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Thread: Team Fusion Patch FAQ's - PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING 'A BUG'! Cheers

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    Ace Mysticpuma's Avatar
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    Team Fusion Patch FAQ's - PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING 'A BUG'! Cheers

    Please note this is not a discussion thread! Over the last few days a few repetitive questions have happened and a couple of useful other one's. an

    This first post will slowly expand if more questions that are seen as useful to other members are answered. Again, this is not a discussion thread just a thread with answers to common issues. Thanks for understanding and should you have an issue that has been resolved and may be of use (and not already mentioned in the first post) to other members, add it here and I'll add it to the first post of the thread.

    Cheers, MP


    Frequently asked Questions that have been asked many times by the Community regarding Patch v4.00 installation and other issues.

    I'd like to install Patch v4.00, but I don't even have Patch v1.00, v2.00, v3.00 or v3.01, could you tell me where I can find them please?

    Firstly, there never was a Patch v1.00 or v2.00, the naming convention occurred during development of the patches by Team Fusion. So the starting point is v3.00. Please visit this thread and then come back here to see exactly how to install them;

    Patch v3.00 is here:

    Patch v3.01 (hotfix) is here:

    How do I install Patch v.4.00 (or earlier patches) into my original version of Cliffs of Dover?

    All details about how to install the Mod are answered in this thread where you can find both English and German tutorials:

    When I try to install the patch I get the following message; "Folder does not contain the pre-requisite MOD version". What causes this?

    This is because the folder you are trying to install Patch v4.00 into, is not the correct one OR you haven't updated it to Patch v3.01. Please refer to the first part of the FAQ to learn how to install the patches and where to.

    I am noticing various graphics issues that weren't there with patch v3.01, any ideas?

    It's important to remember that when installing the latest patch, it will be adding new effects. The main probably causing graphics issues, is that the user failed to empty the contents of the cache file. This stores the graphics settings for the modified game and if you didn't delete it before installing Patch v4.00, there's every chance you will have graphics issues.

    Please go to:

    C:\Users\(your username)\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD\cache
    and delete the contents of that folder. This fixes 99% of all graphics issues.

    I'm experiencing stutters, like micro-pauses while of playing, is something wrong with my install?

    It's not a perfect solution for all stutters, but if you've tried the solution of clearing the cache, as detailed above, there is another really great solution posted in the following thread, that details how to repair your .net install and directx. It really does work!
    The thread can be found here:

    I seem to get crashes and lots of issues with my install, help!?

    Another common issue causing lots of conflicts was a Microsoft update, called KB2670838, for details of this issue, please read this thread:

    Okay, I seem to have the patch installed and everything is working. I only came over to CloD after seeing the recent work that has been done to improve it and I'm pretty much a novice, where can I find more information about learning to fly and other beginner questions?

    We have a dedicated thread for that. You can skip the first part of it as it details how to install the Patch, but the rest of the information is perfect for your needs. Check the thread here:

    I have seen those lovely clouds in images posted on the forums, but how do I get them in my game?

    To enable extended clouds distance, add "ExtendCloudsDistance=yes" under the "[MOD]" section on the "confuser.ini" file.



    I not sure if I have a [MOD] section, how can I check?

    The confuser.ini is located in your C:\Users\(your username here)\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD folder

    Open the confuser.ini with notepad, hold down ctrl+f, that opens the find box
    type in the word "[MOD]" (without the "" marks). If you see it highlighted in the confuser.ini then just put this underneath it;


    it will now look like this in your confuser.ini


    if when you type [MOD] into the find box it isn't found, just scroll down to the bottom of the confuser.ini and under the last line, leave a space then add:


    Now close the confuser.ini and when it asks you to save, choose "Yes". You will now have the extended clouds.

    Okay, I've done that but my clouds look like they are cut in half or have 'flat tops', what did I do wrong?

    You've done nothing wrong, it's the graphics settings in your game. Go into your Video Options and click on "Show Advanced". Then change the "Land Detail" option to "High".
    The clouds are most likely going to cause a few frames-per-second loss, which is why it is recommended to turn them on only if you a reasonably powerful system. If you had your Land Detail set at anything less than "High", it's questionable whether you think it can run the detailed clouds option, but worth giving it a try?

    I'm having issues with the temperature of the Spifire 1a (100). Even with perfect trim the spit1a(100) can now only reach 290mph at sea level unboosted with 35% rad and 305mph with boost and 35% rad (then engine blows after 2 mins).?

    This is under revision along with other testing. An error that slipped through in the final patch is being dealt with, apologies for the inconvenience...we're only human!

    I have started to get a beige rectangle in the upper left corner. Is this a bug, or did I unintentionally toggle some feature?

    Hold down the Left ALT key and then left-click of mouse on the beige box (or any other window you wish to move, alter or close)

    Let go of the Alt key

    Now Right click on Beige window and you should have option to customize,delete or move the box. If you don't want it there any more, just right-click and choose 'delete', the box is now gone.

    Hey, I've seen this new zoom view feature, but I don't know how to set up keys for it?

    This feature has been added to the in-game options. Go to the main Menu, Click "Option", Click "Controls". At the top of that page is a drop-down menu, Click it and choose the "Camera Option" now you can assign a keyboard button to zoom in, and one to zoom out. The place to assign button is POV + (zoom in) and POV - (zoom out). Alternatively you can set up your joystick buttons for the zoom function if you wish to do so in this menu option.

    It's great, but the zoom is a little too fast for me, can I change it?

    Yes. Open your Confuser.ini (as detailed above for the extended clouds) and under the [MOD] section add the line " ZoomSpeed=5" (without the "" marks). If the zoom is too fast, change the number to a lower value (i.e 1,2,3 or 4) and if you want it faster change it to a higher value (6,7,8,9 or 10. 10 is the highest value you can set)

    I was looking in the confuser.ini and saw the line "UseOldHumans". What does that mean?

    It reverts some of the uniforms to vanilla/stock Clod ie no parade uniforms in the bombers

    I don't like the new tracer effects, is there any way to change them back?

    Yes, install either the stock game and you will have them just how you like them or just don't install Patch v4.00

    One thing I cannot work out is taking off in the Campaign. When I spawn as #3 on the runway in my Hurricane, all is normal except when I advance the throttle my plane noses-over with the accompanying prop strike. I have tried setting chock removal, actuating brakes, all without success. Can anyone shed light on what I am missing to get the crate rolling?

    Brakes are on by default in the hurricane for the campaign missions. You just need to press wheel brakes button once to clear it.
    To brake only left or right wheel, press "Full Wheel Brake" key and push the rudder for this side.

    In SP missions/campaigns since you spawn with engines on, brakes are on too. Same in multiplayer.
    "Full Left Wheel Brake" and Full Right Wheel Brake" is for German planes. Italian planes also use "British" system.

    Is there any chance of Occulus Rift Support?

    Our tagline is "keeping the dream alive". Of-course we will look at new technology as it becomes available, but that is all we can say at the moment. Please remember this is all done on a voluntary basis as 'a hobby'. We don't have any big studio backing the development, it's just a group of chaps from around the world, sitting at their computers like you do, but working as a team to improve the experience of the Flight Sim enthusiasts who take the time to install the Cliffs of Dover software and then our patches. We would never exclude any option, it's just a case of priority and what will benefit the majority of users. Don't give up hope though!

    Not sure if it's just me but when I am flying and get attacked, I don't hear the enemy bullets striking my aircraft?

    Currently we are investigating this. It appears some have an issue, others don't. That makes it much harder to track down. If you do have this issue, please report it in the Bug thread with (if you can) details of the soundcard or motherboard audio you use (usually Creative labs sound card or realtec Motherboard audio), the driver and also if you can remember, whether you were using teamspeak or a Microphone at the time it happend Finally whether you were online or offline. That will help.

    In previous versions you had a mod installer that enabled the Hakenkreuz (aka Swastika) but now it doesn't work. Will you have one that works in v4.00?

    Yes, please visit this thread:

    Hey this is unfair, the tracers are invisible, what's going on. I'm getting hit but don't see any tracers!?

    A question about the 'invisible' tracers that would be helpful.

    If you have this happen to you please don't just say 'invisible tracers'.

    Can you tell us if it was online or offline. Can you tell us why you think they are invisible. Enemy aircraft can have invisible tracers, or should I say 'tracerless' ammunition loadouts. If you have a trk file please post it so we can see what you saw? The 20mm ammunition in.the Luftwaffe really has a big impact .against the enemy aircraft, but it can be tracerless so you'll only feel/see an impact. If you have a screenshot that would help roo. Please understand, reporting 'invisible' tracers doesn't make sense, reporting 'tracers disappeared when near me' might be more understandable, but we need more detailed reporting to see if this is a bug or a clever load it on the side of the enemy you are facing.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    Well I like to fly the British Fighters but I seem to have lost my aiming sight. Is this a bug?

    The gunsights in the British aircraft are only visible when switched on, apparently this is how they were in real life. They are a bit blinding in low light/night. Try switching them off just before you get to firing distance as they appear to take a little while to fade out which gives you a slightly easier reticule to see the target through.

    I'm not sure if this happened with the TF patch or before it, but for some time now I have not been able to click the controls in game and have them do anything. I can hover the mouse over it, it will display its name and change the pointer icon, but when i click it nothing happens. I can however right click and get the small menu, and left click and select these things, drag around the map etc. Its really a pain to bind keys and remember them to simple things I only ever press once in a mission.

    If its happening online, make sure that "mouse view" is not enabled. If its on, you'll be able to look around by moving the mouse without holding down the middle mouse button, but you won't be able to use the clickable cockpit.
    The F10 key toggles it on and off.

    Thanks for the reply, but that fix didn't work, any other suggestions?

    Go to the Main Menu\Controls\Aircraft\Keys and look for the following input:

    "Mouse Control" is usually assigned to "Mouse Left"

    Perhaps the Mouse Control key is currently blank and you need to assign it

    To fire the guns while in a turret position go to: Controls\General

    This is usually defaulted to "Fire Current Weapon" = "Mouse Left"

    The default "Mouse Left" are assigned in Controls\ Camera for "Hold to Offset Camera"

    You need assign another key for this command or you are unable to move turret guns and fire at the same time.

    I also now have this problem, but when I looked at the key bindings ... the mouse control one is blank ... but it will not let me enter anything in there ... including left click or any keys

    Inside your Confuser.ini are all the key bindings you would set up normally in the control options menu. You can though manually assign keys in the confuser in for situations like this.

    Go into your Confuser.ini and look for the line "[HotKey BOB]

    The confuser.ini is located in your C:\Users\(your username here)\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD folder

    Look down that list of many controls and you should see a set of lines like this;

    Joystick+Key12 Joystick+Key16=autorudder_high

    If you are having an issue getting your mouse to be the 'mouse control' just copy and paste the line above (in Red) into your confuser.ini, where it is shown above.

    Whenever pilot voices load and play in game I get a small microstutter. The problem is barely noticeable but enough so to annoy me especially since I don't have this problem in any other series of games. The problem is more pronounced when a lot of voices are played like when playing a single player mission with lots of aircraft. I have fairly high spec rig so I can only suspect this is a setup problem. Can anybody here help me out?

    Currently this is a known issue and one we are keen to get to the root of. The only solution that has been currently found (though not ideal) is to disable the speech folder. This will remove ALL voices from your game though, so no friendly or enemy. You'll be relying on the onscreen messages for information. It is nice though that if you get a kill, you have to wait and see the enemy crash, rather than the Ai telling you he's been killed before there is any way of you or them knowing. So, here's the workaround.

    Go to your game install directory (not the one in MY Documents, but the one you installed the patches into) and then browse to the speech folder. By default it is here:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover\parts\bob\speech

    Inside there is a speech folder are the German and British speech samples. When any voice is loaded it is loaded from this folder. If the game can't see that folder, it won't load and play the speech files contained in it. So to disable the Pilot speech for both sides simply click on the text under the speech folder so it his highlight and add a - sign in front of the word speech. The folder should now be named -speech. The game will now no-longer load the Pilot speech and it should get rid of those stutters caused by the game loading the pilot audio. To get the voices back, just remove the - sign from the word speech so it looks like this; speech and you will have the voices back.
    If you want to be more specific, you can open the speech folder and inside are two more folders, one called 'gb' and the other 'de'. By renaming one of those folders (your choice), you can just delete the audio of the side you don't wish to hear. So naming the 'de' folder to '-de' (without the ' ' marks) will eliminate the german speech but keep the British speech only. The same principle applies to the gb folder.

    I'm enjoying your patch and it's time for me to start shooting down some Enemy Aircraft. I have a problem though. I can't work out how to change the ammunition in my guns, can you help?

    Of-course. Please follow this link to a tutorial on how to change the ammunition in all your guns (English and German versions available in linked thread):

    I was looking through some of the videos of patch v4.00 and saw that I could have a picture on the cockpit instrument panel. That looks really cool, how can I put my own choice of image there?

    No problem, check out this tutorial which will tell you how to do it:

    I'd really like to know how to change the labels/icons on the aircraft so I can identify them easier, can you help me do this?

    One of the forum users posted this great guide on how to do just that. Check it out here:

    I have Windows 8/8.1 and I just can't seem to get Cliffs of Dover working, what can I do?

    Check out this thread for a workaround that seems to do the trick

    Audio/Micro Stutters a possible fix for those who continue to have issues:

    I have just installed Windows 10 and can't seem to get the installers working, can you help?

    One of our users has posted a fix for some Windows 10 issues when installing the patch v4.3, but this may help if you have difficulty with other patches. They wrote:

    For anyone who might have the same problem as i have had, what you need to do is make sure that the boxes are checked next to both "Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation" and "Windows Communication Foundation Non-HTTP Activation" in "Windows Features"
    Last edited by Mysticpuma; Sep-16-2015 at 08:24.

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    Re: Team Fusion Patch v4.00 FAQ - PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING 'A BUG'! Cheers

    If you have a useful tip related only to Patch v4.00 that was causing you problems but you have now managed to resolve, then please post it below. This is not a discussion thread and any wandering off topic will be deleted.

    Currently we seem to be spending a lot of time answering similar questions which can now have been answered here. If you have tried every option in the above FAQ, then report the issue as a bug in the bug thread here:

    If you do post in the Bug thread, please don't say "my game has crashed, help!". We need details of when it crashed, the issue you are having, aircraft you were flying, lighting conditions, audio issues, etc, etc......details, that's what we need

    Cheers, MP

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    Re: Team Fusion Patch FAQ's - PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING 'A BUG'! Cheers

    Team+Fusion+4.0+Mod+Installer+Complete\Mod-v40\PaintSchemes\Skins\Bf-109E-3B\JG3_7.jpg was corrupt in two different loads. (one was an "All" bundle the other was the 4.0 from the main page here.)

    The installer would note the file was corrupt, give you a box with the file name, show you the expected and found crc, then stop install. The green bar would just hang, but watching Task Manager and monitoring the creation of new files showed there was no further activity.

    I deleted that file from inside the zip, re-saved the zip and it ran fine.

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    Re: unable to place object on mission builder map

    Windows 7 patch 4 installed all runs ok
    Hi guys I have a problem with my mouse which I hope you can help
    1. In mission builder I can select objects but my mouse won't place them on the map
    2.with my mouse In flight I can select and move controls but unable to view or zoom outside
    Be brill if yours advise
    Mr Rabbit

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    Re: Team Fusion Patch FAQ's - PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING 'A BUG'! Cheers

    Mr. Rabbit, re. the first question, usually you select the object from the menu, place the mouse over where you want the o ject to go and hit the 'Insert' key on the keyboard. (to rotate the object use the numberpad buttons.
    Not sure about the second point. Usually you go external, hold the mouse button down and drag the mouse backwards and forwards?

    Hope that helps if only a little, cheers, MP
    "The needs of the Flight Sim Community outweigh the needs of the one or the few"

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    Re: Team Fusion Patch FAQ's - PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING 'A BUG'! Cheers

    1.) hold ctrl and click. not sure tough, as i am not using the fmb a lot.

    2.) switch to mouse view (F10 by default). to zoom, you must set up keys in the controls-menu (FOV+ and FOV- are the commands...)
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    Re: Team Fusion Patch FAQ's - PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING 'A BUG'! Cheers

    oh, about 2.)
    external views have to be allowed by the realism settings...
    MSI GAMING G65 // i7 4770k @ 4.2GHZ // ASUS GTX 780 CUll // 8GB RAM (@1600mhz) // Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit Version
    Thrustmaster T16000 + Saitek x52 Throttle // Saitek Throttle Quadrant // MFG Crosswind Pedals // Track IR 5


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