download link: https://theairtacticalassaultgroup.c...&downloadid=87
OK, I think I picked, at random, probably the most difficult Single Mission out there! It's a night time bomber mission by Blenheims on enemy-held Le Havre docks. Everything from take off, ingress, attack, egress, and landing was in the pitch dark!!! I shall get my revenge on danperin for this!!! LOL
Actually, it's a great Single Mission. It loaded and played flawlessly, even though danperin created it 5 years ago! It's actually a terrifying mission to fly - all instruments (ok, I cheated, I hit "A" for autopilot. I kept crashing.) The included nighttime paint scheme for the Blenheim IV also loaded in fine and looks terrific.
Seriously, thank you, Dan!!
The readme.txt for installation needs a slight revision to delete the "Team Fusion MOD" aspect of the 1C Softclub folder (it was valid in 2016; no longer). The rest of the readme.txt is perfect.
Note: this is not a mission for beginners, unless they're willing to hit "A" for autopilot, speed up to 16x for the cross channel ride, then slow down to real time as you approach the harbour to see how horrific it is to fly into the searchlights.
Recommended for experienced multi-engine pilots (except Snapper).