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Thread: Dora vs Jug

  1. #1
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    Dora vs Jug

    So I was curious about the new sounds in the Dora.

    I probably have less than 40 minutes total in the Dora, I don’t fly the German stuff a lot, and the Dora I fly least of all.

    But I wanted to try the new sounds and also the improved performance from the last update.

    So a simple dogfight. Me in the Dora vs Ace AI P47,( the P47 AI being just terrible in general in air to air combat. )

    The first round ended before the 3 minute mark as we ended up nose to nose with some old fashioned jousting. His 8 .50 calls missed, while my 20 and 13mm hit. And he caught fire.

    Second round though, a long 11 minute dogfight, I got in a lucky hit while we were still high up and seemed to have put the AI on the defensive. Like all WW2 DCS dogfights with the AI we ended up low and in a turn fight, exactly what the P47 and Dora isn’t made for.

    After that first hit the P47 just couldn’t get a good angle on me, he was close once or twice. And I did lose track of him a few times but the AI never took advantage of it. After several “1 circle” rounds my guns finally connected to the P47 and it was set ablaze.

    Had I been fighting the Spit or P51 AI, I would have been dead long ago, but the Jug is the allied version of the Anton, just terrible AI. (even for DCS)

    Noticeably better performance, very smooth down low over Caen.

    Win10 64. i7 13700kk @5.2ghz, 64gb DDR5 Ram, Asus GTX3090 24GB, Bruner Force feedback base with virpil stick, winwing super tarus thorttle, winwing combat and takeoff panel, MFG pedals. HP Reverb G2 v1. Nvida Driver 511.23

  2. #2
    ATAG Member ATAG_Headshot's Avatar
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    Re: Dora vs Jug

    The Jug in DCS can give you a NASTY surprise in multiplayer if the person loads up for air to air. Take limited fuel, and as long as the water injection holds out it'll fight even on the deck quite well. I've gotten quite a few kills in it because people simply underestimate it and don't fly as smart. I've also sadly been shot up a few times because I've gone "it's just a Jug" and committed to a turn fight when usually I wouldn't have.
    Spec: Intel i9 11900k overclocked at 5.3 GHz, Asus Maximus XIII motherboard, 64 GB high speed DDR4 RAM, ROG Strix RTX 4090, M.2 HD, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS with center stick and extension, Saitek Pro Combat Rudder Pedals, Track IR 5 or HP Reverb G2, CH Throttle Quadrant, LG UltraGear 48GQ900 monitor.

  3. #3
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    Re: Dora vs Jug

    Quote Originally Posted by ATAG_Headshot View Post
    The Jug in DCS can give you a NASTY surprise in multiplayer if the person loads up for air to air. Take limited fuel, and as long as the water injection holds out it'll fight even on the deck quite well. I've gotten quite a few kills in it because people simply underestimate it and don't fly as smart. I've also sadly been shot up a few times because I've gone "it's just a Jug" and committed to a turn fight when usually I wouldn't have.

    The Jug in the hands of a good pilot can indeed do well. Sadly the Jug AI is terrible or potentially not terrible but the P51, Spitfire and K4 Ai is just insanely unrealistic.
    So the more non-insane AI in the Jug, A8 and D9 just seems bad in comparison.
    Win10 64. i7 13700kk @5.2ghz, 64gb DDR5 Ram, Asus GTX3090 24GB, Bruner Force feedback base with virpil stick, winwing super tarus thorttle, winwing combat and takeoff panel, MFG pedals. HP Reverb G2 v1. Nvida Driver 511.23


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