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Thread: Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

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    Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

    Hello all. Yep, I did try looking around for an answer and couldn't find any, so here I am.

    Just started flying Cliffs of Dover (loving it, btw), all of it single player for now, so I took on the training missions and decided to go for the stock RAF campaign. I'm somewhat stuck in the mission where you have to take the captured Bf-110. I just can't take off in it. I believe the reason is that I can't seem to turn off the automated prop pitch settings. I do have a key bound to it under 'controls/aircraft/Toffle Propellor Pitch Automation' but it just doesn't work. So whenever I select prop pitch the cockpit levers move, but immediately reset to a 'neutral' position. I can't get enough power to take off in the bird. I'd even struggle to taxi as it is, even with 100% throttle.

    Yes, I'm not flying CloD Blitz due to technical reasons (old vid card), so it's the original, fully updated via steam game.

    Anyone has any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.

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    Re: Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

    Hi Nero,

    what CloD version do you run?

    And what graphics card do you have?

    I have GTX 750 Ti which in quite old already and not very powerful. And I can run Blitz without bigger problems. When there are not many planes or ground objects around, it runs quite smoothly.

    Maybe you could try Blitz. It may run better than the older versions.

    If you install Blitz, you should uninstall older CloD versions first and delete "il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover" folder in your Documents folder. These older versions can cause conflicts with Blitz.


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    Re: Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nero View Post
    ... have to take the captured Bf-110. I just can't take off in it.
    Adjust the propeller pitch manually, with keys/buttons or mouse click and drag in the adjust in the panel, a bit awkward.

    Not all planes have automatic propeller pitch control, Bf 110 C2 & C4 have manual control only.

    Use this settings: - engines throttle - ATA pressure - RPM
    Cruise 50%/50% - 1.15 - 2200
    Climb 100%/100% - 1.23 - 2300
    Max. speed As required (check temp.)- 1.30 - 2400 (5 min. max.)
    Last edited by 1lokos; Feb-17-2022 at 19:50.

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    Re: Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nero View Post
    I do have a key bound to it under 'controls/aircraft/Toffle Propellor Pitch Automation' but it just doesn't work. So whenever I select prop pitch the cockpit levers move, but immediately reset to a 'neutral' position. I can't get enough power to take off in the bird. I'd even struggle to taxi as it is, even with 100% throttle.
    You need to do this for each engine. Select engine #1, toggle the auto pitch off, select engine #2, toggle...

    But you should be able to take off in auto.

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    Re: Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

    Greetings Josef,

    I'm running version CloD 1.11.20362.

    My rig is something like a blast from the past. An old first gen i7 with 12 gigs of RAM and a GTX 275 and a fully working MS FFB 2 Sidewinder joystick, which makes for quite a wide selection of key bindings. Tried running Blitz, but that didn't go very well lol.

    Itching to get my dirty paws on Blitz and Wings over the Desert (P-40C? YUM YUM!) but it'll be a while before I can upgrade the GFX card, so original CloD I go.

    Also thinking of looking around for downloadable missions/campaigns. Might keep me entertained until then.

    - Nero

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    Re: Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1lokos View Post
    Adjust the propeller pitch manually, with keys/buttons or mouse click and drag in the adjust in the panel, a bit awkward.

    Not all planes have automatic propeller pitch control, Bf 110 C2 & C4 have manual control only.

    Use this settings: - engines throttle - ATA pressure - RPM
    Cruise 50%/50% - 1.15 - 2200
    Climb 100%/100% - 1.23 - 2300
    Max. speed As required (check temp.)- 1.30 - 2400 (5 min. max.)
    Thanks for the tip, lokos. But it made things a tad weirder now. The aircraft I am trying to take off in is a 100C-4, but I still can't manually set the prop pitch. Whenever I do, either via key bindings or clicking the levers in the cockpit, they simply go back to neutral.

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    Re: Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by ATAG_Oskar View Post
    You need to do this for each engine. Select engine #1, toggle the auto pitch off, select engine #2, toggle...

    But you should be able to take off in auto.
    Hey Oskar. Just tried doing exactly that, but still, even individually selecting the engine and setting the pitch, it won't let me do it. To be on the safe side I also tried toggling automation, even after what lokos said above. Still no go.

    I'm totally at a loss here. No idea what I'm doing wrong.

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    Re: Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

    Dê uma olhada aqui:

    A bit more details: that 110 model has manual prop pitch only. The game has a long standing bug that the pitch will wind down to full corse, so almost no thrust. You need to use the keys for pitch up and down opposite of what you have been using in the campaign with the RAF types. You need to hit it once when you start the mission so the game stops winding the pitch clocks down. Then you can increase it back to 12 o’clock and you should be good to go.
    Last edited by 9./JG52_J-HAT; Feb-17-2022 at 20:10.
    i7 13700KF @5.3 Ghz | RTX 4090 526.86 1440p | 32 Gb RAM 6000 | Win10 64 bit | TrackIR 5 | VKB Gunfighter III | MFG Crosswind V2 | Warthog Throttle | Reverb G2 100% SteamVR SS

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    Re: Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by 9./JG52_J-HAT View Post
    Dê uma olhada aqui:

    A bit more details: that 110 model has manual prop pitch only. The game has a long standing bug that the pitch will wind down to full corse, so almost no thrust. You need to use the keys for pitch up and down opposite of what you have been using in the campaign with the RAF types. You need to hit it once when you start the mission so the game stops winding the pitch clocks down. Then you can increase it back to 12 o’clock and you should be good to go.

    Well, Mr. J-HAT, I think you should officially consider changing your alias to 9/JG52_LifeSaver!

    Thank you! I'd known about the bug. The problem was that I just didn't understand how the prop pitch system worked on the 110. As soon as I checked the dials and what it took for them to reach the 12:00 position, everything clicked in. I just took off in the 110 and its behaving as I thought it should and decreasing the pitch for level flight is making things go a lot smoother.

    Thanks so much and thanks for the others who tried to assist!

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    Re: Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nero View Post
    Well, Mr. J-HAT, I think you should officially consider changing your alias to 9/JG52_LifeSaver!

    Thank you! I'd known about the bug. The problem was that I just didn't understand how the prop pitch system worked on the 110. As soon as I checked the dials and what it took for them to reach the 12:00 position, everything clicked in. I just took off in the 110 and its behaving as I thought it should and decreasing the pitch for level flight is making things go a lot smoother.

    Thanks so much and thanks for the others who tried to assist!
    Please check the flashcard/manuals for the aircraft.

    They are located in the 'manuals' folder in the main CLIFFS OF DOVER install folder.

    They contain a lot of information which can help with getting the aircraft up and running.

    There is also a 'Getting Started and Troubleshooting Guide' which is a goldmine of information for new players.

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    Re: Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nero View Post
    Well, Mr. J-HAT, I think you should officially consider changing your alias to 9/JG52_LifeSaver!

    Thank you! I'd known about the bug. The problem was that I just didn't understand how the prop pitch system worked on the 110. As soon as I checked the dials and what it took for them to reach the 12:00 position, everything clicked in. I just took off in the 110 and its behaving as I thought it should and decreasing the pitch for level flight is making things go a lot smoother.

    Thanks so much and thanks for the others who tried to assist!
    No problem, glad to help.

    I just realized you are running legacy CloD because you are using an old graphics card. I‘d say new CloD (Blitz) runs just as well if not better, so give that a try regardless of your gpu.
    Last edited by 9./JG52_J-HAT; Feb-19-2022 at 04:38.
    i7 13700KF @5.3 Ghz | RTX 4090 526.86 1440p | 32 Gb RAM 6000 | Win10 64 bit | TrackIR 5 | VKB Gunfighter III | MFG Crosswind V2 | Warthog Throttle | Reverb G2 100% SteamVR SS

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    Re: Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

    Hello Nero

    If you are running the old CLIFFS OF DOVER game, you should switch to CLIFFS OF DOVER - BLITZ.

    As mentioned, BLITZ will run just as well on your machine as the old game... plus it has many more features and has most of the original bugs corrected.

    BLITZ is a free upgrade from the original and includes several new aircraft.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nero View Post
    Well, Mr. J-HAT, I think you should officially consider changing your alias to 9/JG52_LifeSaver!

    Thank you! I'd known about the bug. The problem was that I just didn't understand how the prop pitch system worked on the 110. As soon as I checked the dials and what it took for them to reach the 12:00 position, everything clicked in. I just took off in the 110 and its behaving as I thought it should and decreasing the pitch for level flight is making things go a lot smoother.

    Thanks so much and thanks for the others who tried to assist!

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    Re: Another Prop Pitch help thread, I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nero View Post
    Thanks for the tip, lokos. But it made things a tad weirder now. The aircraft I am trying to take off in is a 100C-4, but I still can't manually set the prop pitch. Whenever I do, either via key bindings or clicking the levers in the cockpit, they simply go back to neutral.
    This levers behavior is normal for German planes, they are not a sliding adjuster lever, but an spring back momentary ON-OFF control for the electric motors that will adjust the propellers, you see the adjust set in the instrument in the panel. For take off you need set around "12 o'clock" in the instrument.

    To understand the system, see this video, is show Bf 109 adjust, but for Bf 110 is the same.


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