Hello all. Yep, I did try looking around for an answer and couldn't find any, so here I am.
Just started flying Cliffs of Dover (loving it, btw), all of it single player for now, so I took on the training missions and decided to go for the stock RAF campaign. I'm somewhat stuck in the mission where you have to take the captured Bf-110. I just can't take off in it. I believe the reason is that I can't seem to turn off the automated prop pitch settings. I do have a key bound to it under 'controls/aircraft/Toffle Propellor Pitch Automation' but it just doesn't work. So whenever I select prop pitch the cockpit levers move, but immediately reset to a 'neutral' position. I can't get enough power to take off in the bird. I'd even struggle to taxi as it is, even with 100% throttle.
Yes, I'm not flying CloD Blitz due to technical reasons (old vid card), so it's the original, fully updated via steam game.
Anyone has any ideas?
Thanks in advance.