It works!
This very quick mission was contributed by a new forum member - keninkansas - and basically you airspawn over London at 24 angels in a Spitfire 2a with a multitude of He111's at co-alt bearing down on you. The graphics are fantastic as you and your flight dodge in and out of the grid of contrails, trying to score hits while not getting knocked out by the collective defensive fire. Tons of fun and great practice for high-altitude maneuvering. You're right in the thick of action, which you can continuously repeat with a Mission Restart.
There is no Readme.txt file included, but the download and installation is very simple: just unzip the file, then copy & paste the BlitzTest.mis file into your Documents/1C Softclub/il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover/missions/Single folder. Then launch Blitz and take on the Luftwaffe!!!!
Recommended for all players, new and ace.![]()