After working with flug on mp DOT things are much better. Only issues I still have is the black DOT on the shoreline for ground targets and ships rendering. Also, I was curious is their anyway to extend the rendering circle for building to be extreme so that they begin to show at the same distance as the trees. Any recommendations on visdistance= 3,5,8,15 under core in the conf.ini. So one thing is on the VisStatic=0 , this is what I am set to and I am still rendering a DOT on the static objects. Are these not connected in the coding and if is set at zero I should not see any. If it is server side on ground objects then what can I put in the conf.ini or the confs.ini to remedy the black ground DOT's or maybe make them just a shad smaller.

Thanks for the great work fellas things are getting there.
