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Thread: Adlertag #6 Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 20h00 GMT on the ATAG Axis vs Allies Server

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    Admin ATAG_Snapper's Avatar
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    Exclamation Adlertag #6 Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 20h00 GMT on the ATAG Axis vs Allies Server

    Adlertag #6: Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 20h00 GMT on the ATAG Axis vs Allies Server

    Alright, pilots: Attention!!!!

    Another onslaught on Southern England is about to begin. Below are briefings for both RAF (Army Red) and Luftwaffe (Army Blue) pilots. Plan your strategy now, for there will be no time to do so when the green flares for take off are fired on Saturday, March 2!!!!!

    Note: this event is available for Cliffs of Dover Blitz and Cliffs of Dover Blitz + Tobruk players. All are welcome to join us!

    There will be an encore of this event on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 20h00 GMT on the ATAG Axis vs Allies Server for:

    1. Those who couldn’t join us on Saturday, March 2,
    2. Those who did really well on Saturday and wish to repeat their success,
    3. Those who got slaughtered on Saturday and wish to repeat their utter failure
    4. Everyone else is welcome, too!

    Army Red
    Thursday 15 August 1940.
    11h00 in the morning.
    Gentlemen, this is the third day of the final offensive launched by the Germans on our motherland.
    It seems clear now that the Luftwaffe is throwing all its forces into the battle, our military and civilian infrastructure have already suffered greatly.
    But according to our information the Luftwaffe suffers even more!
    You must immediately return to combat and shoot down as many enemy aircraft as possible!
    Our radar stations have detected 2 German raids in formation over France.
    The enemy bombers and their escort fighters will probably try to regroup above Pas de Calais.
    The first raid is currently regrouping in the Dunkerque sector (CL.46) at high altitude at around 20,000 feet.
    The second arrives from the French interior, it will be in the Wissan sector (CB.42) in about an hour at 12.00 Hrs at approximately 10,000 feet.
    Intercept these two German raids before they can drop their bombs.
    Stop them before they can reach the coast.
    Organize coastal patrol and interception raids over the Channel.
    Protect all airfields between Littlestone(BS 45), Croydon (BC 52) and Ramsgate (BX 52).

    Provide aerial cover above:
    Dover radar station (BX.48)
    Rye radar station (BQ.44)
    Dunkirk radar station (BR.51)
    Merchant ships in Folkestone harbor (BX.47)
    Tilbury docks (BJ.54)
    Keep one thing in mind, a pilot alone is a dead pilot! Stay grouped around your leader, keep an eye on your wingman and dive into the enemy when you are sure to have the advantage. Return alive and, if possible, with your plane ready to take off again immediately! The Germans have decided to impose on us a war of attrition where each aircraft and each pilot is a precious resource.

    Available aircraft:
    Spitfire Ia, Spitfire Ia (100oct):
    No 266 squadron at Eastchurch (BQ 53).
    No 603 squadron at Hornchurch (BH 56).
    No 72 squadron at Biggin hill (BF 51).
    Hurricane (DH 5-20 100oct), Hurricane I (Rotol 100oct):
    No 615 squadron at Kenley (BD 51).
    No 501 squadron at Rochester (BL.52)
    No 501 squadron at Canterburry (BU.50)
    No 605 at Croydon (BC 52).
    The radar menu TAB 7 1 gives you the position of enemy planes relative to your position if you are close enough.
    TAB 4 menu gives you access to 'refuel and rearm.'
    To use 'refuel and rearm'......undamaged aircraft must be stopped at an airfield, with engine, magnetos, and fuel cocks switched off.

    Army Blue
    Thursday 15 August 1940.
    11h00 in the morning.
    Comrades, it's the third day of our final assault on England, the enemy is already on their knees, it's time to deliver the coup de grace!
    Since the United Kingdom refuses to accept defeat and negotiate the peace we offer, the unnecessary death and destruction to come will be its responsibility!!!
    Operation Seelow and the invasion of England is near, the orders are clear, the RAF must be destroyed on the ground and in the air so that our invasion forces can cross the Channel!!!

    PRIORITY OBJECTIVES (Fighter pilots):
    You must plan to escort the two bomber raids of the day.

    You have a rendez vous at 11h25 in the morning with the first group above Dunkerque (CL.46) at 6000 meters, some Do 17 from I./KG3.
    You have a rendez vous at 11h55 in the morning with the second group above Wissant (CB.42) at 4000 meters, some Ju 87 Stukas from II/StG1.
    Escort them over Kent, then to their return to France!!!
    If you miss the rendez vous with the bombers, they will leave unescorted over England and you will be solely responsible for the fate of your comrades.
    You will have to organize a close escort above the bombers! As Colonel Adolph Galland said it makes you a dog on a leash but it is absolutely necessary!
    Some fighter patrols will nevertheless be able to go above the objectives to deny access to RAF pilots.
    Organize patrols from Littlestone (BS.45) to Ramsgate (BY.53) to the south east suburbs of London (BE.51)
    Small groups of Erpr.GR.210 fighter bombers will attempt attacks at very low altitudes to avoid being detected by British radar. If you see them on the way back, don't hesitate to cover them.

    SECONDARY OBJECTIVES (Bomber pilots):
    Merchant ships and storage sheds in Tilbury docks (BJ.54)
    Linford ball bearing manufacturer (BK.55)
    Maidstone Bedford trucks manufacturer (BL.50)
    Southend on Sea oil storage (BO.56)
    Merchant ships in Folkestone harbour (BX.47)
    A Royal Navy submarine has been sighted north of Eastchurch heading east: sink him!

    Available aircraft:
    Bf 109 E1, E3, E4
    II /JG 52 at Coquelle (CE 43).
    I /JG 51 at Saint Iglevert (CD 42).
    I /JG 26 at Audembert (CC 42).
    II /JG 26 at Marquise (CC 41).
    I /JG 53 at Sempy (CF 33).

    Bf 110 C2, C4, C4B, C7
    III /ZG 76 at Boulogne (CA 38).
    Ju 87 B-2
    IV.(St)/LG1 at Oye-Plage (CH.44)
    Ju 88 A-1
    I./KG3 at Tramecourt (CJ.33)

    The radar menu TAB 7 1 gives you the position of enemy planes relative to your position if you are close enough.
    TAB 4 menu gives you access to 'refuel and rearm.'
    To use 'refuel and rearm'......undamaged aircraft must be stopped at an airfield, with engine, magnetos, and fuel cocks switched off.

    HP Omen Laptop 15, AMD Ryzen 5 5600H 16 GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU 6 GB VRAM Win 11 64 bit 22H2 (KB5020044), Nvidia GeForce Driver ver 566.36, TrackIR 5, Gear Falcon Trim Box, Gear Falcon Throttle Quadrant, TM16000 joystick, TM Warthog HOTAS, CH Quadrant, Saitek Pro Combat rudder pedals
    VR: None
    Installation path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover Blitz

  2. #2
    Supporting Member Amarok's Avatar
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    Re: Adlertag #6 Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 20h00 GMT on the ATAG Axis vs Allies Serve

    Moin comrades,

    I will be there!
    Gruß Amarok

  3. #3
    Admin ATAG_Snapper's Avatar
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    Re: Adlertag #6 Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 20h00 GMT on the ATAG Axis vs Allies Serve

    Almost forgot!!!!

    Many, many thanks to Polak and the OBT~ boys for this 6th event of their fantastic Adlertag series. One of my favourite “jobs” is running a quick check of the mission on the server to ensure it loads and launches OK. The toughest part is convincing Mrs Snapper that “this is very important and vital work that I’m doing here!”

    Last edited by ATAG_Snapper; Feb-19-2024 at 17:15.

    HP Omen Laptop 15, AMD Ryzen 5 5600H 16 GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU 6 GB VRAM Win 11 64 bit 22H2 (KB5020044), Nvidia GeForce Driver ver 566.36, TrackIR 5, Gear Falcon Trim Box, Gear Falcon Throttle Quadrant, TM16000 joystick, TM Warthog HOTAS, CH Quadrant, Saitek Pro Combat rudder pedals
    VR: None
    Installation path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover Blitz

  4. #4
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    Re: Adlertag #6 Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 20h00 GMT on the ATAG Axis vs Allies Serve

    Quote Originally Posted by ATAG_Snapper View Post

    .... The toughest part is convincing Mrs Snapper that “this is very important and vital work that I’m doing here!”

    Yes! Make sure she respects your vitals!
    Good work.

    Principle skinner

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    Re: Adlertag #6 Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 20h00 GMT on the ATAG Axis vs Allies Serve

    What a nice way of starting spring!

    March 1st is hers March 2nd is MINE!!!

    Visual brief below

    Better resolution here:


    Unnamed and gray airfields are not available for spawn but are available for landing

    Green circle around airfield means fighters available

    Blue circle around airfield means bombers available

    Orange circle around airfield means fighter bombers available

    Compass dial on airfields is aligned with the middle of the longest runway (zoom in to see the numbers)

    Red icons are stuff the blues have to destroy

    Blue icons are stuff the reds have to destroy

    Attached Files Attached Files


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