Hi Icer,
A spreadsheet with all the KB bindings would indeed be a nice feature to have. I can't answer to that, but I hopefully can assist with the specific areas of concern you mention:
1) Trim control.
I have the Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS (with TM base, not Virpil). I was able to successfully assign the elevator and rudder trim controls to the Trim Hat on the stick (Spits and Hurries had no aileron trim). Here is where I assigned the trim controls: Options>Controls>Aircraft
Note: you would likely wish to program a key or joystick button to reset trim back to neutral as well.
2) Mixture Controls.
Take a read here:
In a nutshell, the early mark Spitfires and Hurricanes only had two mixture settings: Auto Rich (lever pulled fully back) and Auto Lean (lever pushed fully forward). As the linked article explains, there was no intermediate mixture settings that could be manually adjusted - it was automatically handled by the carburettors. Plus there was a mechanical linkage between the mixture control lever and the throttle - when the throttle was pulled back towards idle position, the mixture lever was automatically pulled back to Auto Rich position. This was to ensure pilots on final approach for landing had full engine responsiveness while making small throttle adjustments on approach. Most of us do what the real Battle of Britain pilots did - leave it in Auto Rich.
3) Canopy Open/Close.
Key/Joystick assignment found in Options>Controls>General
4) Chat
Key/Joystick assignment found in Options>Controls>Chat. The chat command is Send Message. Ingame simply hit TAB, type your message (you can select to ALL or just Friendly Recipients), then hit ENTER to transmit.
Hopefully this info is useful. I had a look at your PC system in your signature - it is to die for! re trim controls - take a look at this thread.
https://theairtacticalassaultgroup.c...ad.php?t=35065 I don't work for these guys at Gear Falcon (although they're sending me their Throttle Quadrant to evaluate), but I bought their Trim Wheel Controller and it is the bee's knees for trim adjustments on the Spitfire alone (which tend to be finicky/sensitive). They work in DCS and BoX aircraft as well. I only mention this in light of the excellent set up you've got already.
Cheers and good luck!
