The third mission of the Adlertag campaign is coming soon,
stay tuned briefings and reconnaissance photos are arriving shortly...
The third mission of the Adlertag campaign is coming soon,
stay tuned briefings and reconnaissance photos are arriving shortly...
Last edited by OBT~Polak; Nov-11-2023 at 19:24.
Moin comrades,
ever ready for that!
Thx Polak for create this events!
Gruß Amarok
Ребята, спасибо, что вы делаете нашу жизнь в виртуальном небе насыщенной!
Guys, thank you for making our life in the virtual sky rich!
Sorry, I'm using a translator.
Взлетать, чтобы возвращаться!
К.В.А.С. - Командное Виртуальное Авиационное Сообщество
Группа в ВКонтакте:
Дискорд Сообщества:
Win10 x64, i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz, ASUS RTX 2080 Ti 11GB, 32GB RAM, 1920x1200 HD 24", Microsoft FFB2, Thrustmaster TPR, Throttle Saitek X65F, TrackIR5.
VR: Reverb G2 and G1 (Windows Mixed Reality HMD), SteamVR res: 2192x2144
Nvidia driver version: 566.36
As promised, gentlemen, here are the briefs for mission #3 of the Adlertag campaign!
Army Red
Tuesday 13 August 1940.
Mission Overview:
Gentlemen early this morning the Germans launched their final offensive on Great Britain.
The airfields of Eastchurch and West Mailing were heavily bombarded, as well as the dockyard at Sheerness.
The Southampton sector and many airfields were also hit by enemy bombs!
However, the RAF is fighting courageously and inflicting terrible losses on the Luftwaffe.
Radar stations have just detected two enemy formations regrouping in the sector of Boulogne (CA 38)
The first of these groups is likely to be He 111 H-2 aircraft from I./KG 4, predicted to be flying at approximately 24,000 feet.
Ju 87 'Stuka' dive bombers from II./St.G 1 make up the second group, flying at 13,000 feet.
All available aircraft are ordered to take off!!!
We will show these Lufftwaffe pilots and their German overlords, that nothing and no one will can set foot in this, our island.... without being officially invited!!!
We will never surrender!!!
God save the King, England and our Empire... upon which 'the sun never sets!'
1. Intercept these two German raids before they can drop their bombs.
Stop them before they reach the coast.
2. Organize coastal patrosl and interception raids over the Channel.
3. Protect all airfields between Littlestone(BS 45), Croydon (BC 52) and Ramsgate (BY 53).
All aircraft are ordered to immediately......SCRAMBLE!!!
1. Two reconnaissance Dornier Do 17s are heading towards our coast. It is thought that their objective is to take pictures of the damage caused by air raids this morning and to look for new targets to attack. At all costs these aircraft must be intercepted and shot down!
2. Protect radar stations situated between Dover (BX 48), Rye (BP 44),Canewdon (BO.58) and Dunkirk (BR 51).
Available aircraft:
Spitfire Ia (100oct):
No 65 squadron at Manston (BX 52).
No 266 squadron at Eastchurch (BQ 53).
No 603 squadron at Hornchurch (BH 56).
No 72 squadron at Biggin hill (BF 51).
Hurricanes I (DH 5-20 100oct), Hurricanes I (Rotol 100oct):
No 501 squadron at Kenley (BD 51).
No 605 at Croydon (BC 52).
No 604 at Canterbury (BU 50).
Radar Menus:
TAB 7 1 can provide you with the position of enemy aircraft relative to your position, if you are close enough.
TAB 4 menu gives you access to 'refuel and rearm.'
To use ' refuel and rearm'......undamaged aircraft must be stopped at an airfield, with engine, magnetos, and fuel cocks switched off.
Army Blue
Tuesday 13 August 1940.
Mission Overview:
Comrades since early this morning we have engaged all our forces in the battle in order to break the resistance of the RAF.
The Adlerangriff continues and our bombers are dropping their bombs all over southern England!
It seems obvious that the British government and their damn Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, are not yet ready to negotiate with us.
Let us show these Englanders that, for them, there is no other option, or they will have to capitulate unconditionally!!!
Your mission is to escort the last two raids of the day.
1. Fighters must rendezvous at 16.35 with the He 111 H-2 of 1./KG 4, above Boulogne (CA.38) at an altitude of 7300 meters. They will then escort them to and from their targets in Kent.
2. Additional fighters will rendezvous at 16.40 with a second group, comprised of Ju 87 'Stuka' dive bombers of II./St.G 1, at 4000 meters above Boulogne (CA.38) Fighters will escort the Stukas to their targets and, again, until their return to France.
Organize close escort above the bombers!
As Colonel Adolph Galland once, said this makes you 'a dog on a leash' but close escort is still absolutely necessary!
Remember: If you fail to rendezvous with the bombers, they will be unescorted and vulnerable over England and you will be solely responsible for the fate of your comrades!
Some fighter patrols will nevertheless be able to patrol above the bomber's objectives to deny the sky to defending RAF pilots.
3. Fighters will organize patrols from Littlestone (BS.45) to Ramsgate (BY.53) and to the south east suburbs of London. (BE.51)
1. Many merchant ships are docked in Rochester Harbor. Sink them and destroy the storage buildings of the Port (BL.53).
Other Targets:
a, St.Michaels tank factory (BO.46)
b, Chelmsford oxygen factory (BK.60)
c, Sittingbourne tire factory (BO.52)
d, Military camp (BP.52)
2. Radar stations at Dover (BX 48), Rye (BQ 44), Dunkirk (BR 51) and Canewdon (BO.58).
Available aircraft:
Bf 109 E1, E3, E4
II /JG 52 at Coquelle (CE 43).
I /JG 51 at Saint Iglevert (CD 42).
I /JG 26 at Audembert (CC 42).
II /JG 26 at Marquise (CC 41).
I /JG 53 at Sempy (CF 33).
Bf 110 C2, C4, C4B, C7
III /ZG 76 at Boulogne (CA 38).
Ju 87 B-2
IV.(St)/LG1 at Oye-plage (CH.44)
Ju 88 A-1/ He 111 H-6
I./KG3 at Tramecourt (CJ.33)
An airspawn is available above Neufchatel-Hardelot (CB.36) at 7300 meters for He 111 H-2 pilots who wish to join the heavy bomber raid.
Rendezvous at 16.35 with the He 111 H-2 of 1./KG 4, above Boulogne (CA.38).
Radar Menus
TAB 7 1 can provide you with the position of enemy aircraft relative to your position, if you are close enough.
TAB 4 menu gives you access to 'refuel and rearm.'
To use ' refuel and rearm'......undamaged aircraft must be stopped at an airfield, with engine, magnetos, and fuel cocks switched off.
For the Glory of the Fuhrer and Fatherland....FORWARD!
Last edited by OBT~Polak; Nov-23-2023 at 21:00.
Reconnaissance photos for bomber pilots coming soon![]()
Last edited by ATAG_Noofy; Nov-13-2023 at 23:09.
Gigabyte Z390 UD | i7 9700K @3.60GHz | 16.0 GB | Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
TM Warthog HOTAS | Saitek pro rudder pedals | TrackIR 5 | TeamSpeak 3.3.2 | TS Notifier 1.6.0h
Still no Spit IIa, even if they were available since June ...
Polak you are a wonderfully mad individual! You filled the map with things that burn and it's gonna be glorious!!!
Visual brief below:
Adlertag #3.pdf
I couldn't find where to put the recon raid with the two Do-17s so I didn't. I didn't understand where they're coming from or where they're at so I chose to omit them rather than point people in the wrong direction.
Unnamed airfields are not available for spawn but are available for landing
Green circle around airfield means fighters available
Blue circle around airfield means bombers available
Compass dial on airfields is aligned with the middle of the longest runway (zoom in to see the numbers)
Red icons are stuff the blues have to destroy
Blue icons are stuff the reds have to destroy
See you there![]()
Oops I forgot about the hires version. My bad!
If it's still too small I could upload the "I-lack-common-sense version" that I use but it's almost 100MB. Still, if you also lack common sense I could share it![]()
SECONDARY OBJECTIVE (Blue Bomber pilots):
Reconnaissance photos
1. Many merchant ships are docked in Rochester Harbor. Sink them and destroy the storage buildings of the Port (BL.53).
a, St.Michaels tank factory (BO.46)
b, Chelmsford oxygen factory (BK.60)
c, Sittingbourne tire factory (BO.52)
d, Military camp (BP.52)
2. Radar stations at Dover (BX 48), Rye (BQ 44), Dunkirk (BR 51) and Canewdon (BO.58).
1. Two reconnaissance Dornier Do 17s are heading towards our coast
Last edited by OBT~Polak; Nov-23-2023 at 20:47.
Your mission is to escort the last two raids of the day (Blue pilots)
Intercept these two German raids before they can drop their bombs (Red pilots)
He 111 H-2 from I./KG 4
Ju 87 'Stuka' dive bombers from II./St.G 1
Saturday = Boo = working every Saturday
Maybe next time.
Last edited by Dazza; Nov-28-2023 at 15:33.
Just trying to mobilize a few of our JG4 pilots. See you in the skies...![]()
Last edited by JG4_Qetzalcoatl; Dec-01-2023 at 13:35.
Great news to see the guys from JG 4 joining the mission
The OBTs will try to intercept the HE 111 raid...
We hoped to see you there
And big thank you again for participating in the event!!!![]()
I was planning to join the He 111 raid in a He 111 from one of the air spawns.
Could be fun to try to stick to the formation and back...
However it would help to know what our bombing target(s) will be?
If this is an information that should be kept secret from the Reds, perhaps you can send it to me in PM?
Gigabyte Z390 UD | i7 9700K @3.60GHz | 16.0 GB | Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
TM Warthog HOTAS | Saitek pro rudder pedals | TrackIR 5 | TeamSpeak 3.3.2 | TS Notifier 1.6.0h
TONIGHT, December 2nd...(!!!)
(Don't just stand there......get one up!') LoL!
20.00 GMT
North Africa, RAF Siwi North, 06.45
'Full power!' roared Snapper, grunting with satisfaction as he felt the Wellington's two Pegusus power plants thrust the aircraft forward against its chocks.
'Full power, Skip!' confirmed Little Bill, scrutinising dials and needles and bracing himself against the colossal din. After a few moments of careful checks, listening and...pure gut feeling, Bill confirmed what the whole crew.....well, nearly the whole crew......already knew.
'Waaaal, she's doing just fine,' Skip, drawled Bill, 'everything's just where it should be! She's tight as a drum!'
'So.....!' said Snap,' grimacing with scarcely controlled impatience, 'where the bloody hell is he?'
'Jack, Sir? Er....I really have no idea, Skip,' began Bill. He had no wish to 'drop Jack in it' but then again...they were in a bit of a fix.
'So...the flak's about to hit the fan in Blighty.....might even be tonight,' snapped Snapper to the whole crew in general...'and we're stuck here for the lack of a rear gunner who's gone bloody walk about. Somebody must know something.....?'
From the wireless position, Hegs cautiously ventured.......
'Er.....Jack told me that Little Jack..... had an assignation with 'a dusky maiden at the back of the Souk'. He was muttering something about 'mixing it up with Sandpit Sal?'
'I'll give him Little Jack!' roared Snap, before adding, 'ok, Bill! We're stuck might as well shut her down........!
The Sahara, Oudjaflip Wadi Wadi, an oasis 110 miles S.E. of Siwi North
Jack had only the faintest recollection of where he was..or how he had got there. Last thing he definitely remembered was staring at the very promising decollatage of 'Sandpit Sal' in that dingy, dusty room, somewhere off the main street of the Souk. He was just about to 'get stuck in'...before Little Jack beat him to it.....when everything had gone very black.
Coming to, Jack became aware that his arms seemed to be tied behind him and squinting around, began to slowly take note of his surroundings. He found himself in a very large and luxurious tent, strewn with rich tapestries and bedecked with curtains and soft cushions. To the side was a largish and very ornate table covered in a smashing spread: plates of chicken legs...rice....couscous....dates and various fruits...and in the middle of the table........ a large shepherds pie!
'Zo! The Englisher is avake!'
A voice startled Jack into the realisation that he was surrounded by strangers. An imposing turbaned figure stood, arms folded, in front of him. Two tall, brutish, Bedouin warriors guarded his back.
Jack gulped! This didn't look so good...and where the hell was Little Jack when you needed him?
Bending down, his face very close to Jack's, the Bedouin Chief snarled: 'You have compromised my daughter's blameless reputation and you must pay! To think she was destined to marry Shiek Mustapha Qwap and was worth forty camels. Now she is worth..... but half a donkey!'
Jack was just reflecting that perhaps half a donkey was not really worth anything at all, when the two brutes behind suddenly picked him up and dumped him unceremoniously, on the table. Chicken legs flew in all directions! Couscous splattered the carpets....... and Jack had the uncomfortable feeling that he was sitting in the middle of a very large Shepherd's Pie!
At a nod from the Bedouin Chief, his two warriors flourished a pair of vicious, curved knives and leveled them somewhere below Jack's belly button. Realising that his future ambitions with 'Sandpit Sal,' 'Lamplight Lil' and even 'Big Hilda' were about to be 'cut short,' Jack shouted with all the desperation he could muster:
'But oive got a chitty!'
The Bedouin Chief stopped, momentarily taken aback by Jack's thick oirish brogue, and then recovering quickly, remarked...... 'Yes for you the day is...shitty!' he oiled, with eyes that glinted with malice.
'No!' shouted Jack, 'oive got a Goolie Chit, don't yer know!'
With that the two ruffians suddenly threw down their knives with disgust. Their frustration was palpable as they both complained.......
'Not that old Goolie Chit wheeze again! It's no fun being a Bedouin bandit anymore!' they complained..... and took to chewing disconsolately on a couple of chicken legs.
'And where IS..... this goolie chit?' snarled the Chief, who had not quite given up on 'the fun' yet.
'Ah! Well......begorra!' began Jack, playing for time. 'Yer see, oi actually don't have it...not on me, personally, you see. Oi gave it to Little Jack......for safe keeping, loike!'
Without a word, the two Bedouin brutes threw down their chicken legs, picked up their curved blades and with big smiles on their dusky faces........ advanced on Jack's goolies!
Is Jack about to be separated from his goolies? Will the chitty be found in time?
Will Snapper and the 'Elites' return to Blighty in time for Adlertag 3? Very doubtful! So....
It's down to YOU! The ravening hourdes of Blues are warming their engines......Noofy, JG 4, Bondi....9./JG 52....Starik....Rostic.....and all the other blue Aces are plotting and scheming!
Tonight.....we Reds will foil their
ADLERTAG MISSION 3, 20.00 GMT, AXIS V ALLIES See you all at Dispersal!
Last edited by ATAG_Marlow; Dec-02-2023 at 11:04.
Only a few hours left before the battle begins, gentlemen
Don't forget to take as many tracks and screenshots as possible of your aerial combats and your bombings, so that I can debrief the mission.
Thank you in advance to all participants, do not hesitate to come and debrief here after the battle, if I can improve the following missions I will do so with great pleasure.
We will be able to make a first assessment of the battle on the evening of August 13, 1940 after mission #3, once again do not hesitate to come and give your opinion.
Don't forget the most important thing for tonight, keep an eye on your wingman and
My debrief:
Grand show.
Was playing the role of a lone Wolf, or maybe Fox, or better yet Lonely Dog up there... Took off from Croydon. In a Hurricane.
Went over the channel, south of English point. Watched the contrails up there. Ignored those. Yeah, in a Hurricane.
Found a lone He111 that was a bit lower, attacked it, killed its pilot - but it wounded me heavily. I crash landed somewhere north of Hastings, but survived, in a Hurriwreck.
Took off from Croydon once more. In a Hurricane.
Went towards Biggin Hill, as there were Stuka's reported there.
Never see those. Instead, I saw contrails up above, that kinda dissapeared next. And suddenly, tracers were zipping past - for sure a 109.
Now that was not a clever pilot, as well, I threw everything in one corner to evade his buwwets, and it worked. But he decided to stay low, did not go boom backup there. After I had done a right hand throw moving into a left hand one, I saw him in at my 10, him being in a right hand turn... yep, his 109 crossed my gunsight at the moment my guns were firing. A yellow nosed 109 turned into a bright orange one. On fire. I've never seen so few 303 bullets cause that much daimlerage
Landed at Gravesend.
Took off from Canterbury, in a Hurricane.
Climbed out to altitude, went to Hawinge to help out, but arrived way too late. Bimbled out over the Channel a bit, meeting up with a flippin' Spit (literally lol) got shot at by a 109 I evaded and either could not catch him, evaded him successfully, or he ran away. Or I ran away.
Headed north as there was talk of enemy bomber over Northchurch.
Attacked a bomber that was attacked by a Spitfire that got hit in the radiators... got hits on it and it was last seen heading down down down...
Heading south, towards Kent. Ah, oopsie, cooking da Merlin - water at 139 Celsius.
Ended up dead sticking it at Manston, just managed to use the hand pump in time to get the gears down sufficiently to land on it.
Close to perfection this.
Ran smooth all of the time.
Just one suggestion for improvement: Gravesend should have Hurricanes for spawn.
(Oh, one more suggestion: All bases should have Hurricanes!)
Loved it.
Thanks !
Lovely stuff Polak, to me you're a genuine CloD event scripting wizzard!!! Great touch with the AI 109s patroling the coast they really pulled attention away from the main raid. It was spot on and very very immersive.
This time I managed to get 1-2 sometimes 4 fellow Spits with me for almost every single sortie. That was a very nice and cozy feeling. Thank you gentlemen for flying with me to our deaths
@Noofy: Sorry for the ram!!! I pulled up too late and made sweet sweet love with your Heinkel. I did not have the intention to collide with you but unfortunately I didn't have the skill to anticipate or avoid it either.
About 2 hours into the event I flew over the objectives south of Eastchurch and either I was looking in the wrong place or we did a fairly decent job at defending those.
Great event part four can't come soon enough!
Immersive mission. Constant fighting starting at French Point outbound to London and back to France over the Channel. Looks like great fun for all. Salute to the brave Spitfire pilot who tried to reach Eastchurch with a dead engine. Reckognized it in the last moment and avoided shooting and a collision. See you all the next time!![]()
My briefing...
Spawned in my trusty 109E4, my old workhorse from back in the day. Crashed on takeoff.
Spawned again in my trusty 109E4, my old workhorse from back in the day. Opened the oil rad in the oposite direction (closed it) and cooked my engine.
Spawned again in my trusty 109E4, my old workhorse from back in the day. Opened the oil rad in the correct direction but forgot about the water rad. cooked my engine.
Spawned again in my trusty 109E4, my old workhorse from back in the day. Finally take off, climb to meet the bombers, got shot at by a spit but not much damage. Kept flying to England with the bombers, ran out of gas and had to fly back home. Never say another spit.
That said, it was great to fly again. Thanks for the event!
Gigabyte Z390 UD | i7 9700K @3.60GHz | 16.0 GB | Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
TM Warthog HOTAS | Saitek pro rudder pedals | TrackIR 5 | TeamSpeak 3.3.2 | TS Notifier 1.6.0h
Thanks for organizing this event![]()
I had a couple of exciting sorties in a spitfire yesterday. Here are some screenshots.
atag-event02.12.23 Screenshot1.jpg
Hat's off again to Polak and the OBT boys for providing us with another crackin' evening of entertainment!
There's nothing quite like a full server - and the knowledge that every bod out there is trying to kill you - to put a smile on your face. It's so....very invigorating!
I took off with Snapper, Andy, Yo and a whole lot of Spitfires from Manston. Our plan was to move south as fast as possible and try and pick up the bombers before they dropped their ordinance. We were reasonably successful in that we found the Bombers just off shore Boulogne, moving north west. Unfortunately, their escort found us, too, and WHAT an impressive sight they were! I was thinking how well the Server stood up to handling so many aircraft? I saw no warping...nothing untoward at all. Just a mass of aircraft moving towards Dungeness! Awesome!
I homed in on a bomber as fast as I could. I knew that the 109's behind would be following us in, hoping to catch us 'on the job' and it was going to be a race to see if we could hit the bombers before our aircraft were attacked. Of course, the question we attempt to take out the escort and THEN deal with the bombers...never really applied. There just weren't enough of us to do both jobs. I silently hoped that Polak and the OBT boys would arrive soon from Kenley in their Hurricanes but until they did...I'd best get 'stuck in!'
As I got closer to the bombers, I realised that it was going to be impossible to avoid return fire from gunners either side of my chosen victim. Grit yer teeth and 'hope for the best' was my motto as I opened fire! I scored hits....lots of 'em...but this particular Heinkel showed no signs of giving in. As expected, my aircraft was hit by return fire and...much worse...cannon fire from a 109 closing from behind. My engine spluttered immediately and I turned away towards English point, managing to exhaust all my ammo on various Heinkels that I passed. Bits flew off all of them and I know that my first victim, who I really peppered, eventually went down giving me 69% of a kill.
I successfully dead sticked into Littlestone but as I descended I constantly turned my head to watch the awesome air battle over my left shoulder, as the massive fleet of red and blue aircraft flew on north west.
Later, having taken off from Biggin 'on the Bump' Hill, in a new Spitfire, I was chasing Ju 87's when a pilot called TC asked for help with Team Speak. I was just typing in the Chat Bar, trying to help the poor chap out, when suddenly.......... the screen went black! Just like that!
There's a poor chap trying to help a fellow you do...and another chap shoots and kills him! I that really cricket?
A moment later a message came up in the Chat window: 'That berk, Marlow has just been killed by JG 4 Ouetzalcoatl! Serves him right! That'll teach him to be typing during an Event!' Ha ha!
Full disclosure: I know that in real life Quetzalcoatl is a thoroughly 'good egg'......and a very decent chap, to boot! This was amply proven last night when he wrote a very polite and understanding chat message to a Red pilot who may have collided with him....some sort of problem! I say this to quash any nasty rumours circulating that I might have said: I'll bl**dy murder him next Event! LoL!
I look forward to Polak's assessment of Adlertag 3 later. It seemed to me that we Reds gave a reasonably good account of ourselves...especially where it comes down to hitting the Bombers. As Chung would be good to know what Objectives in England were damaged, and if so, whether this related to any sort of win. I think overall we Reds had the simpler task: i.e. just knock down as many Bombers as possible! Whilst the Blues had to defend their Bombers, whilst warding off Red attacks to the Escort...and possibly flying Bombers themselves. I mean...where do you start? (Thinking about it...I'd probably 'ask Noofy! Ha ha!)
Crackin' night! I'm already looking forward to Adlertag 4! Salute!![]()