coast and our southern flank. The town of Bardia has begun to fall. Enemy forces are pushing along the coast and an amphibious assault to the north of our lines has now begun. The initial landing forces have secured a stronghold along the beach and canyon just west of the landing zone. The town of Bardia and our forward deployed armor units are being shelled by several ships. Ground troops in the area report possible cruiser and battleship types moving along the coastline.

    Our lines are breaking and we must support our troops and airfields that are within the enemies pincer movement.

    Reconnaissance aircraft have also reported enemy submarine activity N of Ras Azzaz and NE of Tobruk.


    Protect our supply and water depots along with our shipping convoy steaming towards Bardia. Provide cover to our bomber aircraft.


    Stop and destroy the amphibious landing.

    Click image for larger version.

    Name: Axis_1.jpg
    Views: 60
    Size: 960.2 KB
    ID: 49359

    Destroy the Allied re-supply underway at Sidi Barrani. BA 13.5

    Click image for larger version.

    Name: Axis_4.jpg
    Views: 64
    Size: 840.8 KB
    ID: 49360

    Locate and sink the two reported enemy submarines.

    Destroy the enemy shipping off the coast of Bardia.

    Click image for larger version.

    Name: Axis_2.jpg
    Views: 62
    Size: 950.8 KB
    ID: 49361

    Crater and destroy the enemy airfield located at Scegga. AQ 6.6

    Click image for larger version.

    Name: Axis_3.jpg
    Views: 57
    Size: 793.6 KB
    ID: 49362
    Last edited by sw1ive; Aug-30-2020 at 17:46.

  3. #3
    Ace sw1ive's Avatar
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    Re: Operation Sandstorm Aplril 4th 1941 (Ενημέρωση Πιλότων)





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