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Thread: My live debut

  1. #1
    ATAG Member ATAG_Laser's Avatar
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    My live debut

    Hi all,
    As many of you know I've been learning to play guitar for the last four years which has been taking up most of my spare time leaving little time for flying cliffs, which, again, as many of you would know I have struggled to get to grips with and I think it's fair to say I have been beaten by the steep learning curve.

    Anyway, back to guitar. I spent the first three years learning using justinguitar and regular guidance and support from Marlow, playing on my own until eventually getting together with Marlow for a face to face Jam last year.

    Not long after that I joined a newly formed music group in my village and once a week I have been playing rock and pop covers with them.

    Two days ago I finally got to play onstage with the group, my first ever 'gig' with an audience. I was quite nervous but once I got going I got into it and absolutely loved it. I made a few mistakes, (we all did) but I don't think anyone noticed.

    Here are a few video's of our performance (I'm far left hiding behind the music stand)

    Intel i5-2500 CPU @3.30GHZ Quad core , NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti , 8GB RAM , Windows 10 pro 64-Bit, ASUS VS 278 27" Monitor , Microsoft Sidewinder 2 Joystick

    Saitek pro Flight Yoke, quadrant and rudder pedals

    PS3 eye Head Tracker using Trackhat software. Secondary Head Tracker , Ed Tracker

  2. #2
    Public Relations ATAG_Marlow's Avatar
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    Re: My live debut

    That's one hell of an achievement, Lase, and I bet it brought you massive satisfaction! Who said 'you 'can't get' none?

    Well done, Mate! Keep on Rockin!'

  3. #3
    Admin ATAG_Snapper's Avatar
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    Re: My live debut

    That is one tight group - very solid. Congrats, Lase!

    HP Omen Laptop 15, AMD Ryzen 5 5600H 16 GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU 6 GB VRAM Win 11 64 bit 22H2 (KB5020044), Nvidia GeForce Driver ver 527.56, TrackIR 5, Gear Falcon Trim Box, Gear Falcon Throttle Quadrant, TM16000 joystick, TM Warthog HOTAS, CH Quadrant, Saitek Pro Combat rudder pedals
    VR: None
    Installation path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover Blitz

  4. #4
    Supporting Member IIJG27Rich's Avatar
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    Re: My live debut

    Clap clap clap clap clap WTG


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