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Thread: Improvement of map tools

  1. #1
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    Improvement of map tools

    Hi guys,

    I started using navigation using radio beacons.
    Unfortunately, the in-game navigation tools aren't really helpful. It's ok for minimalistic navigation but not for planning more complex navigation, triangulation or calculating distance to destination.
    Does anyone knows if there is a plan to improve these tools, for example use the protractor for more than one angle or draw more than one line at a time?
    I know we can print the Channel map (or Tobrouk) in A3 format and prepare the flight in real life before jump in the cockpit but it would be great if we could do it in flight at least to determine our position by triangulation.

    Thank you.
    "You can teach monkeys to fly better than that!"

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    WMR environment : Empty room (SkySpaces) - SteamVR resolution : 2192x2144 (48%)
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    Re: Improvement of map tools

    i have a small Tool (Autohotkey) for navigation, see pictures. It is a overlay Tool not ingame.

    call me when you will test it
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    Re: Improvement of map tools

    here the tool

    Test Ctrl + Alt + LeftMouse for paint a line, Escape +Ctrl Delete all lines

    Hold down the keys while measuring.

    Ctrl + Alt + RightMouse
    ;Measure a known distance. Sets the scale factor for measuring subsequent distances.

    Ctrl + Alt + LeftMouse
    ;Measure a distance or angle.

    Ctrl + Win + RightMouse
    ;Clear the scale factor. Distance will not be calculated for subsequent measurements.

    Ctrl + F12
    ;Toggle snap to horizontal/vertical when within +/-3 degrees.

    Escape +Ctrl
    ;Delete all lines on screen.
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    Re: Improvement of map tools

    here the Autohotkey code:

    #SingleInstance Force
    SetBatchLines, -1
    ;Meldung am bei Start mit ; deaktiviert
    ;MsgBox, 64, Screen Scale Instructions,
    ;Hold down the keys while measuring.
    ;Ctrl + Alt + RightMouse
        ;Measure a known distance. Sets the scale factor for measuring subsequent distances.
    ;Ctrl + Alt + LeftMouse
        ;Measure a distance or angle.
    ;Ctrl + Win + RightMouse
        ;Clear the scale factor. Distance will not be calculated for subsequent measurements.
    ;Ctrl + F12
        ;Toggle snap to horizontal/vertical when within +/-3 degrees.
        ;Delete all lines on screen.
    Compass.ToggleSnap() ; Turn Snap on at startup (snaps to right angles when within 3 degrees)
    ^!LButton::Compass.Measure()    ; Ctrl+Alt+LButton
    ; Measure a known distance. Sets the scale factor for measuring subsequent distances.
    ^!RButton::Compass.SetScale()   ; Ctrl+Alt+RButton
    ; Clear the scale factor. Distance will not be calculated for subsequent measurements.
    ^#RButton::Compass.ClearScale() ; Ctrl+Win+RButton
    ; Toggle snap to horizontal/vertical when within +/-3 degrees.
    ^F12::Compass.ToggleSnap()      ; Ctrl+F12
    ; Draws a crosshair when Ctrl and Alt are held down before the mouse is clicked
    #If Compass.Lines.MaxIndex() > 0
    ; Deletes all lines on screen.
        Compass.DeleteLines()      ; Escape
    ; To change the orientation of the angle:
    ;   1   Up=90, Down=-90, Left=180, Right=0
    ;   2   Up=0,  Down=180, Left=270, Right=90
    ;Compass.SetOrientation(2) ; Default is 1
    /*  Compass
     *  By kon -
     *  Translation to stand-alone Gdip thanks to jNizM -
     *  Updated May 18, 2015
     *      Measure angles and scale distances with your mouse. Press the hotkeys and drag your mouse between two points.
     *  Note:
     *      *If you change the Measure/SetScale hotkeys, also change the keys GetKeyState monitors in the while-loop.
     *  Methods:
     *      Measure             Measure angles and scale distances with your mouse.
     *      SetScale            Sets the scale factor to use for subsequent measurements.
     *      ToggleSnap          Toggle snap to horizontal/vertical when within +/-3 degrees.
     *  Methods (Internal):
     *      SetScaleGui         Displays a GUI which prompts the user for the distance measured.
     *      pxDist              Returns the distance between two points in pixels.
     *      DecFtToArch         Converts decimal feet to architectural.
     *      gcd                 Euclidean GCD.
     *  Added methods 2020-08-05:
     *      ClearScale          Clear the scale factor. Distance will not be calculated for subsequent measurements.
     *      AdjustSnap          Adjusts points as required for snap.
     *      GDIP_Start          Start GDIP.
     *      GDIP_Close          Close GDIP.
     *      GDIP_Setup          Setup window, brush, graphics, etc for GDIP.
     *      GDIP_Cleanup        Delete brush, graphics, etc.
     *      GDIP_CreatePen      Create pen.
     *      GDIP_DeletePen      Delete pen.
     *      GDIP_CreateBrush    Create brush.
     *      GDIP_DeleteBrush    Delete brush.
     *      GDIP_DrawLine       Draw a line.
     *      GDIP_UpdateWindow   Refresh the window.
     *      DeleteLines         Delete all lines.
     *      SetOrientation      Set the orientation of the angle
     *      UpdateLines         Redraw the lines in Convert.Lines and update the window.
     *      GetWinArea          Get the total resolution of all the monitors.
     *  Added methods and adjustments 2020-08-11 thanks to gwarble
     *      GDIP_DrawCrosshair  Draw a crosshair (before the mouse is clicked)
    class Compass {
        static Color1 := 0xffff0000, Color2 := 0xff0066ff, Lineweight1 := 1
        , ScaleFactor := "", Units := "ft", Cross := 20
        , WinW := A_ScreenWidth ; this will be updated by Compass.GetWinArea() in case there are multiple monitors
        , WinH := A_ScreenHeight
        , Orientation := 2
        , Lines := []
        ; Measure angles and scale distances with your mouse. Returns a line object. The return value is used internally by
        ; the SetScale method.
        Measure() {
            Conv := 180 / (4 * ATan(1)) * (this.Orientation = 1 ? -1 : 1)
            if (this.pToken = "") {
            TTNum := this.Lines.MaxIndex() ? this.Lines.MaxIndex() + 1 : 1
            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY
            MouseKey := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 3), PrevX := "", PrevY := ""
            , hMSVCRT := DllCall("kernel32.dll\LoadLibrary", "Str", "msvcrt.dll", "Ptr")
            while (GetKeyState("Ctrl", "P") && GetKeyState(MouseKey, "P")) {    ; *Loop until Ctrl or L/RButton is released.
                MouseGetPos, CurrentX, CurrentY
                if (PrevX != CurrentX) || (PrevY != CurrentY) {
                    PrevX := CurrentX, PrevY := CurrentY
                    if (this.Snap)
                        this.AdjustSnap(StartX, CurrentX, StartY, CurrentY)
                    this.GDIP_DrawLine(StartX, CurrentX, StartY, CurrentY)
                    , Angle := DllCall("msvcrt.dll\atan2", "Double", CurrentY - StartY, "Double", CurrentX - StartX, "CDECL Double") * Conv
                    if (this.Orientation = 2)
                        Angle += Angle < -90 ? 450 : 90
                    if (this.ScaleFactor) {
                        Dist := Format("{1:0.3f}", this.pxDist(CurrentX, StartX, CurrentY, StartY) * this.ScaleFactor)
                        if (this.Units = "ft")
                            Dist .= " ft (" . this.DecFtToArch(Dist) . ")"
                            Dist .= " " . this.Units
                    ToolTip, % Format("{1:0.3f}", Angle) . "°" . (Dist ? "`n" Dist : ""),,, % TTNum
            DllCall("kernel32.dll\FreeLibrary", "Ptr", hMSVCRT)
            if (this.Snap)
                this.AdjustSnap(StartX, CurrentX, StartY, CurrentY)
            Line := {"StartX": StartX, "EndX": CurrentX, "StartY": StartY, "EndY": CurrentY
                , "Angle": Format("{1:0.3f}", Angle) . "°", "Len": Dist, "pxDist": this.pxDist(StartX, CurrentX, StartY, CurrentY)}
            return Line
        ; Enter the known distance measured to set the scale factor to be used with all subsequent calls to Measure. The
        ; user will be prompted to enter the real world dimension corresponding to the current measurement. Distance will be
        ; calculated for any subsequent measurements.
        SetScale() {
            ; Pop the most recent line from this.Lines and redraw the remaining lines. (We don't want this line to remain
            ; on screen, or count towards the measurement total in this.Lines.MaxIndex().)
            ToolTip,,,, % this.Lines.MaxIndex()
            if (this.Lines.MaxIndex() < 1)
        ; Clear the scale factor. Distance will not be calculated for subsequent measurements.
        ClearScale() {
            this.ScaleFactor := 1
            this.Units := "pixels"
        SetScaleGui(pxLen) {
            static Text1, Text2, Text3, Edit1, Edit2, Button1
            Gui, SetScale: -Caption +Owner +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop
            WinID := WinExist()
            Gui, SetScale: Add, Text, vText1 x10 y10, Length
            Gui, SetScale: Add, Text, vText2 x110 y10, Units
            Gui, SetScale: Add, Edit, vEdit1 x10 y+10 w90
            GuiControlGet, Edit1, SetScale:pos, Edit1
            Gui, SetScale: Add, Edit, vEdit2 x+10 w90 y%Edit1Y%, % this.Units
            Gui, SetScale: Add, Text, vText3 x10 y+10, Enter the length of this measurement.
            Gui, SetScale: Add, Button, vButton1 x10 y+10 w190 gSetScaleOK Default, Ok
            Gui, SetScale: Show,, Set Scale
            WinSet AlwaysOnTop
            GuiControl, Focus, Edit1
            WinWaitNotActive, ahk_id %WinID%
            Gui, SetScale: Destroy
            Gui, SetScale: Submit
            if Edit1 is number
                this.ScaleFactor := Edit1 / pxLen
            if (Edit2)
                this.Units := Edit2
        AdjustSnap(StartX, ByRef CurrentX, StartY, ByRef CurrentY) {
            if ((ADiff := Abs(CurrentY - StartY) / Abs(CurrentX - StartX))  < 0.052407 && ADiff)
                CurrentY := StartY
            else if (ADiff > 19.081136)
                CurrentX := StartX
        ; Toggle snap to horizontal/vertical when within +/-3 degrees.
        ToggleSnap() {
            this.Snap := !this.Snap
            TrayTip, Compass, % "Snap: " (this.Snap ? "On" : "Off")
        pxDist(x1, x2, y1, y2) {
            return Sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2))
        DecFtToArch(DecFt, Precision:=16) {
            Ft := Floor(DecFt), In := 12 * Mod(DecFt, 1)
            , UpperLimit := 1 - (HalfPrecision := 0.5 / Precision)
            , Fraction := Mod(In, 1), In := Floor(In)
            if (Fraction >= UpperLimit) {
                In++, Fraction := ""
                if (In = 12)
                    In := 0, Ft++
            else if (Fraction < HalfPrecision)
                Fraction := ""
            else {
                Step := 1 / Precision
                loop % Precision - 1 {
                    if (Fraction >= UpperLimit - (A_Index * Step)) {
                        gcd := this.gcd(Precision, n := Precision - A_Index)
                        , Fraction := " " n // gcd "/" Precision // gcd
            return LTrim((Ft ? Ft "'-" : "") In Fraction """", " 0")
        gcd(a, b) {
            while (b)
                b := Mod(a | 0x0, a := b)
            return a
        GDIP_Start() {
            if !(DllCall("kernel32.dll\GetModuleHandle", "Str", "gdiplus", "Ptr"))
                this.hGDIPLUS := DllCall("kernel32.dll\LoadLibrary", "Str", "gdiplus.dll", "Ptr")
            VarSetCapacity(SI, 24, 0), NumPut(1, SI, 0, "UInt")
            DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdiplusStartup", "UPtrP", pToken, "Ptr", &SI, "Ptr", 0)
            if !(this.pToken := pToken) {
                MsgBox, GDIPlus could not be started.`nCheck the availability of GDIPlus on your system.
        GDIP_Close() {
            DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdiplusShutdown", "UPtr", this.pToken)
            DllCall("kernel32.dll\FreeLibrary", "Ptr", this.hGDIPLUS)
            this.pToken := "", this.hGDIPLUS := "" ; Clear these values to indicate that GDIP is not started
        GDIP_Setup() {
            Gui, Compass: -Caption +E0x80000 +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +OwnDialogs
            Gui, Compass: Show, NA
            this.hWnd := WinExist()
            VarSetCapacity(BI, 40, 0), NumPut(this.WinW, BI, 4, "UInt"), NumPut(this.WinH, BI, 8, "UInt"), NumPut(40, BI, 0, "UInt")
            NumPut(1, BI, 12, "UShort"), NumPut(0, BI, 16, "UInt"), NumPut(32, BI, 14, "UShort")
            this.hbm := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateDIBSection", "Ptr", this.hdc := DllCall("user32.dll\GetDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr"), "UPtr", &BI, "UInt", 0, "UPtr*", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0, "Ptr")
            DllCall("user32.dll\ReleaseDC", "Ptr", this.hWnd, "Ptr", this.hdc)
            this.hdc := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
            this.obm := DllCall("gdi32.dll\SelectObject", "Ptr", this.hdc, "Ptr", this.hbm)
            DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateFromHDC", "Ptr", this.hdc, "PtrP", Graphics)
            this.Graphics := Graphics
            DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipSetSmoothingMode", "Ptr", this.Graphics, "Int", 4)
        GDIP_Cleanup() {
            DllCall("gdi32.dll\SelectObject", "Ptr", this.hdc, "Ptr", this.obm)
            DllCall("gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Ptr", this.hbm)
            DllCall("gdi32.dll\DeleteDC", "Ptr", this.hdc)
            DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipDeleteGraphics", "Ptr", this.Graphics)
            this.hdc := "", this.obm := "", this.hdc := "", this.Graphics := ""
            Gui, Compass: Destroy
        GDIP_CreatePen() {
            DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipCreatePen1", "UInt", this.Color1, "Float", this.Lineweight1, "Int", 2, "PtrP", pPen)
            this.pPen := pPen
        GDIP_DeletePen() {
            DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipDeletePen", "Ptr", this.pPen)
            this.pPen := ""
        GDIP_CreateBrush() {
            DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateSolidFill", "Int", this.Color2, "PtrP", pBrush)
            this.pBrush := pBrush
        GDIP_DeleteBrush() {
            DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipDeleteBrush", "Ptr", this.pBrush)
            this.pBrush := ""
        GDIP_DrawLine(StartX, CurrentX, StartY, CurrentY) {
            DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipDrawLine", "Ptr", this.Graphics, "Ptr", this.pPen, "Float", StartX, "Float", StartY, "Float", CurrentX, "Float", CurrentY)
            , DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipDrawLine", "Ptr", this.Graphics, "Ptr", this.pPen, "Float", StartX+this.Cross, "Float", StartY, "Float", StartX-this.Cross, "Float", StartY)
            , DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipDrawLine", "Ptr", this.Graphics, "Ptr", this.pPen, "Float", CurrentX, "Float", CurrentY+this.Cross, "Float", CurrentX, "Float", CurrentY-this.Cross)
            , DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipDrawLine", "Ptr", this.Graphics, "Ptr", this.pPen, "Float", StartX, "Float", StartY+this.Cross, "Float", StartX, "Float", StartY-this.Cross)
            , DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipDrawLine", "Ptr", this.Graphics, "Ptr", this.pPen, "Float", CurrentX+this.Cross, "Float", CurrentY, "Float", CurrentX-this.Cross, "Float", CurrentY)
            , DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipFillEllipse", "Ptr", this.Graphics, "Ptr", this.pBrush, "Float", StartX - 4, "Float", StartY - 4, "Float", 8, "Float", 8) ;fixed uncentered circles...
            , DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipFillEllipse", "Ptr", this.Graphics, "Ptr", this.pBrush, "Float", CurrentX - 4, "Float", CurrentY - 4, "Float", 8, "Float", 8)
        GDIP_UpdateWindow() {
            VarSetCapacity(PT, 8), NumPut(0, PT, 0, "UInt"), NumPut(0, PT, 4, "UInt")
            , DllCall("user32.dll\UpdateLayeredWindow", "Ptr", this.hWnd, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr", &PT, "Int64*", this.WinW | this.WinH << 32, "Ptr", this.hdc, "Int64*", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt*", 0x1FF0000, "UInt", 2)
            , DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipGraphicsClear", "Ptr", this.Graphics, "UInt", 0x00FFFFFF)
        GDIP_DrawCrosshair(X, Y) {
            DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipDrawLine", "Ptr", this.Graphics, "Ptr", this.pPen, "Float", X+this.Cross, "Float", Y, "Float", X-this.Cross, "Float", Y)
            , DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipDrawLine", "Ptr", this.Graphics, "Ptr", this.pPen, "Float", X, "Float", Y+this.Cross, "Float", X, "Float", Y-this.Cross)
            , DllCall("gdiplus.dll\GdipFillEllipse", "Ptr", this.Graphics, "Ptr", this.pBrush, "Float", X - 4, "Float", Y - 4, "Float", 8, "Float", 8)
        ; Clears all the visible lines
        DeleteLines() {
            for i, v in this.Lines
                ToolTip,,,, % i
            this.Lines := []
        ; Orientation   Angle
        ; 1             Up=90, Down=-90, Left=180, Right=0
        ; 2             Up=0,  Down=180, Left=270, Right=90
        SetOrientation(Orientation:=1) {
            this.Orientation := Orientation
        ; Redraw the lines in this.Lines and update the window
        UpdateLines() {
            for i, Line in this.Lines
                this.GDIP_DrawLine(Line.StartX, Line.EndX, Line.StartY, Line.EndY)
        ; Gets the max coordinates of all the monitors.
        GetWinArea() {
            SysGet, MonCnt, MonitorCount
            Loop, % MonCnt
                SysGet, Mon, Monitor, % A_Index
                if (MonRight > this.WinW)
                    this.WinW := MonRight
                if (MonBottom > this.WinH)
                    this.WinH := MonBottom
        Crosshair() {
            if (this.pToken = "") {
            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY
            while (GetKeyState("Ctrl", "P")) {    ; *Loop until Ctrl or L/RButton is released.
                MouseGetPos, CurrentX, CurrentY
                if (PrevX != CurrentX) || (PrevY != CurrentY) { ; only redraw when the mouse if moved
                    PrevX := CurrentX, PrevY := CurrentY
                    this.GDIP_DrawCrosshair(CurrentX, CurrentY)
    Last edited by ATAG_Colander; Jul-29-2022 at 12:56. Reason: added CODE tags for readability
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    Re: Improvement of map tools

    Can't wait try it, seems veery promised.
    Thanks Veteran.
    "You can teach monkeys to fly better than that!"

    Win 11 Pro - I5-12600KF - 32GB Ram - RTX 3080 TI 12GB (non OC) - SSD Sata 970 GBB (System) - NVMe 980 GB (games storage) - Lenovo 27'' 144Hz - HP Reverb G2 v2 -
    WMR environment : Empty room (SkySpaces) - SteamVR resolution : 2192x2144 (48%)
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  9. #6
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    Re: Improvement of map tools

    Unfortunately, don't work in the game. Seems the keyboard and mouse events are trapped primarily by the game.
    Anyway, thanks for your help.
    "You can teach monkeys to fly better than that!"

    Win 11 Pro - I5-12600KF - 32GB Ram - RTX 3080 TI 12GB (non OC) - SSD Sata 970 GBB (System) - NVMe 980 GB (games storage) - Lenovo 27'' 144Hz - HP Reverb G2 v2 -
    WMR environment : Empty room (SkySpaces) - SteamVR resolution : 2192x2144 (48%)
    nVidia driver : 536.23

  10. #7
    Combat pilot Veteran66's Avatar
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    Re: Improvement of map tools

    it work for me in game start it klick on map and than with Strg+ Alt with hold left mouse button
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  11. #8
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    Re: Improvement of map tools

    Got it!
    Must run the compiled code as administrator.
    "You can teach monkeys to fly better than that!"

    Win 11 Pro - I5-12600KF - 32GB Ram - RTX 3080 TI 12GB (non OC) - SSD Sata 970 GBB (System) - NVMe 980 GB (games storage) - Lenovo 27'' 144Hz - HP Reverb G2 v2 -
    WMR environment : Empty room (SkySpaces) - SteamVR resolution : 2192x2144 (48%)
    nVidia driver : 536.23


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